How to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

How to quit smoking? -

I want to quit smoking. i smoke 3-4 cig a day. It is taking a tol on me. I feel tired even when i am walking. Please somebody help as i seriously want to give up smoking. I am not able to do it as i am not able to resist.
First off, congratulations for WANTING to quit smoking!!

As far as answering, there are a lot of ways, and it also depends on how much you-ve been smoking. The best ways are slowly lowering your dose (takes a long time sometimes), or going cold turkey (which is faster, but harder). Either way, the last thing is making the decision to quit, so you-ll eventually have to deal with the withdrawal.

For the most part, when you deal with withdrawal, you-ll just have to tough it out, but there are some things that can help cleanse out the toxins and may help to minimize some of the effects of withdrawal...
Drinking water will help to detox, and taking some supplements that work as cleansers may help as well. Specifically, Apple Cider Vinegar, Green Tea (decaffeinated), Chlorophyll (fantastic cleanser), and even good amounts of fiber and water helps some people (although it-s not very comfortable for the lower level of detoxification you get).

All that being said, it-s likely that the symptoms should stop relatively shortly after your last smoke (it-s never as long as it feels like it is). Your neurotransmitters don-t take too terribly long to scream for something they are addicted to after you stop.
Another important thing to note is that no matter how bad it gets, taking more of the drug (and yes, nicotine is a drug) will only make the withdrawal last longer and will be harder on you in the long run. Good luck, and congrats again!
Peerhaps the nicorette activestop program might help.
How to quit smoking? -

Is it normal to develop a cough 2 months after quitting smoking? -

Is it normal to develop a cough 2 months after quitting smoking? -

Granted I did not cough at all up until now. When I first quit, I did wonder how my body was getting rid of stuff w/out coughing. Now 2 months later, I am coughing up some stuff from my lungs. Is it normal to develop a cough 2 months after quitting smoking? Why so late?
It takes a while for your lungs- cilia to rejuvenate once you quit smoking. Cilia are like little -brooms- that move crap out of your lungs. It is not unusual to cough as part of the process of bringing that stuff out. When you smoke these cilia are destroyed and the cough reflex suppressed.

Look at the cough as a good thing. It means your lungs are cleaning themselves up. But if the cough doesn-t go away after awhile, then check with your doctor...just to be on the safe side.
what stuff... when i quit i was spitting brown saliva every morning which i thought it was blood .. but i heard its the bad stuff you inhailed for so long.. but always see a doc to make sure..on the safe for me it stopped after 4-5 month..
i didnt cough thou....
Yes , the damage has been done, stopping smoking does not reverse years of polluting your lungs.
Yes, it-s perfectly normal. Your body is busy cleaning out the crud from your lungs. If you-re prone to drool while asleep at night, you may even notice a brownish stain on your pillow in the mornings. Same gunk getting purged from your lungs.
It took me about 2 moths to start coughing and another 2 months to stop.
Yes, it-s normal. It is your lungs cleaning up all the gunk. If you-re worried you should see your Doctor.
It-s not late at all! Smokers put alot of things in their lungs. Remember that your lungs need time. 2 months to them is like 1 week at a new house. They just need time to adjust! To stop your cough, try to keep your house smelling like something nice, like cake! Try not to eat a lot of heavy things. For at least a month, try a no-meat eat. Fruit is tasty and good for you. It also heals things faster than other things.
after quitting smoking I think it is okay for you to have some couhging after about 2 months but I ain-t sure. if it bothers u so much go see ur doctor about it
yes,Your body is getting rid of all the mucus it does take time.You could cough for months.Congratulations for quitting tough to do.You will eventually stop coughing.
Its not normal to have cough for 2 months, smoking or not smoking.
I would recommend you should get a thorough checkup by a doctor. Although there may be only a minor cause behind it but depending on how long you have been smoking, the cause may be very serious. Earlier you get checked up, better it is. So don-t delay and don-t take it easily.
Yes it is normal. I quit smoking about six months ago, and the hardest time form me was after the first month. The cravings got worse after the first two weeks and lasted about a month after that, then after you start coughing and bringing up that junk, you start to feel better.
May be it is not due to your quitting smoking, any way try these remedies. A cough is the body-s response to inflammation or irritation in the throat, larynx, bronchial tubes or lungs.Some coughs are dry, while others are considered productive.Here are a few simple home remedies that will help to overcome cough. Have honey in a hot drink before bed time.To relieve fits of coughing due to dryness in the throat, suck a few pepper corns. More remedies at
Is it normal to develop a cough 2 months after quitting smoking? -

How do i quit smoking FOR GOOD? -

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How do i quit smoking FOR GOOD? -

