How To Stop Smoking Weed - 3 Big Reasons Youd Give Someone to Quit Smoking Weed Today? -

Friday, January 24, 2014

How To Stop Smoking Weed - 3 Big Reasons Youd Give Someone to Quit Smoking Weed Today? -

1. Smoking weed increases cancer risk, causes panic attacks - severe paranoia (including hallucinations). That-s reason enough to quit if he doesn-t want to resemble a freaked-out zombie down the line

2. Reduce dependence on illegal, painful - family-wrecking drugs. He can get into trouble with the law and cause himself - and his family - untold grief

3. Quiting will let him get back his self-esteem, moral judgment and reason-to-live by starting clean. Analyzing the emotional states that cause him to smoke will also get him to quit
because your emotional development stops from the moment you take drugs, and only continues when you stop
because it makes you more susceptible to paranoia, and other mental health issues
and finally, for many people, weed is a -gateway- drug which leads to them taking, and becoming addicted to stronger drugs.
causes parinoir
efects your health
make feel and look crap

its not a good habit u strt off on weed 1st all drug usrs do thn u gt adtd n need sumfin strngr and get hookd on coke etc...
thn it will be even hardr stop tht u cnt stop bcuz u r adictd to this..
yeah it mite seem cool but trust me u will live with regret
yo i just stopped myself. the reason i stopped where, its too expensive of a habit, its no good for your health, and it makes you stupid. overall its has its good and bad sides, but you know its up to you to find reasons to stop
See section 52, about drugs, at
How To Stop Smoking Weed - 3 Big Reasons Youd Give Someone to Quit Smoking Weed Today? -