Has anyone ever tried hypnosis to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Has anyone ever tried hypnosis to quit smoking? -

It will cost 98 dollars and I am seriously thinking of trying it.
It will only work if you really want it to work.

There was one case where the hypnotist gave up on a person whom he could not hypnotise so he told the smoker, who still smokes, that he was a resistant subject.

You cannot be hypnotised against your will. You must be willing and wishing.
I have noticed with alot of things that if you really want to do it you can and on your own. Well maybe with a little help just pray that God will help you quit and just believe and stay strong and you can do it with gods help.
Smoking is expensive, quitting is free
I smoked for many many years, I quit cold turkey.
It was not difficult at all. I did it ,,,, You can you
Spend your $98 on something of value
My sister in law tried it before it was legal in the USA.. she went to Canada... She is still smoking. She said for a few weeks she smoked less... but it did not make her quit... and eventually shortly she was up to her normal amount again... I don-t know if that is just how it happened for her.. maybe it works for others.. but I personally would not recommend it!

Hmmmm.... I am reading some other posts... My sister in law didn-t get a colored card... maybe there are different hypnosis techniques?? Or maybe what my sister in law had in Canada is different then what they do now.. I don-t know....
MANY people have tried it. It requires motivation and I-m not sure hypnosis itself provides any additional help.
My brother-in-law tried it about 5 years ago and to this day he hasn-t smoked one cigarette. Give it a try but I will say that it works on some and not on others. He paid $100.00 for his session. And was given a colored card to where if he ever got the urge to smoke, he was to get that card out and look at it. I don-t quite understand what it has to do with helping him fight the urge, but he said that it worked.
I hope this video helps you to not smoke again

Good Luck!
My uncle was hypnotized to stop smoking and it worked. However, he said you have to really want to quit or it won-t work.
if you are a heavy smoker, why not just have a try?
I haven-t used self-hypnosis for smoking, but I have used it for weight loss and anxiety relief. I-ve seen positive results for both. At the very least, I get a great night-s sleep when I listen to them when I go to bed. They put me right to sleep! I have used audio books from

I was treated for depression by a doctor . It works only if you believe.
Give it a try..A friend of mine used it to help lose weight and it worked very well. It really helped him stop snacking and cut wayyyy back on junk food. The therapist just told him, under hypnosis, that when he ate junk it would taste awful and the more he ate the worse he would feel..it was really cool.
Hello There,
I have heard some good things about quitting with hypnosis, but I personally don-t believe that much in it. Just a matter of prefference I guess. I know hypnosis may not work for everyone. There is an all natural quit smoking program that you can try for free, you-ll find the link at the bottom of this page.

My wife smoked for over 10 years and when she found out that she was preagnant with our now newborn 3 months old daughter, she had promised me that if I found a good solution for quitting, she will try her best to kick the habit.

Well in my spare time I started researching online for quit smoking programs, meanwhile she was trying out patches and gums that you can buy at grocery stores and adventually they would not work for her.

After about a week of researching I had stumbled over a website that really impressed me on what they had to offer and that they actually say that they can almost guarantee your success, and most importantly that you can try it out for free.

The company has been around for over 20 years now and they have helped over a million smokers quit since and their kit has everything that you possibly need to help you quit smoking, I thought WoW that is impressive.

I went ahead and ordered the free trial for my wife (only paid for shipping) and she has quit smoking in just two weeks and she doesn-t want to hear about or smell another cigarette again in her life :)

Now it is up to you, but since my wife has quit, I was so happy about her success, so much so that I had built a small review site of the product to also help other people quit, you can check it out at;
if you want to find out more.
Thanks for reading my short story, I hope it helps, good luck and stay healthy.
Has anyone ever tried hypnosis to quit smoking? -