I-ve been smoking for over 10 years, and i-ve quit many times. I have gone as long as a year without a ciggarette in one of my attempts. The combination of stress, and being in the same vicinity (around others) who smoke, is what has made me in the past take back up the filthy habit.
Any suggestions for permanently quitting?
If you quit for a whole year you know how to do that part. Not starting again seems to be your problem. Decide to quit next Monday (or whatever day you decide) In the lead up - tell yourself 3 days until I am a non-smoker, 2 days until I am a non-smoker etc and when you wake up on the morning remind yourself straight away. I used patches for a few days but found them irritating. (Just another way of making money out of smokers!) Clean your teeth quite often, but also make a jug of iced. When you feel the need for a cigarette slowly drink a glass of iced tea. The caffeine in it will take the edge of the thought of smoking. (No milk in the tea of course.) After a few days you will find you don-t even think of your iced tea so often. Keep telling yourself you are a non-smoker. When you feel stress drink iced tea. If you don-t drink tea you have to have coke I suppose, but that is not very good for you, although it will give your caffeine hit! Never forget you are a non-smoker - especially when you are out and about with smokers.
A friend of mine asked his doctor for some help and he prescribed him Chantix which is a medication that actually blocks the nicotine from the brain, thus taking away the desire for him to smoke. He can even sit around other smokers and it doesn-t bother him. It {the meds} comes with a plan where you start the meds but continue to smoke for the 1st week but on the 8th day you try to quit altogether. Like I said, it worked like a charm for my friend and he had smoked for 30 years. Good Luck!! I really hope you find what works for you.
I used hypnotherapy to quit smoking. Its not for everybody but it worked for me. All you have to do is listen to some recordings. You still get cravings every now and again but their not as strong. Theirs an article here about it I hope it works for you.
I am smoke free now for 4 months! I had smoked for over 20 years, and I started with the patch but the glue on it hurt my skin. The doctor gave me a -script for Champix (In U.S.A. it-s called Chantix). It wasn-t covered by my provider,and it was expensive; about $140 for a month but it is soooooo worth it. I feel great, and I don-t think I will ever be a smoker again.

Good luck! If you really want to quit, that-s when you will. :D
How do i quit smoking FOR GOOD? -

How can someone quit smoking pot after 10 years of everyday use? -

How can someone quit smoking pot after 10 years of everyday use? -

What is the key to breaking the habit?
Great idea to quit smoking !

It-s mental toughness you need ! (it will be back after a few days w/o smoking weed)

Good luck !
I-ve never had to quit smoking anything. I don-t smoke.
Some people say...
Cold Turkey
mj is only psychologically addictive you just have to want to quit...
You gotta want to quit. That may be hard when it-s so widely glamourized. Your body is a temple - you should treat it as such. Your friends will make it difficuly as well. Remember users are losers - just say no. No one ever died without marijuana - therefore it-s not necessary. Think of all the money you will save. Find a new hobby that interests you. Hope this helps - good luck! You don-t need pot for a crutch.
I-ve never smoked anything, but it seems that probably you-ll need some help in this. You might try Narcotics Anonymous (NA). Their big sister, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), has helped several of my friends quit drinking, and I hear good things about NA as well.

You need to motivate yourself. Promise yourself a real (but legal and healthy!) treat each month (or other interval), paid for by some of the money you save. Travel or a computer could be paid for that way. Anything you REALLY want.

I-ve always heard that the way to break a bad habit is to substitute a good habit. Instead of smoking, take up step aerobics or biking or volunteer work at a local school - something positive to do. It helps to have something that fits in the time slot when you were smoking, so if you turned on every night at 7:30, make a firm committment to some other activity every night at that time. Get a drug-free buddy to participate with you, and tell him/her to CALL you at 7:15 to remind you of your upcoming other activity or pick you up or something so you can-t just not do it some night and lose your momentum.

You may have to be ruthless about cutting yourself off from any friends who are users. Make new friends at your chosen substitute activity if possible - or anywhere else you can find drugfree people. Your old friends can make it impossible to change, but there are lots of good people out there waiting to be found. But not at bars. You don-t want to substitute another drug, even a legal one like booze, for the pot. You need to get clean AND sober!

There are lots of good people out there willing to help by being your friends. Go out and find them. Good luck!
yes you can quit just take it one day at a time and find something else to take it-s place like running or reading good luck
In my younger days i smoked a joint in the morning and did 5-6 bong rips for lunch and smoked a big blunt for dinner every single day. One day you just realize that it is messing up your life and you make a choice to quit. I had a girlfriend and children, that is what made me quit cold turkey. Pot is hard to kick, but other drugs like speed and heroin are even more so. Just be strong in your mind and change the kind of people you hang out with as well, so you will not be tempted to use.
How can someone quit smoking pot after 10 years of everyday use? -

Should I quit smoking for my baby? -

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Should I quit smoking for my baby? -

I am 7 months preggers and I smoke a pack a day. i am trying to get down to only half a pack but maybe it will just be fine.

what should i do? i think my boyfriend is just trying to scare me about birth defects and crap. also can-t i still have a few puffs of weed? that dont hurt.
Definatley YES!!! The effects of smoking to an unborn fetus are so terrible. Do some research, look at pictures. You can quit if you want to, I-m suprised you have continued to smoke this far into your pregnancy.
Nicotine causes physiological responses in the fetus, which allows it to be called a toxicant, but smoking is not a major cause of congenital malformations. If Mom smokes during pregnancy, she may have up to twice the risk of miscarriage. Decreased growth of the baby before birth has also been seen. Abruptio placentae ( premature separation of the placenta from the uterus), placenta previa (the placenta covering the opening of the birth canal), premature rupture of the membranes (early breaking of the bag of fluid around the baby) and premature delivery can be caused by cigarette smoking. Oxygen deprovation is a huge problem for the fetus and can result in not fully grown lungs and severe asthma, but also brain damage.
The evidence is still not conclusive on marijuana use either in pregnancy or before. Because the question still exists of possible problems, the smart thing is not to use it.
Absolutely. You could be giving your baby severe birth defects with that nicotine in your system.

