Quit smoking? -

Friday, January 17, 2014

Quit smoking? -

i am trying to stop smoking. any good ideas?
Stop buying fags, and stop buying the cigs too! ;-) Don-t hang around with friends who smoke all the time, don-t go places where they sell cigs. Eliminate cigs from your life as much as possible in every way. Change your mental attitude of them to objects of disgust. That ought to do it.
Good luck. I tried once. It was the worst six hours of my life.

Just make sure that you are strong enough to do it. Nicotine patches are a good idea but they only work with added willpower. No willpower and you are screwed. Nicotine is a very addictive substance.
nicotine patches?
a friend of mine put up pictures of smokers- lungs all around her house - that definitely did the trick for her!

good luck with it
Give up two things at the same time, cigarettes and ... something else like chocolate, or whatever you would turn to instead of smoking. Then, when you feel bad, and you will (I smoked for 30 years before giving up 4 years ago) blame the feeling on the other item you gave up. It is like a fence between you and the ciggies. Try not to climb the fence and you will stay away from the ciggies. If it is chocs/sweets that you choose as the fence, it also saves the increased weight associated with giving up the weed. Good luck. It can be done, honestly. x
try cutting down first and changing the habitual fags like first one in the morning, keep telling yourself youll lite up in ten minutes etc...i used to smoke thirty a day im now down to eight but i dont want to give up completely, its my only pleasure
There is an all natural herbal and aromatherapy program that has worked great for people. You can get them on ebay. Just do a search for: Natural Stop Smoking Program (Herbal - Aromatherapy)You-ve got to quit, as you already know, it will kill you!
I know a friend who quit smoking b/c they saw the organs of a smoker who died from lung cancer...
Ask at your medical centre, they will have all the latest and best up to date info for you. I stopped but my brother did not, he died of cancer
Will power! It-s mind over matter, my husband has given it up and hasn-t had one in over 4 months. He got some of the pachages at the start to use if he needed them but he used one and went from there
drink more tea will help u to smoke less...that-s what i do
mayby its the sicological thought of actualy doing the act for comfort,if so,you will need to speak to a sicologist or if its just the thrill you get from smoke comming out of your mouth i would suggest nicotene gum or patches
suicide, it-s a sure way to make sure you stop smoking.
Good luck I smoke I know of a few that tried to stop with everything you can imagine and also a few that have stopped without anything if you really want to stop you will if your not sure don-t think anything will help
I know 3 people who were very very heavy smokers for years. They all read the Alan Carr book on how to stop smoking and none of them have touched a cigarette since. Apparently it-s excellent! Try it! Another idea is to visit a cardiao-thoracic intensive care unit and see what smoking has done to some of our patients! Surgeries have smoking cessation nurses who can give you advice! Maybe the new law coming in on April 2nd that will ban smoking in public places will help you! Some of my friends are hoping to give up then! (I am an ex-smoker, not just some non smoker preaching to you!)
nicorette chewing gum worked for me. been 1 year now and its a real rollercoaster ride .you gotta really want this and if you stop then have a smoke don,t think you have to start smoking again . having a smoke them first couple of weeks makes all the difference so long as your cutting down. chew as many gums as u need don,t follow the packet instructions and try and chew before u want to smoke that nails the craving before it gets to bad . down side to this is it tastes awful but u get used to it just about and you will probably get a dicky tummy. good luck man oh buy a bike thats good to see how much fitter u get each week you will be amazed
oh my god good luck
there is this a clinic in ireland, they keep you there for 3 weeks as that is how long it takes for nicotine to come out your system. but its expensive so have you tried cooking?
smoked for 20 years and managed to give up easily, i also gave up half a lung (a quite painful and degrading process) and have been unable to work for 5 months and next month i start chemo. give up now, you probably wont enjoy the two tubes you have to have stitched into your body to drain the gunk from your lungs into see through plastic jars that you carry around with you for 4 or 5 days . give up please, everyone thinks it will never happen to them but believe me it does.
Yes! I quit smoking on 6th October 1997 when I misunderstood the surgeon as I came round from gallbladder removal. I thought he said I had the symptoms of Angina - and I was so angry because I planned to retire in 1999 and so frightened I would die that I never had another cigarette. Six weeks later he told me I had the symptoms of Apnoea [Sleep deprivation] but I had already given up smoking for 6 weeks by then - and do you know I honestly don-t think about it at all now!
Nope! Sorry!
Quit smoking? -