Whats the best way to get someone to quit smoking? -

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Whats the best way to get someone to quit smoking? -

False path-lab report saying they have Lung Cancer. Even better, bribe a doctor to tell it to him in person.
Take their cigarettes. I dont know, that really isn-t a good idea. I agree with the person up top, it-s THEIR choice. There are alot of quit patches that work, but theyre expensive. Maybe talk to a doctor to get some advice...
You can-t. They have to want to quit on their own. You can refuse to be around them if you choose.
Whats the best way to get someone to quit smoking? -

How do I quit smoking? -

How do I quit smoking? -

I just got out of rehab for drugs and alcohol. Before, I wasn-t much of a smoker but once I entered rehab, I became a full blown smoker...Now I smoke almost a pack a day and I really want to quit. However, I smoke because I still get cravings for alcohol and drugs and cigarettes kinda help me...But the whole reason I quit drugs and alcohol was because I didn-t want to kill myself anymore, and I feel guilty now because I-m doing the exact same thing with cigarettes...
I think this is one of your best decisions. You must know what are the advantages of quitting:


This will keep you motivated throughout. My friend was chain smoker and he quit. He use to say, just be mentally strong and you can do it. Here are some tips that helped him:

How do I quit smoking? -

How can i quit smoking without the gum or patches? -

How can i quit smoking without the gum or patches? -

ive been smoking for a little over a year now and i already hate it. I think i have alot to live for and to die from something as stupid as smoking is not how i want to go out. They are getting more expensive im probly spending about 50$ a week on cigeretts and i have to stop, my girlfriend hates it and my family hates it but even with all these problems i still always feel i want to smoke no matter what if anyone has any tops for me help me out thanks
How to Kick the Habit

Once you know why you-re quitting, it-s time to make a plan. Set a quit date and stop buying cigarettes (as a bonus, you-ll save about $2,500 per year). Then make a list of all the things you can do when a cigarette craving strikes. These might include calling a friend, going for a walk, playing with your pet or children, cooking a meal, going shopping, washing the car or chewing gum. Anything goes if it works for you. Along with distracting yourself from your cravings, try the following natural strategies:

1) Replace -smoke breaks- -
If you smoke on breaks at work, try a different fun activity like chatting with a friend, doing a crossword on your computer or grabbing decaf coffee (to avoid jitters) or juice instead of a cigarette.

2) Sip herbal tea -
Replace your cigarettes with herbal teas. Since they don-t have caffeine, you can drink as much as you want any time of day. They also hydrate you, staving off food cravings.

3) Pop a mint -
Keep a stash of peppermints on hand. Sucking on mints keeps your mouth busy and gives you a fresh taste instead of the bad breath that comes with smoking.

4) Get acupuncture -
There is some evidence that this treatment can ease cravings to make quitting easier.

5) Try oat extract -
A study showed that 1 ml taken four times per day reduced cigarette consumption. Look for it at health and natural food stores.

6) Add up your cash -
Put the money you would be spending on cigarettes in a jar on your nightstand. A visible reminder of the dollars you can now spend on a spa treatment or a fancy dinner can be highly motivational.

7) Change up your routine -
Many smokers puff out of habit. If you know you light up every day after lunch, schedule an informal meeting with a colleague right after your lunch break. If you smoke in the car, start listening to books on tape to keep you entertained.

I hope you can adopt some of these strategies and give up smoking for good. Once you define your own personal reason for quitting, you will be unstoppable!
I used to smoke twenty a day for about 10 years but gave up when found I had to pay bills and needed to make economies. Fortunately I was a -habit- rather than an addictive smoker. I found that once I threw away all my ash trays and cigarette lighters and anything which reminded me of smoking I found I did not need it. I used no artificial aids whatsoever. Since giving up more than twenty years ago I have smoked half a cigar and one joint only.
I think you need a big shock to the system - in my case it was impending poverty, for others it might be the threat of severe illness but you need to want to do it yourself.
Get an electronic cigarette. You get to -smoke- without all the bad chemicals except nicotine. You can even get no nicotine cartridges so you feel like your smoking (blowing out smoke, holding the cigarette) but your not. Trust me on this one. It-s just like smoking but without all the death! ;-)

You can see videos and such here




Have you tried a herbal aroma nose inhaler? It-s a relatively new product for smokers who want to quit. You just have to smell the aroma from a small bottle whenever you crave for cigarettes. A bottle can last for up to 2 weeks use which is supposedly enough time for a smoker to quit smoking all together. It-s a good alternative to other NRT methods and there-s no risk of overdose. Hope it helps.
yo brother, naturally is the way, check this out

You sound intelligent. Your thoughts are accurate. I understand the nicotine addiction which often overrules your freedom of choice. Ultimately though, you have to do just that.....make a choice. It is hard to quit once your body has become accustomed to a habit of any kind, but smoking is especially rough on mind and body. Still, you can do whatever you want in spite of the short-term misery you suffer while coming off of cigarettes. If you look at it from another perspective, you realize that long-term misery is much more to be avoided than toughing it out while quitting smoking. Cancer is long-term misery. And it not only affects you, but everyone close to you as well. The medical expenses are unbelievable. Even worse is the fact that your normal lifestyle as you know it now often will change completely. The illness is a harder thing than quitting smoking.