Here-s a guaranteed solution to your problem: Here-s what you do:

When my aunt was pregnant, and she was pregnant three times, she quit smoking by going to see a hypnotist. A hypnotist only charges about 75 dollars, and you-ll just stop. Your child will be protected and you won-t feel the psychological effects of nicotine withdrawal. Go today.
He is trying to scare you because it is HIS baby too. Seriously, you will end up paying for this later when your child has learning difficulties,behavioral problems (like ADHD) or worse - like cystic fibrosis or other lung diseases. There is no question about it, you have already damaged your baby. So if you really want to salvage something then:
No drink AT ALL
No Smoking AT ALL
NO WEED or other drugs AT ALL

They are all bad. Also eat a lot of vegetables - these can reverse some of the damage you have done.
a baby from a smoking mom can have serious deceases like very low weight, athsma lung problems, poor or malformation in his lungs, if also you are using drugs the baby may have malformations, and an addict.
once the baby born will be so irritable because the nicotin he have had, the baby will feel the same need for the nicotine than the mom. that means your baby it is already adict to the nicotine. he may have brain problems because that
Please stop smoking this is really bad for your baby it can cause many defects and your boyfriend is not trying to scare you because what he is saying is true.If you went to a doctor he would tell you that smoking is bad for you and your baby.Just try not to smoke for your baby because it can cause problems for the rest of its life.
First of all *hug* You should talk to your doctor and such and see how your baby is doing. Ive read a lot of the answers and they all seem kinda harsh but they are telling the truth. You should stop smoking for your baby and yourself. There are possible defects and problems that can occur because of it. It is dangerous but living is dangerous. You can walk out into the street tomorrow and get hit by a bus. Will it happen? Possibly but not probably. Will your smoking cause the baby harm? Possibly. So I would quit or try my hardest to quit but if you cant then I-m sorry for you and anything that might happen but I-m sure things will turn out the way they have to. Fate is a funny thing my friend. It will be okay. *hug*
The truth hurts and your boyfriend is definitely right.
Each day you smoke, the part of the baby-s body that-s being developed that day WILL be defected.
If you-re seven months old and you-ve been smoking every day, I mean a PACK a day, you-re baby is, no question, going to be defected.
It hurts me inside, a total stranger, to know what you-re doing to your baby. I just want to slap you right now, and you have NO idea.
You just ruined a child-s life, your own childs life!
If you were gonna quit,you should-ve when you found out you were pregnant, and don-t smoke weed either. Everything you-re doing right now is just wrong. Half a pack or even ONE cigarette a day will hurt your baby in one way or another.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE see a doctor. Please do it, they will give you a suggestion and please stick to it. Please do it for the baby. PLEASE.
And, if you still choose not to, I hope you realize once your baby is born, you-re the one going to pay for the medial bills to help screw up their life. The meds for they-ll need for their life.
AUGHHH, so mad right now, you made my day from being great to miserable. :(
The first thing you should do is talk to your doctor. Depending on how much you smoke, you might end up hurting the baby if you quit cold turkey. Certainly, you should quit for yourself and your child, unborn or not. However, there has been some talk that simply quitting can be harmful as your body goes through withdrawal. Talk to your doctor about the best way to handle quitting while pregnant. As for smoking marijuana...QUIT NOW! Pot is DANGEROUS to an unborn child. Its DANGEROUS to you!

Every cigarette you smoke deprives your baby of oxygen and pumps it up with carbon monoxide (which deprives it of even *more* oxygen). Even if there were no other risks, that oughta be enough to convince you.

An occasional puff of weed *might* not be too unhealthy, but no one actually knows, and it *does* do the carbon monoxide thing just like tobacco... so don-t.
Birth Defects and crap. NEWSFLASH!!! It-s definitely healthier to not smoke while being pregnant. If you quit now that would be great. Your baby could be born with breathing problems, low birth weight and a slew of others. This is FACT not a scare tactic. This is a scare tactic....Imagine the medical bills from a serious birth defect or the sadness you will feel when your child is made fun of by others because it can-t play as long as the others due to its less than average lung capacity.
in all reality, it doesn-t matter at this point, it is true that your child may have horrifying birth defects, but the fact that you don-t care enough to have already quite means 2 things.
1) you may have ruined your child-s life, and it-s too late to change that and
2) you have demonstrated that you do not care about the child, and you do not deserve him or her. In my oppinion you deserve to die.

p.s. i-m a smoker too, so i know it-s not that easy to give up but your childs health sould have been first.
Stop smoking. My mom smoked when she was preggers with me and my 4 sibs and we turned out o.k., but that was 44 years ago when a cigarette was tobacco and not filled with additives. As far as the weed, supposedly smoking weed kills brain cells. I don-t think it diffentiates between you or your baby. I can-t imagine THC does anything good. Smoking one is like smoking 20 cigarettes. You only have two months to go.
your baby could already have problems from yoiu smoking, sorry to say, you should have thought about this waaay earlier.
when i was little there was a kid in my neighborhood whos mom smoked when she was pregnant with him, he ended up getting a skin condition that made his skin look like it was very dried out and rashy.
and he was lactose intolerant.
YOU NEED TO QUIT. The later in the pregnancy the worst it is for your unborn baby. Your boyfriend it SO RIGHT. After your baby is born you still do not need to smoke as the second hand smoke is worse for the baby. When you smoke you puff it through a filter the baby and others get no filter and it is 10x more addictive.
definitely quit smoking for your baby!
don-t take chances..half a pack is just as bad.
if you smoke at all, your baby is at risk for birth defects and other health issues! he-s right to be scaring you because the health of your baby is very important!
and yes, a few puffs of weed is bad.
it-s still smoke and marijuana is bad
its pretty imposible to -just have a few puffs of weed.- one puff or two might not hurt, but if you start you pretty much wont stop. soon your puff or two of weird will be 50 puffs of weed and that does hurt. besides isnt weed agaisnt the law?
p.s. 2 superpug.
smoking kills thousands of people threw lung cancer . i hope you get over your childish fanacies of smoking never kills anyone.
you idiot! of corse that can hurt the baby! what you eat or drink, or smoke the baby does! i cant beleive soemone 7 months preg is smoking! it can kill your baby! especially in the earlier stages, because it is still developing. i truly cant bleieve you. when your baby is born all messed up, dont wonder why. moron...
I don-t really believe you-re doing this question...

