Whats the most effective way for me to quit SMOKING? -

Friday, February 24, 2017

Whats the most effective way for me to quit SMOKING? -

Can anyone suggest the most effective way for me to quit smoking?

change all habits like where you sit to watch t.v., even the way you go to work and just quit.
Hypnotherapy is a great method to quit smoking and it is quite effective for everybody if you are a smoker hypnotherapy changes your mind thinking and turns you to a non smoker by convincing your brain to quit smoking hypnotherapy treatments is done by listening to the audio files provided you can listen to it everywhere through your portable mp3 player or even through your phone! read more http://www.methodstoquitsmoking.net/quit-smoking-using-hypnotherapy.html
Well, everyone-s different but I drank a bottle of water or ate an apple everytime I got a craving. At first, I was so full of water and apples that I couldn-t keep up with the cravings! But it helped to know that I was filling myself up with healthy things instead of cigarettes, as silly as water and apples might seem. I still get cravings but I keep myself occupied until I forget about it, usually by reading an interesting article, emailing or calling someone back I-ve been putting off, or just doodling in a notebook. You need to break the mental addiction, the signal in your brain that says I need to smoke instead of the nicotine addiction itself. Keep your brain focused on other things and it will get easier. And it helps for me to stay away from people and places that I know will have smokers around, just to cut out the temptation. Good luck!
The way I quit was to buy a pack of Nicorette, go cold turkey, and sit on my deck my myself muttering obscenities under my breath for a week. Turns out I didn-t need the Nicorette. The way I stayed stopped was to remind myself that even the worst cravings rarely lasted more than three minutes.

Now, to be fair, I was highly motivated. We were trying to conceive, and the doctor at the fertility clinic told me to quit. -Sure,- I said, -you-re a doctor. You-re supposed to tell me that. You-d tell me that if I came in here with a broken arm.-

She said, -No, this one-s for real. Smoking directly affects sperm quality. Your count is OK, your morphology is so-so, and your motility is like a rush-hour traffic jam. Quit, and I bet your numbers improve in 90 days.-

So I quit, and 90 days later, my wife got pregnant with our son, who turned nine two weeks ago.
The -gold standard- is to combine a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT - lozenge, gum, or patch), Zyban (by prescription), and a behavioral program. First, check with your doctor before combining meds! Chantix is another prescription med that gives great results but I don-t believe it-s been studied when combined with NRT. For more info on aids, check out http://www.quit-smoking-support-dr.com/QuitSmokingAids.html. Smoking is an addiction so don-t underestimate the need for medication to help.

As far as the behavioral piece, it-s important to develop a plan for smoking triggers and to understand why you smoke. Brainstorm a list of things you can do instead of smoking (e.g., hard candy, go for a walk, deep breathing, journaling, etc.). Check out http://www.quit-smoking-support-dr.com/QuitSmokingSupport.html for more ideas.

Best of luck and healthy regards!
well i can only suggest what worked for me and that was to finish the pack i had and NOT buy anymore, you-ll b a wreck for a good week, im not going to lie.. but find something perhaps a new project to keep u really busy and gradually the urge will go.. perhaps buy nicotine gum or patches to help you through the cravings but at the end of the day,nothings going to work unless you truely want it to
You could try the lozenges that are out - they really helped me. When I would feel that anxiety or the breathing issues the lozenges would calm it. For others the gum works better giving the quitter something to do with their mouth.

I found the patch to be too non-interactive and unless I rolled it up and smoked it - it was pretty useless in my case.

Try going to one of the online quit sites
- they offer tools, counselors, and tips for free.
1.) look at pictures of what your lungs are going to look like in a few years
2.) try to breath through a straw for an entire day...that feeling is what the rest of your life is going to feel like if you dont stop.
3.) know that you look completely stupid and disgusting, not to mention smell just as bad
4.) know how much money you would save if you stopped
5.) think about what you are doing to your loved ones as you slowly kill your body....is it fair for them to have to take care of you because you are taking many years off of your life and they will eventually have to take care of you

you really need to stop

I smoked for fifteen years. I had tried to quit about 14 times. Once I made it a full year and went back. This time I am at around 16 months and know it will stick this time. I think the most important part is yourmentalityy. You have totrulyy want to stop, tell yourself you will never smoke again and believe it. I joined a greta website called quitnet.com its really good, go there every time you want to smoke and get a nicotine replace,ment system. I found the patch works best for me, but some people prefer the gum. I don-t think it matters which one, but they all help. Just get the right state of mind, join some support group (whether online or in person) and get nicotine replacement. good luck to you and congrats for even thinking about it! You won-t regret quitting. I love being a non smoker
Take up another addiction to relieve yourself from smoking, For instance do something you enjoy whenever you feel the urge to smoke. Sure you could chew the gum.. or throw on the patch, but why waste the money.. and the time if it might not work when you could just try and be strong and just keep taking your mind off of it with other... healthier, activities.
eat sugar when you feel like want to smoke
Whats the most effective way for me to quit SMOKING? -