Will i gain weight if i quit smoking? -

Friday, December 21, 2012

Will i gain weight if i quit smoking? -

i am interested in quitting ive been smoking for about 4 years and have been dieting trying to lose weight. i am not extremely overweight but could stand to loose 10-15 lbs. i have been speaking to numerous people who say if i quit smoking i will gain weight. is this true? if so what is the scientific explanation for gaining weight when quitting smoking. i am really fed up and am starting to loath the smell - taste of the cancer sticks but will be forced to keep smoking till i drop the weight i need to by the summer.
You-re going to lose weight and be more healthier, not fatter.
There are 2 problems:
1. Your taste and appetite will improve so you might be tempted to eat more - My Advice: have some self respect and don-t be greedy or pig out! Eat sensibly and healthily and get some exrecise.
2. If you substitute eating for smoking - My Advice: be self aware and recognise if you-re eating lollies or high calorific snacks as a substitute for cigerettes.
People who gain weight when the quit smoking do so because when you smoke you get used to having somthing in your mouth.it becomes habit so when you quit you dont have the cigs so you eat food instead. But, instead of eating try chewing gum that helps you quit smoking; you know nicotine gum (not too sure thats what its called).Good Luck!!

i appologize to the person who answered before me I was typing mine and i guess you submitted a little before me. and I have repetted everything you said my bad
Yes, you will gain weight when you stop smoking, and the reason is that cigs are a natural appetite suppressant. When you quit smoking, you regain some of your appetite, which will cause you to gain a modest amount of weight.

Stop smoking now. Gain the bit of weight, then work out and take it all off. It will be much easier than trying to work off the weight, stop smoking, gain the weight, and lose the weight again.
Most smokers find that they need to put something in their mouth instead of cancer sticks and usually that is food. Plus nicotine is an appetite suppressant. As long as you are conscious that this will happen you can put strategies in place to prevent weight gain. Such as having a ready supply of gum available, or keeping healthier snacks around (carrots vs candy). Also studies have proven that smokers who exercise while trying to quit will not only have a better chance of quitting but will also stave off weight gain.

I hope this helps!
Will i gain weight if i quit smoking? -