You should quit smoking (at all) from the moment you knew you were pregnant.

Besides, if you take drugs during your pregnancy, you-ll make your baby a drug addict...

Everything you say is wrong!!!

If you-re serious, please, take care, please stop smoking and getting high!!! Do it for your baby!!!

OMG....quit smoking right now!!!!! that is harmfu for your baby and u too....and i would read that -What To Expect When Your Expecting- it tells u alot of things that helps u and the also tells u about birth defects and how they of the examples is should also quit drinking if u do too......
p.s: smoking when u r pregnant weakens ur baby-s lungs and it will mostl likely have asthma.
Although I still smoke myself I must say to you at this stage of your pregnancy you should most certainly quit. In the first place you should do it for the sake and safety of the child. Secondly it will benefit you - especially if you can stay off. Good fortune be with you.
your a stupid idiotic baby killer!!!!!!!!!

well you know if ur weed wont kill it then shurly the pack a day wont hey why not wash it all down with a gallon or 10 of hard core alcohol and a couple shots of vodka dang stupid idiot

btw what ever you do to your self your doing to the baby
This is a joke, right? You are the reason certain people should be banned from smoking. Good job, your definitely on the downhill when it comes to being a good parent. I pray that your child will end up nothing like you and is okay, even though it-s highly unlikely.
Absolutely no more drugs. If you love your baby you-ll quit ASAP. I know it won-t be easy but it will be worth it. And yes, weed DOES hurt. There are medicines that can help you quit and support groups that can keep you on course. Good Luck!
Oh My Gosh. This has to be a joke. You are killing your baby. A PACK A DAY!?!?!? Someone should evaluate you for mental issues. Weed? GO GET HELP. There are a ton of birth defects and this baby will not be healthy - if even alive.
Surprised you felt the need to ask!
Your child may not have any reason to thank you for smoking while you were pregnant and at worse may have the reason to resent you.
As a -loving- mother, give up!
it will affect your baby. whatever you take in, your BABY takes in. I dont think thats fair if your baby is born addicted to weed. anything you do or take in your baby is affected by it.
If you continue smoking like this, your baby could come out dead, and you could be sent to jail for it. if your baby does come out alive, it could have mental issues.
Stop smoking. Your boyfriend is right. Smoking is extremely bad for you and worse for your baby. I hope you are joking about this.
Yes, quit smoking. When ur preggo ur suppossed 2 not smoke. It will destroy the baby, and ur bf is correct about birth defects. And that does hurt u and the baby
No No

smoking has never killed anyone

and you know weed is actually good for you look at all the successful people on weed like . . . . athletes?

oh i guess weed does make one relax and chill.

Yeah thats kool.

good luck

babies are kool
Should I quit smoking for my baby? -

How can i quit smoking without the gum or patches? -

How can i quit smoking without the gum or patches? -

ive been smoking for a little over a year now and i already hate it. I think i have alot to live for and to die from something as stupid as smoking is not how i want to go out. They are getting more expensive im probly spending about 50$ a week on cigeretts and i have to stop, my girlfriend hates it and my family hates it but even with all these problems i still always feel i want to smoke no matter what if anyone has any tops for me help me out thanks
How to Kick the Habit

Once you know why you-re quitting, it-s time to make a plan. Set a quit date and stop buying cigarettes (as a bonus, you-ll save about $2,500 per year). Then make a list of all the things you can do when a cigarette craving strikes. These might include calling a friend, going for a walk, playing with your pet or children, cooking a meal, going shopping, washing the car or chewing gum. Anything goes if it works for you. Along with distracting yourself from your cravings, try the following natural strategies:

1) Replace -smoke breaks- -
If you smoke on breaks at work, try a different fun activity like chatting with a friend, doing a crossword on your computer or grabbing decaf coffee (to avoid jitters) or juice instead of a cigarette.

2) Sip herbal tea -
Replace your cigarettes with herbal teas. Since they don-t have caffeine, you can drink as much as you want any time of day. They also hydrate you, staving off food cravings.

3) Pop a mint -
Keep a stash of peppermints on hand. Sucking on mints keeps your mouth busy and gives you a fresh taste instead of the bad breath that comes with smoking.

4) Get acupuncture -
There is some evidence that this treatment can ease cravings to make quitting easier.

5) Try oat extract -
A study showed that 1 ml taken four times per day reduced cigarette consumption. Look for it at health and natural food stores.

6) Add up your cash -
Put the money you would be spending on cigarettes in a jar on your nightstand. A visible reminder of the dollars you can now spend on a spa treatment or a fancy dinner can be highly motivational.

7) Change up your routine -
Many smokers puff out of habit. If you know you light up every day after lunch, schedule an informal meeting with a colleague right after your lunch break. If you smoke in the car, start listening to books on tape to keep you entertained.