Use your will power and think of a mental image of yourself having already quit and hold the thought. Chew gum. Don-t do things you associate with smoking now. Change your routines and keep busy. Do something for someone else when you are screaming inside for a cigarette fix.

Probably one of the best things you could do to kill the urge to smoke would be to visit a cancer ward in a local hospital and take a small token gift to someone. Talk to them and their families. It will change your perspective if anything will. Take steps now to stay healthy while you haven-t yet crossed that bridge to illness.

I hope you can kick it. It-s worth it. Good luck.
How can i quit smoking without the gum or patches? -

I quit smoking and all I do is eat Little Debbies! HELP!? -

Monday, October 24, 2016

I quit smoking and all I do is eat Little Debbies! HELP!? -

LOL! For real! I-ve eaten two boxes within the last few days! And I-m 30 and don-t need to be doing this... maybe if I was 16 it would be ok. Should I get some suckers or chewing gum or something? Anyone else have this problem? I-ve heard people say, -I quit smoking and gained a lot of weight,- and now I know what they were talking about!
The only thing that worked for me was cardio exercise. That took my urge to smoke and eat away. Good luck though.
Thats really bad for you, all the trans fat.You should find an activty that interests you or chew sugarfree gum or something.
I quit smoking and all I do is eat Little Debbies! HELP!? -

What is the best way to quit smoking for someone who smokes 2-5 a day? -

What is the best way to quit smoking for someone who smokes 2-5 a day? -

I don-t have physical addictions, but I like to smoke, but want to stop badly? Seems that I only want/need at night when I have wine. Don-t want to stop drinking and smoking all at once. Help?
Quit cold turkey. You have to just make up your mind and do it.
OK try this if you have kids or grand kids go to the bank and open an account for them..each week put the money you would have spent on cig-s in there account. But if you ever buy cig-s go to the bank and pull the money from there account..This helped my friend quit because each time she went to pull the money from the account she felt like she was stealing from her grand kids.
dont have any cigarettes in the house, and tell the store owners to not allow you to buy them, try it for a week.
from the lessons i had in school and in the clinical area, quitting is the hardest for any smoker, especially those who smokes around 5-10 sticks a day. from what i-ve learned, quitting is NOT an INSTANT process. I wouldn-t advice to lessen the the frequency of your smoking habit, because that still means you-re smoking. and it-s not good. Here-s my health teaching for you:
1. When you feel the urge to smoke, drink water or chew a gum, or suck on some candy.
2. Divertion is important. Keep yourself busy, read a book or two, surf the net.
3. Nicotine is the main problem here, it-s the thing that makes you want to smoke. There is this thing called nicotine patches, it should help. Check this page to decide for yourself -

Even if you-re only an occasional smoker, each smoke is taking its toll - and you don-t want regrets down the line for the sake of a few miserable sticks of tobacco.
There-s lots of free help at
so don-t think twice about whether to quit of not, make it a breeze by setting yourself up with all the tips you need and go for it.
Cold turkey. After two days nicotine has already left your body. It is just the mental addiction that keeps you attached. Fight the urges and find something else to occupy your mind like chewing gum or hard candy. Good luck, smoking is a bad habit and I wish my husband would quit....
Get a turkey, put it in the fridge.

I never understood how that helps thought... personally... O_O
This method works for me and is the only money back guaranteed.
I quite smoking 2 years ago

Get the Facts
Easyway, founded by Allen Carr in 1983, has the highest independently verified 12-month success rate (75.8% for a smoker completing the program) of any quit smoking technique and a 90% satisfaction rating.

Compare Easyway to other methods and see for yourself why Easyway is called “The Cadillac of quit smoking methods.”

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements

A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.”
Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins

try finding the fake ones, they actually have a flavor to them, just no nicotine. they work for me when I-m @ work
just stop
You know what....I-m a retired smoker myself. I wasnt addicted as such - but I stopped when I realized that when I went to the gym I couldnt breathe when I ran on the treadmill....Also, my boyfriend dint know I smoked and he found my pack....it nearly ended my relationship. Smoking is a big thing.

I quit cold turkey and though I get urges sometimes - you need to ask yourself are you really that weak? Are you going to let a -cancer stick- control you?

Sometimes it-s not that easy....You just need to keep yourself and your mind busy!!! When you-re idle - somking gives you something to do. Keep active.

I find when I go out with friends clubbing and stuff I feel for a puff - but again - stay away from the smoking crowd - say no - drink water - or have sips of a cooler. It takes about 21 straight days to make or break a habit - you can do it!!!!

