How will I be healthier when I quit smoking? -

Saturday, October 15, 2016

How will I be healthier when I quit smoking? -

Last cigerette 15 hours ago.

I am coughing a lot. Why?

How will i be healthier? How does water flush toxins out of my body? What toxins?
How will my hair and skin and nails be healthier?
You coughing because your body is going through withdrawls.

You will be seemingly healthier, but it won-t happen over night. Nothing flushes ther body better then water since our bodies are 2/3 water. Toxins are another word for gas or poisons. You have tons of chemicals in your body as a result of cigarettes. Water over time will flush them.

You will probrably eat more, thus gain weight, teeth will not get whiter, but your attitude will improve. Your breathing will be better, the texture of you hair will change as well as your body odor.

Good luck!
Yeah I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago and I felt a lot better, when I would wake up in the morning I didn-t feel all nasty. Your lungs will thank you to, right now you are coughing because your body is getting rid of toxins. Your skin will be a better looking color and i have no idea about your nails.
Well done! You will feel so much better soon!

A similar thing happened to me. I think the coughing is because, by stopping smoking, your system starts to be able to clear some of the rubbish that accumulated in your lungs. The coughing is a sign of recovery.

Similarly, people sometimes feel worse immediately after stopping because suddenly, the numbness that the nicotine produced is starting to go away. You start to feel what has been hidden from you all those years.

After a while you might start getting high on oxygen.

Then, you will start to really appreciate what you only could get with viagra before.

Good luck! Smoking is a mug-s game!
Smoking adds a huge number of chemicals into your body and many stay for a long period of time some never come out however they are less toxic in smaller quantities. you body is currently going through withdrawal. Which will definitly not make it seem worth it at first however as you keep away from the cigs you-ll notice your vitality improve, your hair will eventually regain shine if treated right and your nails won-t certainly won-t be yellow. Water is naturally circulated throughout your body and works as the device that your Kidneys use to filer the bloodstream and release any of the toxins including the ones created naturally through urine.
Yes, you will be much healthier. Every cigarette you smoke takes five minutes off your life. If you quit for good, eventually your lungs will be able to heal again and you will probably have less coughing. You will not have to worry as much about all the diseases smoking can cause and your hair and nails will be healthier.
you have a tough battle ahead of you but doctors say that 6 monthes after you quit your lungs will be as healthy as a lifelong non smoker
How will I be healthier when I quit smoking? -