I hope you can adopt some of these strategies and give up smoking for good. Once you define your own personal reason for quitting, you will be unstoppable!
I used to smoke twenty a day for about 10 years but gave up when found I had to pay bills and needed to make economies. Fortunately I was a -habit- rather than an addictive smoker. I found that once I threw away all my ash trays and cigarette lighters and anything which reminded me of smoking I found I did not need it. I used no artificial aids whatsoever. Since giving up more than twenty years ago I have smoked half a cigar and one joint only.
I think you need a big shock to the system - in my case it was impending poverty, for others it might be the threat of severe illness but you need to want to do it yourself.
Get an electronic cigarette. You get to -smoke- without all the bad chemicals except nicotine. You can even get no nicotine cartridges so you feel like your smoking (blowing out smoke, holding the cigarette) but your not. Trust me on this one. It-s just like smoking but without all the death! ;-)

You can see videos and such here


Have you tried a herbal aroma nose inhaler? It-s a relatively new product for smokers who want to quit. You just have to smell the aroma from a small bottle whenever you crave for cigarettes. A bottle can last for up to 2 weeks use which is supposedly enough time for a smoker to quit smoking all together. It-s a good alternative to other NRT methods and there-s no risk of overdose. Hope it helps.
yo brother, naturally is the way, check this out
You sound intelligent. Your thoughts are accurate. I understand the nicotine addiction which often overrules your freedom of choice. Ultimately though, you have to do just that.....make a choice. It is hard to quit once your body has become accustomed to a habit of any kind, but smoking is especially rough on mind and body. Still, you can do whatever you want in spite of the short-term misery you suffer while coming off of cigarettes. If you look at it from another perspective, you realize that long-term misery is much more to be avoided than toughing it out while quitting smoking. Cancer is long-term misery. And it not only affects you, but everyone close to you as well. The medical expenses are unbelievable. Even worse is the fact that your normal lifestyle as you know it now often will change completely. The illness is a harder thing than quitting smoking.

Use your will power and think of a mental image of yourself having already quit and hold the thought. Chew gum. Don-t do things you associate with smoking now. Change your routines and keep busy. Do something for someone else when you are screaming inside for a cigarette fix.

Probably one of the best things you could do to kill the urge to smoke would be to visit a cancer ward in a local hospital and take a small token gift to someone. Talk to them and their families. It will change your perspective if anything will. Take steps now to stay healthy while you haven-t yet crossed that bridge to illness.

I hope you can kick it. It-s worth it. Good luck.
How can i quit smoking without the gum or patches? -

Does anyone have any good suggestions to help me quit smoking??? -

Does anyone have any good suggestions to help me quit smoking??? -

Go to you doctor and get some Zyban. I smoked for 23 years and it worked for me. I haven-t had a cigarette in 8 years.
hve sex its better and use comdoms

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When I quit, I took up jogging. It helped take my mind off of it and it also reminds you how much harder it would be if you still smoked. I also had to quit drinking for a few months, because every time I had a drink I lost all my willpower and smoked a cig!!! I can-t even count the times I -smoked one last cig- !! Each time I quit, I lasted a little longer but I just kept trying. It took me about a year to quit completely! But now its been 5 years! And I never even crave a cig. The smell actually makes me sick! Good luck! You will never regret quitting!
okay put a rubber band around ur wrist. when EVER u think bout a cig. u pull it and snap it hard . and keep doin it every time. sounds bad but it werks.
Do things that you don-t smoke while doing. When I quit once I stayed in my bedroom a lot and read. I never smoked in my bedroom and I don-t smoke when reading a book. Also I don-t smoke while driving or taking a shower. I have quit several times and am still trying. It is so hard to do though since I live with my bf who smokes. Whenever he quits I quit too but then he starts again so I do too.
Have you tried gum and a punching bag. When you want to smoke chew gum. If the craving for a cigarette is still consuming you, keep punching the punching bag until the craving is gone.
If all else fails you can always resort to shock value. That-s how my dad quit. My mom was 1 month pregnant with me when my dad quit smoking. Someone told him that if a pregnant women inhales cigarette smoke the baby-s chance of being retarded and disfigured rose dramatically along with health problems. He quit on the spot.
Does anyone have any good suggestions to help me quit smoking??? -

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Friday, August 4, 2017

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

A friend of mine smokes, not heavily, but occasionally and wants to kick the habit, What are some of the most effective ways?
I quit last August using Chantix, it worked quite well for me. My situation was different, I was a pack a day smoker for over 10 years. I took Chantix for 2 months (they recommend 3). I did cheat once, I had a smoke back in Sept., but haven-t touched one since then.
I smoked for 5 yrs and quit cold turkey...almost a pack per day. I went to the dr and did a breathing test and my lungs were still good so I quit before doing any more damage to them. I also chewed gum and sunflower seeds...the hardest part for me was 2yrs later...I craved them like crazy...tried to smoke and got sick...haven-t touched one since...can-t even stand the smell...
Cold turkey and a nicotine patch.
Have your friend start working out consistently and eating right. Your friend-s diet and body will change and inducing more activities that is actually healthy for his/her body. When he gets in the momentum of working out / eating right, the thought of puffing a cigarette will sound uninviting.

This worked for my roommate who smoked like 2 packs a day, and now he-s buffer, more energitic and smoke free.

Good luck.
If the friend starts running,he/she might give up the habit of smoking after coughing and passing out. Just a thought.

One time Group Hypnosis + Daily Hypnosis CD-s (relaxation tapes) + acupressure massages.
There is a new drug called Chantix that stops the craving in the brain. Went from 3 pk a day to being quit for 8 mo.
i think that nicotene gum i think tha t will work because you are chewing and that your mind off of smoking i know it is not easy or that patch thing
buy one of those smoking patches or buy cigarettes that are really gross and you wont smoke them so like after a week you wont want to smoke anymore
I really empathise with you, I quit my 20 a day habit in a pain-free way this time last year!
No stress, no cravings, no weight gain, no pills, patches or gums.
The program I followed was recommended by a friend and now boasts a 90% success rate and is 100% fully guaranteed - can-t say fairer than that

All the best..
What is the best way to quit smoking? -

My mom has COPD but she quit smoking 7 years ago. Why is it still getting worse?!? -

My mom has COPD but she quit smoking 7 years ago. Why is it still getting worse?!? -

My mom has had COPD for many years but ignored it till she got heart trouble 8 years ago. Now her heart is doing better with treatment, but she is shorter and shorter of breath. If she stopped smoking (for 7 years), why are her lungs getting worse?
Stopping smoking can decrease the rate of progression of COPD but cannot halt or reverse it as COPD is a progressive disease. It-s like a chain reaction that can-t be stopped. Although giving up smoking at any stage in the process means an increase in lifespan.
Because the damage caused by the smoking is already done. As she ages, her lungs and general health will continue to get worse, highly due to the smoking in her past.