Nicorrette may help but in the end it-s all up to you.

Good luck
Here-s something I found on MSN.com - my girlfriend-s dad smokes, so I found it interesting.
You can either quit cold turkey, that is, just stop all at once, or you can cut down gradually. If you feel like smoking when you have wine, try having something else with it. At other times when u feel the urge for a smoke, do something else to distract yourself. Keep yourself occupied. Hope this helps... I-m sure you can quit if you really want to. Take care :-)
o.k !whenever u feel want to smoke try to read some books or take some sweets!
What is the best way to quit smoking for someone who smokes 2-5 a day? -

Will my normal voice return when i quit smoking? -

Will my normal voice return when i quit smoking? -

i started 3 months ago and i decided i quit yesterday. will i ever have my old smooth clear voice or will i be stuck with that smokers voice ?
p.s im a girl so that differs with me adding to that i sing !
First off Congrats for stopping, its nasty and no decent females do it, only trashy hoes. But yes it should clear up you didnt smoke long enough for it to take a major effect. But there is something sexy about a raspy voice!
in all honesty i know people that smoked--quit--are WOMEN--and still have smoker voice...youve caused damage to your vocal cords and it could take even therepy to get it back to what it was but congrats on quitting
The damage to vocal cords may not completely heal even after the smoking has ceased. Mild swelling may take six to nine months to resolve and the more significant inflammatory lesions may require surgery.
when the damage done to your throat heals you-ll probably get your voice back - if there-s no permanent damage
u must have smoked a lot if your voiced changed in 3 months that you smoked. just practice and maybe it will start to change back
Will my normal voice return when i quit smoking? -

How can i help my friend quit smoking? -

How can i help my friend quit smoking? -

she is 16, and she has ocd. her parents could care less about what she does. her bf and i are worried. she said she wasn-t smoking, but we found out she was, - she tends to blame it on her ocd. how do i help her quit when she doesn-t have her parental support system? without pushing her away?
she-s also gotten into drinking. .
let her mess up first and only then she-ll find out later what you guys mean.


These are people that tell their stories about how they gave up smoking. A bunch of testimonials and mini blogs about different method people took to achieve their goal

It might give you answers on how you can help

Good luck
How can i help my friend quit smoking? -

What are the Best ways to QUIT SMOKING?!? -

Sunday, October 23, 2016

What are the Best ways to QUIT SMOKING?!? -

Name the ways that work the best and try to describe why. Thanks! :)
I quit by making a plan, where I had three days of lose stress coming up, like over a weekend. The first three days are the worse. I did a cleanse also over the days, one cup fresh lemon juice and one cup of organic or natural maple suyrup in a gallan of distilled water, make three gallons using this amount per gallon. When you smoke, your body turns fats to sugar, this will help your carvings and give you the minerals you need. If you make it the first three days you are free:)
You have to be mentally ready to do. Otherwise it won-t work. I stopped for 10 years and then went back to it, I-m not ready to quit yet, you-ll know when your ready. I-m hoping it will be soon. It-s now 4 years and i-m still smoking. All i can say is willpower is the strongest advice i can give. Without that nothing helps.
Try everything! The Gum, The Patches. Some people can just quit without any help. You will feel much better when you do quit.
Join a group - those have the highest statistical success rates. Zyban helps, but can be expensive and may not be appropriate for everyone. Everything else works well, too - patches, gum, handheld inhalers, etc.
cold turkey - stop right now and force yourself to stop - use willpower
Quit and keep quitting.

My sister used to laugh at how easy it was for me to quit, because I would quit smoking several times a year.

Now I-ve been off of cigarettes a long time. Occasionally, I will smoke a cigarette, but this is a bad idea.

Cold turkey works best for me. I think that the nicotine products only prolong your addiction to nicotine, and make you more prone to relapse.
There are non-nicotine products to calm a -nic fit.-
Traditional Medicinals had a tea with lobelia that worked for me. Showers can help.

Before quitting you need to have a plan. What are the hardest situations for you? Scope these out, and have an alternative prepared.

Once, I needed to quit wine and beer because it would give me strong painful cravings. Other times, I needed to quit watching TV.

