I quit smoking with the nicotine patch? -

Saturday, December 28, 2013

I quit smoking with the nicotine patch? -

I am now an ex-smoker, but still have the cravings. I have been on the patch for 3 days and it feels GREAT to breathe again, i am just worried about slipping up again and how bad I will feel...any advice from ex smokers?
I really hope that your patch quite goes well! I tried the patch and it didn-t work well for me. After about a week I was smoking again. Now I use the Electronic Cigarette, not sure if you have heard of it. I have been smoke free now for about a month or more. I do not have an urge to go back to regular smoking at all! Check out http://esmoketalk.com for others who are using it.

You can also check out http://www.njoy.com or http://www.puresmoker.com for starter kits. They are a healthy alternative to smoking. AND you can smoke them inside places that don-t allow smoking due to the fact that there is no second hand smoke
There is some info on the patch at this site http://nicorettepatch.com/2009/01/nicorette-patch.html. I never smoked but I used to chew tobacco. I quit about 11 years ago and I still have a craving every now and then to this day. I can say that I have not given in. I don;t know if it ever goes completly away, but I realize if I give in just once I may get hooked again. Good luck!
stay away from drug except for beer
I quit smoking with the nicotine patch? -