A family friend developed lung cancer 20 years after he had quit smoking; why? Simply because the damage was already done.
Had surgery for unrelated problem, was told had emphysema. Dr said early stage if quit smoking reversible to point.If not will be on oxygen in 5 yrs dead in 10. Guess it depends on the stage.Im 47
COPD doesn-t get better over time. It usually gets worse. She has already done too much damage in the past. Most people that have COPD will eventually require supplemental oxygen.
just because she stoped smoking doesnt mean that she is going to be cured because the damage is already done
she has damaged her lungs beyond repair. have her follow up with her pulmonologist.
My mom has COPD but she quit smoking 7 years ago. Why is it still getting worse?!? -

How long after you quit smoking do you NOT want to smoke anymore? -

How long after you quit smoking do you NOT want to smoke anymore? -

I quit about a year and a half ago ... I still miss that satisfying rush I get from a cig.
I haven-t smoked in 7 years and I still crave them from time to time. But nothing like I did for the first year after I quit. That was the worst. I did it cold-turkey.
My mother quit in 1986 (she started in 1942) and up until the day she died in 1993, she still wanted a cigarette every day.
My sister quit almost 10 years ago and she still craves them from time to time. I think people have 1 of two things happen when they quit. They either still think about and crave them from time to time or.......they become the dreaded NON-SMOKER. You know the type. They want EVERYONE to stop smoking. They complain about everything---and want smoking just banned everywhere.
i think tht after you get over three days without smoking, you lose the need to. it-s called the tree day hump. i heard it-s rele hard during the three days tho...
they say the first 3 days is the hardest then it gets better from there, i found this true, but still about 6 months later if i see somone smoking or even read about smoking i get a craving.
My wife and I quit smoking in 97. We still get cravings, but they get fewer and farther between them.
my dad is a smoker he smokes like 2 packs a day and he tells us he will stop smoking and he does for about 1 month but he cant only because he craves the nicotine so much!!! YOU probably will want to smoke a few days after!
They claim that the cravings are higher after 3 days, then 3 weeks and then 3 months and the last major one is 3 years

I still have the last one to go
I quit about six years ago. Like many of the others who answered your question, I still crave a cigarette from time to time. The thing that helped me the most when I was craving a cigarette (while I was trying to quit) was to take a walk. Additionally, relaxation breathing helped.
I-ve heard that the first 3 days after quitting cold turkey is the worst. But after those 3 days you don-t really have the nicotine craving, it-s just the bad habit from smoking for so many years that makes you want to have one. The more you keep yourself busy and keep your mind off of cigs the sooner you will not want to smoke anymore.
The urge never really goes away. However, after 3 months you realize that if you were to smoke a cigarette, you would puke up your rectum. That helps fortify your resolve not to smoke.
As an ex-smoker, I can say a few things.

1) It depends a great deal on how long you smoked and how much you smoked. If it was a long time and you were a pack-a-day type, you will likely never NOT want to smoke anymore. You will merely get better at managing it.

2) It depends on your personality. Some people have extremely -addictive- personalities -- meaning they easily get a psychological hook on things. I have this problem.

Basically, you can get over the physical cravings within a month, and they drop off SHARPLY after three days...and then again within a in stages.

It-s the mental cravings that will linger. I smoked a pack a day for about ten years and have been quit for 7 years. I still have problems in a lot of situations (going out for drinks with friends, for example), where I want one badly. It-s all about managing it.
it took me awhile like maybe a few months, now i dont have the craving anymore.
the time it takes for you 2 stop thinking about it
-Quitting smoking is easy, ive done it a thousand times-
Mark Twain
I think that u would always have a problem with ur former addiction.... so keep ur mind off of it and u might stop thinking and craving to smoke
I quit and it was a year before I could go all day without thinking about a cigarette. Then I started again and smoked for years. I must have quit a million times before it finally worked. After two weeks I had no urge to smoke. That was 33 years ago and I have no more urge to smoke a cigarette than to stick one in my ear. You figure it out.
it takes a long time and everytime that you smell it then you crave it again but just dont do it!
I quit a year ago and the day to day urge is gone, but you-ll akways have moments when a cig sounds great. Good luck quitting.
When I quit smoking, it took me a few good months to not want to smoke again, I-d say around six. It helped that I moved out of my apartment that I share, because my ex-room mate smoked, and I started dating my husband, who wouldn-t tolerate smoke.
Now I really can-t stand smoke anymore, I can-t help it, it triggers my body to feel revolted, I feel very upset if I-m around smoke.
However, my Greek-American friend, who quit after surviving lung cancer at a very young age, still loves to smoke, and does a bit of it every time he goes to Greece, or somebody who smokes is visiting with him.
In conclusion, it-s different for every person, I hope you stay without smoking for long enough to not like it anymore like me.
9 years and still going. Occasionally one sounds good, but I wouldn-t call it a -craving-. I still occasionally dream about smoking, but usually wake up feeling guilty about it.