There are so many little rituals and signals associated with a smoking habit. It can take many attempts to weaken these enough to be able to quit. But the urges DO eventually happen less frequently, and become milder.
Sometimes it-s not a matter of the method, but having the patience to actually allow yourself to get off the nicotine addiction. Being able to quite the habit it not easy. Some people can go -cold turkey- and do fine. Others use gum, patches, whatever. It-s the mental part of quiting that you have to remind yourself of. You-re fighting your body-s addiction to nicotine that will help the most in the end. If it doesn-t happen the first time you try to quit - try again.
Cold turkey. I have tried everything else and I couldnt quit. I tried the patches, the gum, and I tried slacking up. But one day I said I am not doing this, put my cigs down and walked away and I now have been smoke free for tomorrow makes a month. I had to use some hard candy and bubble gum and fat free pretzels.
One word. WELLBUTRIN!!!
Try everything. You-ll figure out what-s best for you.
Both of my parents and my grandfather just quit cold turkey. It was hard for the first week or two, then they tell me that the desire for the cigarette just went away!
What are the Best ways to QUIT SMOKING?!? -

I quit smoking five days ago with the nicotine patch. I am feeling grouchier than when I started! Any advice? -

Friday, October 21, 2016

I quit smoking five days ago with the nicotine patch. I am feeling grouchier than when I started! Any advice? -

I quit after 30 years and have been smoke free for six. It isn-t easy. I fell off the wagon twice and had to start all over. Don-t make the same mistake. Even one little puff will undo days of hard work and put you back to square one. You-re about halfway through the worst days of physical symptoms. Don-t give up. Fight for yourself. Get mad at the tobacco companies for selling you a powerfully addictive drug. Tell yourself you-re will is stronger than the tobacco. Get mad and go beat the tar out of a pillow if you need to. Deep breathing helps. Most cravings only last 5 minutes and they get shorter with time. Stay away from ashtrays and smokers. In about another 10-14 days, you-ll notice physical cravings becoming a little less. After 2 months, physical cravings are gone and it becomes a mental game. Mentally, you-ll catch yourself wanting a cigarette from time to time for the next 6-12 months. At that point you must look at cigarettes like rat poison. Like I said, just one will completely unleash the addiction mechanism in your brain and you-ll have to start over. Now, I can-t believe I ever smoked and the thought of trying one again is repulsive. Stick with it and in about a year, you-ll look back - say it-s the best thing you ever did.
It is understandable. Your going through withdrawl mental and physical.

I know alot of people that were able to stop with Zyband when the patch and gum didnt work. It hels with the mood issues.

GOOD LUCK and hang in there
Learn from: http://healthylifeday.com/quitsmoking

It-s Fast and Easy!
It-s Painless: No Withdrawals or Weight Gain
It Doesn-t Involve a Patch, Pill, Gum or Shots
It-s Highly Recommended by Medical Doctors
It Works...Almost Everyone Quits Smoking!
It-s Guaranteed!
Just remember that this will Pass! Much Luck to you and be sure to eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. It helps for some reason(I know firsthand!!)
thats great! i think youre going through a form of ncotine withdrawl,you have to get over the initial stages of these crazy symptoms before you beging to feel better. again quitting is the best thing for you.congratulations on a job well done!
Yes, you might feel that way for a few more days. It will get better. You are changing a physical and mental habit and it is hard. Just being aware that you are grouchier than normal might make it possible to control the urge to snap at people.

Pat yourself on the back for making this change and give yourself little rewards occasionally. Good job!
stay with the not smoking.....it-s ok for you to be grouchy for a while, it will all be worth it....
Its normal.
Your body is adjusting to the loss of nicotine.
Unfortunately its like going through drug withdraw, just on a smaller scale.
I used welbutrine to quit after smoking for 10 years. Its a form of anti depressent, the side effect is it makes the cigarette taste horrible. I used it for about 3 days.
Its been 3 years now and I still miss it from time to time.
Your doing good just hang in there.
get over it. its part of the process.
I quit smoking five days ago with the nicotine patch. I am feeling grouchier than when I started! Any advice? -

Quit smoking? -

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Quit smoking? -

does anybody know any website that can help to quit smoking?
there is this new presciption called chantix and it works so great!
good luck i want to quit my self.
Quit smoking? -

How will I be healthier when I quit smoking? -

How will I be healthier when I quit smoking? -

Last cigerette 15 hours ago.

I am coughing a lot. Why?

How will i be healthier? How does water flush toxins out of my body? What toxins?
How will my hair and skin and nails be healthier?
You coughing because your body is going through withdrawls.

You will be seemingly healthier, but it won-t happen over night. Nothing flushes ther body better then water since our bodies are 2/3 water. Toxins are another word for gas or poisons. You have tons of chemicals in your body as a result of cigarettes. Water over time will flush them.

You will probrably eat more, thus gain weight, teeth will not get whiter, but your attitude will improve. Your breathing will be better, the texture of you hair will change as well as your body odor.

Good luck!
Yeah I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago and I felt a lot better, when I would wake up in the morning I didn-t feel all nasty. Your lungs will thank you to, right now you are coughing because your body is getting rid of toxins. Your skin will be a better looking color and i have no idea about your nails.
Well done! You will feel so much better soon!

A similar thing happened to me. I think the coughing is because, by stopping smoking, your system starts to be able to clear some of the rubbish that accumulated in your lungs. The coughing is a sign of recovery.

