How can I get my mom to quit smoking? -

Friday, February 3, 2017

How can I get my mom to quit smoking? -

She just told me she has the beginning of emphysema and I really want her to stop smoking but it doesnt seem like she has any want to at all. I love her so much and I want her to live as long as possible.
you need to be very forward with your mom. it may be hard but you need to open up to her and tell her exactly how you feel. tell her that you are worried about her, and that she means the world to you. tell her to imagine that you were sick and were doing something to promote it. how would she feel? would she try to stop you? i bet she would. Smoking has no benefits. it will only get worse. tell her how much it would mean to you if she quit and that you would be there for her. but dont every try to force it. this may frustrate or anger her and make it worse. you just need to show her that you care. and when she sees the emotion, and how much it bothers you, this should strike something inside her. also understand how hard it is to fight an addiction. but let her know how necessary it is and that she is strong enough to beat it, and quitting would be so positive to her health, after the cravings ceased she would probably feel five times healthier. anyone has the abilitiy to beat any addiction. they just need the right mindset and the right willpower. hope i can help! only good can come from it! trust me. ive suffered with addictions. its not nice. and sometimes you may feel helpless or give up on yourself. but its very important not to lose hope. no matter what. because in the end you know you have made the right choice and as a person you grow, and thats all that matters.
Unfortunately I don-t think you can get her to quit unless she wants to do so. My mum is the same, she-s got problems because of smoking but doctors or family members nagging her doesn-t have any effect.

Perhaps if you researched emphysema and found out if it would definitely stop if she gave up - maybe then she-d have the willpower to try. I-m not sure how permanent emphysema is, but maybe she-s got it into her head that she-ll never get better. If you can prove that she would, it might be the catalyst.

I hope you have some success.

Good on you for being worried about your mom. This is a tough situation because at the end of the day it is her choice to wether or not she quits smoking.

All you can do is keep trying to convince her. Smokers are stubborn people (I know because I used to be one of them).

Let her know how much you and the rest of the family love her. Let her know the pain you will all go through if you were to lose her. Putting your mom through a big guilt trip is a hard thing to do but it may be your only option.

If you can, try to guide her to our blog. It has some really great ideas and information. This may help to convince her.

Don-t listen to those who say stop trying. Never stop trying because if you quit then she sure as hell won-t.

Good Luck

leave the room EVERY TIME she lights up, and fake coughing and everything. You want her to think she is hurting you too. Refuse to be with her if she smells like smoke. Figure out something she really likes, and tell her you will give it to her every time she doesn-t smoke for a day. Try to get her addicted to something more healthy instead, such as the nicotine gum, instead of cigarettes, the gum has no tar. Start talking about all the disgusting things smoking will do to you around her. CRY.
Lastly, whenever you find her cigarettes, find them, and throw them away. (somewhere she WILL NOT find them)

Hope this helped.
This is a choice your mom will have to make, you can only influence her to stop and emotions do tend to work with parents especially with moms, but I-m afraid smoking from what I-ve seen is really addicting and you can try your best to get her off, I know you-ll make a difference for her I just know it!
i-m very sorry. this is how i got my mom to quit:

every time i found a pack of cigs in the house, i threw them out. hid them. anything to keep them from her. you will get in trouble. grounded, i-m talking serious trouble. but if you really want her to quit, you have to take risks.

another idea is to make a slideshow or notebook. include your favorite times of her and you together, and pictures. make it sappy. then after she watches/reads it, explain to her what will happen to those times if she continues smoking. the fun times will turn to memories.

you could also get the rest of your family into ignoring her a little or giving her attitude when she smokes. it worked for me!

finally, you can just simply go up to her and ask her why she wants to break your heart. it seems harsh, but it will touch her. tell her that if she doesn-t even make an effort to stop smoking, that she is basically telling you that she wants to leave this world.

i don-t need best answer. i just want you to read my suggestions and think about it. i know what it feels like to be in your position, but it is possible to make her stop. you have to be consistant, and don-t give up on your mom, even if she-s began to give up on herself. good luck, and again, i-m sooo sorry. keep hope alive.
That-s tough. The Older one gets, the HARDER bad habits are to shake. I don-t know if there-s any legitimate way to get your Mother to Quit Smoking... Perhaps the BEST thing You can do, is Continue to show Her You love Her, and DON-T -follow in Her footsteps...- Sometimes the Best lessons we learn in Life, are from the Mistakes of Others...
This is a tough task especially if that is something that she likes. However it helps if you talk to her about your concerns ... These days there are lots of commercials about the impact of smoking that have tried to get the message through, but in the end it all depends on the person willingness to stop.

I had friends that had smoking problems, and when they developed a problem, they were forced to look at ways to stop smoking.

You can however try and tell her to get checked out regularly, so that if a problem develops, it can be treated before it is too late.

Perhaps you can read this site to help you out a bit more

Have a good day !
It is almost impossible unless she can realize.

She is not hurting herself only but everyone surrounding her including her loved ones.

Maybe, ask her to take some quit smoking classes.

It is tough, but there are plenty of people have done it successfully.
i understand how you feel, maybe talking to her can be awkward, i suggest writing a letter, cuz this is a sensitive subject. mayb she would take you more serious if you do write that letter. and if you do take this advice, make the letter deep and thoughtful so it would touch her heart.
She has to want to. Its like any addict... and smokers are addicts, to cigarettes.

Write her a letter letting her know how much you are worried for her... and you in all of this.

Also, this is a site I used when I quit and it was a real blessing. I can-t recommend it enough.

It-s free. Send her a message by making it your home page on the computer. Maybe on her own time she-ll look at it and read things that hit close to home for her.
well tell her about lung cancer and how she is going to die young and her teeth are going to go bad, and stuff like that. but my best friend was trying to make her mom quit smoking too. and thats what she told her and she quit cold turkey and hasnt smoked yet!!

good luck!!! =)
The only one who can make that decision is your mother. Nothing you can tell her will make her quit. Don-t want to be harsh, I lost my father to cancer from smoking and know what you are going through so at least know that you are not alone.
i got my mom to stop smoking, like this whenever i saw her smokes i hid them or threw them outside, pretty soon she got fed up of loosing them she said it must of been a sign and stoped...little does she know it was me.
Go on-line and buy her a couple of different packs of herbal cigarettes and give them to her. THEY WORK MIRACLES. helped me quit smoking, along side with niccorette patches. Hope she quits, i know the habit and I-m only 19
well, my teachers mom was a smoker. whenever her mom is gone, she would find a pack of the cigarettes and just break them and throw them away. break them, so if ur mom finds them in the trash can unbroken, she wont be able to use them.
explain to her all the harmful things it does andtry braking all her cigeretts when ever you see them thats what i do with my dad

talk to her about it.
tell her that your really worried and ask her if she could stop smoking for you.
buy her those patch thingys
just let her know how important she is to you...and intorduce her to flavored nicorette gum it reallly works!!!
get a fake smoke and wait for her to see you -smoking- it. Tell her if she doesn-t stop, you-ll start
You cant make her she has to want to.
tell her if u do then so can i
How can I get my mom to quit smoking? -