The physical part is gone after a week or so. The mental part - the habit of smoking - I don-t think it ever goes away. It-s like the half life of a radioactive element. Every year it-s half as bad as it was the year before, but it-s never really gone.

You just have to remember why you quit, and how much better it feels to not be tied down by cigarettes. If the desire to remain smoke free is stronger than the momentary urge to smoke, you-ll make it!

Good luck to you!
when you die
I think about five years but it gets easier, much, I am on month two, still okay........i have quit like 20 times.....hope it sticks this time, I can-t afford it and I hate it!!!!

you esstupido for even starting that crap.
It-s different for everyone. Why put yourself on a schedule?

The fact is that there is a day when you wont want to smoke and every day that you dont smoke, you are closer to that day.

The cravings will pass. And remember that every craving has a begining, middle and end. The craving will pass WHETHER YOU SMOKE OR NOT!!.

The desire to smoke will dissipate. That does happen for everyone, sometimes slower sometimes faster, but the desire does go away. Even the exceptional someone that says they still miss it after years of non smoking, will have to admit that the desire is nothing like it was when they first stopped.

So the problem isnt the craving, the problem is after you quit, you forget how tough it was to stop. The sad facts are that after quitting for a few months not only do the cravings go away, but so does the memory of how difficult it is to stop. And then nobody ever goes back to smoking. They just tell themselves that one wont hurt and then they dont go back to smoking...they go back to quitting.
Some people claim the desire always remains. And some people get disgusted by them after so long. I was curious of this myself once. My Aunt and Uncle quit cold turkey and can-t stand them anymore. I had quit for 2 and a half months and sadly started back up again. I think it depends on the person. Because it-s a double addiction, physical and mental. =(
Around a week.
How long after you quit smoking do you NOT want to smoke anymore? -

My boyfriend is having dental surgery in a couple of weeks and has to quit smoking. What is the best way ...? -

My boyfriend is having dental surgery in a couple of weeks and has to quit smoking. What is the best way ...? -

in your opinion? He tried once before and was kind of unbearable...
The Dr can prescribe some pills now that will cause the cigarettes to tast awful and he won-t want to smale one.
It takes about a week, so get him started. I have seen them and talked to several about them
Just being determined to stop.
take and use some commit lozenges, it will help with the anxiety withdrawl.
My husband quite cold turkey, but his brother used the patch and bought the gum, to my surprise, it worked. But everyone is different. for now, I-d tell him to chew the gum, or if at all possible, use the patch. (but im not sure about that because there is nicotine in that.)
the best way is to just cut and not look back. it is hard, but effective. i quit for six months, but ended up coming back because of alot of stress and issues i had. there are alot of ways, but none will work if the person is not determined to quit. to help with the quiting, he has to change someof his habbits, such as sitting at cafes for long times, eating heavy meals. he should start looking into working out and running. he has to try to be tired and breathless at least for the first week. although smokers smoke, but they can not stand the smell of it when working out or when running out of breathe.
My boyfriend is having dental surgery in a couple of weeks and has to quit smoking. What is the best way ...? -

Have you tried the nicotrol inhaler to quit smoking? -

Have you tried the nicotrol inhaler to quit smoking? -

dont tell me about CHANTIX
I experimented with it, and with the other nicotine replacement products. The one that I ended up finding most useful was the Commit nicotine lozenges, but your mileage may vary -- I suggest you try them until you find the one that works for you.
i used it for four weeks and it helped me stop.
it give a spuprisingly good dose of nicotine and allows you to satisfy your hand-to -mouth habit.

use it - i enjoyed using it in restaurants, bars and at home!
Have you tried the nicotrol inhaler to quit smoking? -

Quit smoking?? -

Quit smoking?? -

o.k. i have been a smoker since i was 16 i am now 23 so thats 7.5 years i have been up and down on how much i smoke and have gotten way down but something always seems to break me i have made up my mind i-m quitting and i-m getting the patch any xtra things i can do?? i-m ready to quit cause its time to start getting ready for a family and i don-t want my kids to know me as a smoker
I was a smoker for about 5-6 years 3mths ago I became a father for the first time, i-d tried before but never really wanted to quit but once my boy arrived it was reasonably easy to quit (with the help of the patches and gum) I WAS A NON-SMOKER FROM THE MOMENT I QUIT, never -I-m trying to quit-

It was the importance of my son for me !!!
I WANT to be part of his life - for the rest of mine!
Good luck! You should replace your habit for something else. If you could have equal the enthusiasim for jogging or yoga that your did for cigarettes you would be in a great position to give up smoking forever.
Somebody told me of a way...and it worked for them...

However many cigarettes you smoke per day, decrease it by one by per day until you-re done.

I quit cold turkey, but I now this method is unrealistic for most people. Good luck.

Oh yeah, and do it for you and nobody else. It-s the only way you-ll fo it for good!
Quit smoking?? -

Any easy way to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Any easy way to quit smoking cigarettes? -

I am 23, been smoking since 15 and it is really out of hand. I can go through a pack a day and I am afraid for my future. I want to quit, but after a couple hours without nicotene all I want to do is smoke. I need help... any suggestions from any former smokers?
Well, if you are able to go a couple hours without one, write down the time you finish one, and then again when the urges start. Once you know that time, don-t let yourself smoke before that. Slowly add time between each cigarette, until you are only smoking less than 3 or 4 a day.
If you start feeling the urge, and it isn-t too bad, distract yourself with something for your mouth and hands. Carry around some small snacks (like sunflower seeds) to snack on and extend the time between cigarettes.
When you finally decide to not have one at all, avoid situations and people that you normally associate smoking with for a while. Makes it easier to not be tempted.
Worked for me years ago.