Similarly, people sometimes feel worse immediately after stopping because suddenly, the numbness that the nicotine produced is starting to go away. You start to feel what has been hidden from you all those years.

After a while you might start getting high on oxygen.

Then, you will start to really appreciate what you only could get with viagra before.

Good luck! Smoking is a mug-s game!
Smoking adds a huge number of chemicals into your body and many stay for a long period of time some never come out however they are less toxic in smaller quantities. you body is currently going through withdrawal. Which will definitly not make it seem worth it at first however as you keep away from the cigs you-ll notice your vitality improve, your hair will eventually regain shine if treated right and your nails won-t certainly won-t be yellow. Water is naturally circulated throughout your body and works as the device that your Kidneys use to filer the bloodstream and release any of the toxins including the ones created naturally through urine.
Yes, you will be much healthier. Every cigarette you smoke takes five minutes off your life. If you quit for good, eventually your lungs will be able to heal again and you will probably have less coughing. You will not have to worry as much about all the diseases smoking can cause and your hair and nails will be healthier.
you have a tough battle ahead of you but doctors say that 6 monthes after you quit your lungs will be as healthy as a lifelong non smoker
How will I be healthier when I quit smoking? -

What kind of prescripctions are there to quit smoking? -

Friday, October 14, 2016

What kind of prescripctions are there to quit smoking? -

GRIT! and STAYING AWAY from the PEOPLE WHO DO smoke!! 80% of those who quit, quit on their own.
Philippians 3:2

Phl 3:2
Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers (STAY AWAY from those WHO PURPOSELY TEMPT you to KEEP you from DOING what HAS to be DONE!)

Report Abuse

you not need prescriptions. you smoke when you are about to do some think, its more in the mind than a body drug. so you have to learn to reverse your thoughts, and do some thing other tan lighting up. you can also want to light up when starting yo relax. i smoked 40 a day for forty years and stopped 15 years ago. and saved a fortune. do it in first min ,then hrs the days ten months then years. keep thinking its only you can gain by this, you may be dead by time you get to 50 or 58. i stopped at 58 and am 74 fit as a fiddle and have done 30,000 miles on cycles in 10 years all after age 60. and taught how to swim, play golf and work 3 computers.and have many hobbies , and only on state pension.hope to see you on here to see if you trying to stop uk
Self attitude to stop smoking is the only best way to stop smoking
cold turkey...
If I smoked, I think I would try Wellbutrin along with the nicotine patch. They can both be used together.
Wellbutrin XL or XR
What kind of prescripctions are there to quit smoking? -

What are some tips to quit smoking? -

Friday, October 7, 2016

What are some tips to quit smoking? -

I-ve been smoking around a year, not quite yet. I smoke about 5-8 cigarettes a day. I-m sick of it but its not as easy as it seems to stop. What are some suggestions to help me quit or atleast cutdown my habit.
The most important thing is the WILL to quit, and you have that. You can quit cold turkey with no problem. All it takes is a little willpower. You are not physically addicted. You-re just addicted to the habit, like biting your nails.
The first 3 days are the hardest, so chew some Nicorette gum. Cold turkey is quick, easy, and cheap. Just make up your mind to quit. How about right now? Just wet any cancer sticks you have, throw them away, and be proud to say, -I don-t smoke!-
5-8 cigarettes a day for a year will make it easy. lungs will back to normal in a couple months, and your clothes and breath won-t be stinky! Kissing you will so much more enjoyable!!

Sweetie, I see women every day find out they-re pregnant, so they quit immediately. No problem! Or worse, I see people with heart disease or lung cancer. The doctor says to quit, and they quit right now! Some of these people have been smoking for 40 years, 2-3 packs a day! It-s all mind over matter. JUST DO IT! I know you can!

Bless you and good luck! :)
Hello its quite hard to quit smoking at first, but you need to be persistent in what you do the more you do it the harder it is to quit. I would rid the house of all smoking related items lighters,ashtrays, cigarettes, maybe by some air freshener and go from there other than that you could try switching to electronic cigarettes, reviews can be found here http://electroniccigarettereview.co.uk/
find a new habit....go outside for a -smoke- but instead of having a smoke do sumthin else also from time to time if u have friends that smoke and the self control to do so put ur self in temptation and chil with the smokers but just hold back and dont smoke...believe me it worked for me i have been smoke free for 2 years now after smoking for 5 but of course u have to really want to or ull have trouble...just remember 8 weeks is all it take for the physical addiction to go away the rest is all mental
There is absolutely NO POINT in saying you will cut down. You need to quit and NOW!!! Try some nickorette patches, gum, etc. Then you slowly get off those. If you have cravings try and satisfy them by drinking coffee or something.
Try heroin. It-s all the rage.
What are some tips to quit smoking? -

How can I get my husband to quit smoking? -

Thursday, October 6, 2016

How can I get my husband to quit smoking? -

Tell your husband that Cigarette smoking kills nearly about 420,000 people a year, Men-s sexual and reproductive health is not immune from the effects of smoking.
Smoking also reduces sperm density and their motility, increasing the risk for infertility.
Methods to quit smoking are as under
At this time the most effective methods for quitting is a combination of nicotine replacement products and the antidepressant drug bupropion bolstered by counselling. After a year only about 4% of smokers who quit without any outside help succeed. The primary obstacle in trying to quit alone is making the behavioural changes necessary to eliminate the habits associated with smoking. Excellent books, tapes, and manuals are available and are strongly recommended to help people who want to quit without other assistance.

