Will my normal voice return when i quit smoking? -

Monday, October 24, 2016

Will my normal voice return when i quit smoking? -

i started 3 months ago and i decided i quit yesterday. will i ever have my old smooth clear voice or will i be stuck with that smokers voice ?
p.s im a girl so that differs with me adding to that i sing !
First off Congrats for stopping, its nasty and no decent females do it, only trashy hoes. But yes it should clear up you didnt smoke long enough for it to take a major effect. But there is something sexy about a raspy voice!
in all honesty i know people that smoked--quit--are WOMEN--and still have smoker voice...youve caused damage to your vocal cords and it could take even therepy to get it back to what it was but congrats on quitting
The damage to vocal cords may not completely heal even after the smoking has ceased. Mild swelling may take six to nine months to resolve and the more significant inflammatory lesions may require surgery.
when the damage done to your throat heals you-ll probably get your voice back - if there-s no permanent damage
u must have smoked a lot if your voiced changed in 3 months that you smoked. just practice and maybe it will start to change back
Will my normal voice return when i quit smoking? -