1. Nicotine replacement

Nicotine replacement products provide low doses of nicotine that do not contain the contaminants found in smoke. They are proving to be twice as helpful as other standard quitting methods. Replacement products include nicotine patches, gums, nasal sprays, and inhalers. Side effects of any nicotine replacement product may include headaches, nausea, and other gastrointestinal problems. People often experience sleeplessness in the first few days, particularly with the patch, but the insomnia usually passes. Patients using very high doses are more likely to experience symptoms, and reducing the dose can prevent them. Certain individuals like people with heart disease, pregnant women, small children may need to avoid nicotine replacement products.

Nicotine patches: Nicotine patches, or transdermal nicotine, can be an effective way to quit smoking. The quit rate for patch users is around 20% after six months. Nicotine patches are available over the counter, but it is best to consult a doctor before using them, particularly people with any medical problems.

Nicotine gum: Nicotine gum (Nicorette), available over the counter, has also been effective for a number of people. Some prefer it to the patch because they can control the nicotine dosage and chewing satisfies the oral urge. Long-term dependence may be a problem with this method.

Nicotine inhaler: The nicotine inhaler resembles a plastic cigarette holder. It comes with a number of nicotine cartridges which are inserted into the inhaler. It has some specific advantages over other slower nicotine replacement products:

Nicotine nasal spray: The nasal spray satisfies immediate cravings by providing doses of nicotine rapidly, and thus may play a useful role in conjunction with slower acting nicotine replacement therapies.

Nicotine tablet: A nicotine tablet that is held under the tongue is also very useful.

2. Alternative and ther Methods for Quitting

Scheduled reduction: One study showed that people who used a systematic withdrawal schedule were twice as likely to quit as those who went cold turkey. The procedure involves the following steps:

Divide the number of minutes per day awake by the number of daily cigarettes; the result is the minute-long wait between smokes.

Set up a schedule with time intervals based on this result and using a timer, smoke only at those intervals; if the -cigarette appointment- is missed by more than five minutes, the smoker must skip that cigarette.

The following week, one-third fewer cigarettes are used and the smoking time is recalculated based on the lower number.

During the third week the count is again reduced by a third, and the smoker quits in the fourth week.
Change daily habits:

Change the daily schedule as much as possible. Eat at different times or eat many small meals instead of three large ones, sit in a different chair, rearrange the furniture.

Find other ways to close a meal. Play a tape or CD, eat a piece of fruit, get up and make a phone call, or take a walk (a good distraction that burns calories as well).

Substitute oral habits (eat celery, chew sugarless gum, suck on a cinnamon stick.) Go to public places and restaurants where smoking is prohibited or restricted.

Set short-term quitting goals and reward yourself when they are met, or every day put the money normally spent on cigarettes in a jar and buy something pleasurable at the end of a predetermined period of time.

Enjoy Life

If he doesn-t want to quit, there is nothing you can do. And nagging him about it will only make him madder at you and he still won-t quit. He-ll quit when HE-S ready.
you cannot.

it is completely impossible to quit, unless you WANT to quit.

you nagging him only makes him want to smoke more, because you-re being annoying, and smoking is relaxing.
If he doesn-t want to, he won-t.
If he REALLY wants to then he should work with his doctor; the success rate for quitting and for avoiding relapse is higher when attempted in conjunction with a program. His doctor will know which options are available to your husband and your insurance.
Tell him, -No sex until the smoking stops.-
Unfortunately you can-t get him to quit, he has to want to quit. He is the only one who can get himself to quit. Unless he is ready, no matter what you do it won-t work.
Buy him this book:


Don-t try to use threats or ultimatums, they won-t work.
Ease just say if u don-t Quit Smoking no more Sex beleiver it will work because it work with my friend
Aproach him mildly and explain to him that world health organisation (WHO) says that smoking is dengarious to health

Also, give him this illustration
a white clothe is hanged beside a smoky fire for over 10 mins

then ask him what do you think will happen to this white cloth allow him to answer

then tell him that as that white cloth is being stained that is how his heart is stained also

further more refer him (if he is a christian) 1corritians 7: 1 that says in part flee from every defilement of the flesh and present your selves holy before God our creator who is the giver of life

let him know that the giver of life hate one who toils with the precious gift (Life) and also explain to him that taking in smoke is endengaring our health and that the giver of life is not please with it.

So to show appreciation for the gift of life we have received we need to treasure it, handle it with care and cherish it.
You can-t make him quit. But you can set boundaries. No smoking in the house. No smoking in your car (if u have 2 cars) No smoking around your kids (if any) No smoking in the car when u r together. No kissing or anything else until his breath is fresh and he-s showered. You shouldn-t suffer because of his bad habit.
Try Nutri-Calm. Only Nature-s Sunshine sells it. You have to find an authorized dealer, or buy a subscription. It will help him immensley
I just increased the life insurance and now instead of -nagging- him to quit smoking I let him know how I will be spending his policy when he dies from smoking.
bribe him with whatever (wink-wink) he likes most.
How can I get my husband to quit smoking? -

What worked for you to quit smoking? -

What worked for you to quit smoking? -

my dad lives with me and is having a corneal transplant so i have to quit smoking for his health. I personally enjoy smoking so it will be hard to quit since it isnt because i want to quit. what products have you used to help quit that didnt make you gain weight?
Umm, ultimately you-ll know when it-s time to quit. Your circumstance totally excludes you from smoking around him. So now you have to have boundaries of where it-s cool to smoke and where it-s not! i live in a drug/smoke free environment, it-s totally not cool for me to come home smelling like smoke. So i designate my smoking sessions that also includes cutting back on smoking. Never the less, less smoking isn-t bad for you; it-s good! after a while you-ll find that cutting back - smelling other peoples smoke when you are not smoking kind of will start to stink really bad! second hand smoke kills; right? so, you got an addictive personality or you don-t. Come January they will be almost $9.00 dollars a pack here in cali! i heard a lifer smoker say that she was gunna quit! That-s expensive! Habit-s can be, you feeling guilty for what-s happening is normal ;hope i gave you insight.
i done it when my wife was pregnant with our first child, i thuoght it was selfish of me to introduce a baby to a smokey enviroment.
so my motivation was someone elses welfare, every time i wanted a smoke i thought of my child.
i have not touched one since, my son is now ten years old.
ZYBAN!! I didn-t really wanna quit that bad, just as a fluke decided to give zyban a try n my doc said he had a lot of success w/it, so I figured, why not? You can continue to smoke normally as you take the pill every day, which takes off sum pressure, plus it is also an anti-depressant which helps w/the anxiety of quitting also increases intensity of orgasm in woman whoo hoo!

As for gaining weight thats up to you most people do a lil no matter what method they use but start working out u can breathe way better when you do and it will keep you feeling good mentally/physically too.

So I started taking the pills not expecting anything to happen and wow! I started to HATE it...it was a miracle! and previously I had loved to smoke, a pack a day for 10 years steady, even when sick. After the Zyban, I couldn-t even stand the smell or taste it disgusted me...that was over 7 years ago and I-ve never looked back. Do it its worth it !
kelp tablets, bee pollen with organic honey, raw carrots and sunflower seeds
also olive leaf extract counteracts the cleansing and withdrawals
My husband tried Wellbutrin to quit smoking, but he turned sub-human after a week, so I made him quit taking it. He became very depressed and was NOT himself. He couldn-t laugh or smile, and I am aware he wasn-t on it long enough to take full effect, but I couldn-t stand him that way for another minute, let alone another 3 weeks.
I quit by using Alan Carr-s Easyway to Quit Smoking, and I am no longer an addict. I still smoke an occasional cigarette, maybe once or twice a month, sometimes more, sometimes less. It-s not an issue for me anymore.
There are a lot of good ideas here, but I especially agree that it is will power. I-ve quit several times and for long periods of time...and usually not because I wanted to. You are stronger than the cigarettes, you just have to believe it and DO get rid of all the ashtrays. Now...for the feeling of needing something to do instead of smoking, I found it very helpful to carry around a little baggy full of frozen fruit, whenever I got the urge to smoke, I-d pop in a frozen peach or strawberry or grape and suck on that. You might also try drinking some -Sleepy Time Tea- or something else that is relaxing to you. You can do it!
i know its difficult.i am trying now to stop by cutting down.i think smoking is only a habit of holding something between you fingers.so i start playing with stroll.think how much you spend for cigarettes!spend the money for something else clothes or gum
Personally I just decided I didn-t want them any more and didn-t need the substance replacements. I decided my will was stronger than any addiction and thumb my nose at Phillip Morris. You just gotta make up your mind to do it and also get rid of everything that reminds you of smoking: Ashtrays, memorabilia, etc. I know it doesn-t sound like much help but it worked for me so I just thought I would share. Here-s to long life and good health. Good luck.
i did not start but just keep busy stay active also keep the drugs away from you if you buy them think about your dad do it for him good luck
Cold turkey! Best way to quit. I used Big Red gum as a substitute for smoking. Chewing on a plantain leaf will help quell the nicotine urge.
I am not religeous at all. But because I was so beaten down by smoking, and willing to try anything, i went on the suggestion of my friend. I got on my knees in the morning and night and asked whatever for help.(its a sign of submission, over something you can-t control, at the very least.) I have 5 1/2 months no smoking today!!! Good Luck, I feel better than ever! Just watch your diet, run and chew gum, no sugar or carbs after 6PM.
a prescription for Zyban...ask ur Dr.
I quit two and a half months ago...drink water. Everytime you feel the urge for one, just drink water. U may have to go the bathroom a little more frequently, but it works. Remember...the nicotine is outta u in like 48 hours, after that it-s all in ur head.
Let me get this straight you don-t want to quit for your dad-s health. You selfish ungrateful child. Think of all the things he gave up for you over the years, and you don-t want to give up a disgusting habit to help improve his quality of life. You make me sick, I hope cancer invades every fiber of your body.
The Farmers Almanec
The patches helped me not have the cravings. Handling and chewing on a straw helped with the hand part. Oh, the fact that my husband has several blocked arteries in his body and has surgeries, all caused primarily by smoking. You are special to put you Dad first. Just tell yourself that you would never let a person control your life, why should you let a cigarette do it. Good luck!
What worked for you to quit smoking? -

How do I quit smoking weed? -

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How do I quit smoking weed? -

In a week? I have been a daily smoker for a year and a half now. How do I quit or at least cut back to once a month smoking in a week? I really need to and I don-t want to go to a doctor or anything. I-m addicted but I think I can fight it myself. I want to quit. Any help or suggestions?
baby girl smoking weed can lead you to some serious problems and am very sure you know all about it. Quiting smoking can be very hard but if you trust in your self and believe that you can do it, I will be praying for you too and God will make a way just believe in him that he is the God of gods and King of kings I live you with much blessings good bye.
the answer is in my sources
just quit.

your not addicted, maybe a bit mentally, but not physically.
How do I quit smoking weed? -

When you quit smoking can you gain weight? -

Sunday, October 2, 2016

When you quit smoking can you gain weight? -

Depends how you go about quitting, if you use willpower or nicotine replacement therapy then weight gain is common because you-re suddenly faced with an empty feeling as a result of cravings. Where as you-d normally deal with these feelings by smoking if you-ve quit you may try to rid these feelings as if they were hunger pangs, you may also turn to food to give you something to do, or you may use sugary snacks or lollipops to deal with cravings. Without understanding the nature of the addiction and how to deal with these feelings then weight gain is inevitable for many people. Weight gain however is the least of your concerns given as willpower and NRT methods have a very high rate of failure, and generally are difficult as they focus purely on the chemical addiction - nicotine is highly addictive, but cravings/withdrawal are minor, it-s the mental addiction that is the problem and that which will make you misserable when quitting unless you deal with it.

Go look into Easyway, it doesn-t require willpower or gimmicks like NRT, you also will not gain any weight at all while quitting with Easyway - I promise you that you will not gain weight using this method - no one does! It-s got a 90% success rate and much easier than using willpower methods or NRT -
- if I could I-d pay for you and every other smoker in the world to try Easyway as it really does work and makes quitting so easy.
Yes as your taste buds will slowly come back to you. And you will crave to have something in your mouth during the times you would usually be smoking. Many people who quit smoking gain weight and start to have weight issues. Not that this should stop you from smoking, just watch what you eat. And try not to eat more then what you did when you smoked.
I quit smoking in November 2008, and I have gained almost 15 pounds
When you quit smoking can you gain weight? -

What is the best thing to do to help urself if u have emphysema?..i already quit smoking 1.5 years ago? -

What is the best thing to do to help urself if u have emphysema?..i already quit smoking 1.5 years ago? -

i lnow i can-t cure it but what can i do to make my life more better activity wise?..energy wise?..i hate this huffing - puffing all the time..am on 02 24/7, pednesone, spiriva, advasir, theo, have a nebulizer too but i still get short winded just walking to the bathroom so what can i do to strengthen my lungs?
You could be short of breath if you-re not in good shape. Try walking, even if it-s only up and down a hall way or from one room to the next. Increase this a little each day. Lay down on you bed and place you hands lightly on your abdomen. Breathe in through you nose for a count of three (your abdomen will rise) and out through your mouth for a count of 6 (your abdomen will return to normal). Take in a deep breath and blow into a baloon. Keep doing this until you blow it up. Sing, sing, and sing. Laugh as often as you can. Even with all this nothing beats walking. Start slow and increase speed and duration over time. Good luck.
the deep breathing exercises and movements of Yoga help me a lot. I have COPD and positively hate the Combivent I am on and don-t really want to go to steroids due to their effect on glucose levels.

has lots of excellent descriptions of how to do the deep breathing yoga exercises.
What is the best thing to do to help urself if u have emphysema?..i already quit smoking 1.5 years ago? -