Good luck with it.
Try to organize your smoking habit. For example, have a smoke every 30mins the first week, every 1hr the second week, every 1:30hr the week after, every 2hrs the week after that.....etc

when you get to the week where you smoke once every 4 hours (or more) you can easily quit cold turky (nicotine gum can help at this point).

Give it a try.
I quit smoking 6 yrs ago and never had a craving. Unbelievable I know. I had a doctor ask me if I ever thought about quitting, I said yeah sometimes. He said do you want to quit, I said sure. He wrote me a prescription for Wellbutrin which is an anti-depressant and the side affect is no desire to smoke. Seemed unreal but I tried it anyway. Sure enough I took it for about 2 weeks and then just stopped smoking. Seriously.

The catch is most insurance companies won-t cover the prescription specifically to quit smoking, it has to be written for depression. Otherwise to pay out of pocket was really expensive.
Chewing Nicorette gum may get you to quit the habit of smoking, by reduce your cravings of nicotine.
My dad was a really bad smoker... atleast 2 packs a day. He quit cold turkey and replaced it with eating many meals a day to keep him occupied and was always chewing on a toothpick. Also during the day he wouldn-t let himself just sit around, he was always doing something like riding his bike, going for walks, playing pool, working outside, or whatever. It also helps to tell your friends to help you or do it with someone. You can watch and support eachother. Try to be with friends a lot while you trying not to smoke, so when you try to buy another pack they will be there. Of course demolish all of your lighters and cigerettes or give them away. Don-t keep money in your wallet. Only keep like a credit card for emergencys. Hope this helped! You can do it! It-s not impossible!!!
dont put the cigarette in your mouth and light it.
I smoked from the age of 13 til 26 the whole time thinking I-d be able to stop when I WANTED to. Then that time came and no matter how much I told myself not to smoke I kept going back.

One day at work, my boss asked me if I wanted to quit smoking and my response was -who doesn-t?- That day was to change my life... forever.

I am now nearly 33 and haven-t had a cigarette since 2 weeks after my boss asked me that question. How? I read a book, it was that simple... it-s by Allen Carr and if you WANT to quit check out his website below.

Quitting smoking was the easiest (yes easiest) and most empowering thing I-ve ever done. I couldn-t have done it without the book.
I dont know of any easy way to quit smoking. The only way I can think of would be to cut back slowly until you quit. But I would probably do it over a longer period of time so you can get used to smoking less cigs a day. Give yourself a certain amount of time to do it in like 3 or 4 months or something that way you dont have to quit cold turkey. People who try to just quit are usually the ones who fail because they want the nicotine so bad.
omg from 15! thats is out of hand. how did ur parents let u smoke from 15? wow! well maybe try that one treatment when they put a bunch of needles in your face that helps u stop smoking. nicotene gum works too. always chew it if u use it. go to the doctor and see what ur doctor says.
I-m not a smoker, but a friend of mine did this:

1. He switched to natural cigarettes (American Sprit?) with no extra chemicals, bleach, added nicotine, etc. It-s the chemicals that amp up the addictive qualities.

2. After smoking those for a month or so -- which allowed him to feel like he wasn-t depriving himself of his habit but allowed some time for the chemicals to leave his system -- he started to wean off once less cigarette per week.

3. Everytime he felt like a cigarette, he would slow down and really try to think what it was he really wanted. Was he bored? If so, he-d get up and do something to get his mind off of it. Was it a nicotine craving? He-d try some coffee. Was it a nervous habit? He-d chew gum.

4. He posted a picture of a diseased lung above his computer at work. Looking at that and associating it with his cravings started to make the cigarettes feel really dirty to him.

5. Start running. Train for a race. When you get in tune with your lungs, you will be less likely to want to damage them.

Go a little slower than simply cold turkey. A lot of people who go cold turkey relapse and it-s too much for their body to adjust to all at once. If you go slow your long-term chances of success might be better.
i never smoked, but just ask for help from someone close to you to keep you motivated, and make sure you dont smoke! try a patch.... they might work. good luckk!!!
A Yahoo search for -how to quit smoking- will give you a wealth of useful information and tips.
a way to ween off of it is to not buy them anymore (maybe don-t carry around extra money so you can-t afford them) and only take one when a friend offers you one. then if you can actually stick with that just eventually start saying no when people offer them to you.
Any easy way to quit smoking cigarettes? -

How did you quit smoking for good and how long have you been quit. EX_SMOKERS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE? -

How did you quit smoking for good and how long have you been quit. EX_SMOKERS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE? -

I am trying to quit smoking and i am on my third day now without one and I was wanting other people that have quit to share their experience with me so maybe it will help me to stay quit because i have very bad urges but im not giving in to them.
First of all congrats to you on your new health life

I quit smoking 28 yrs ago - when I quit it was cold turkey
they did not have the niicotine patches back in those days
the most important thing in quitting is you HAVE TO WANT TO QUIT other wise it just is not going to happen
now I did gain weight - I know others who did too but hey once you quit the habit you can diet.....
so hang in there you can do it chew lots of gum, - try to carry something around in your hands to help keep them busy too..

good luck - keep us posted
Good on you! I quit smoking about 20 years ago and I realized that it was making me sick so I decided to simply quit. The first 24 hours are the hardest however, one reason I believe some people have difficulty in quiting is because they think that it will leave a void in their lives however this is not so. What actually happens is that as you go through the quiting stage, you begin to experience a feeling of well being which does away with any void. Just keep at it and you will feel better and better and after a couple of weeks the craving will be gone.
Good Luck!
Like the previous answerers, I quit cold turkey many years ago. I began smoking at age 16 and smoked cigarettes for about 10 years. I was employed in a fast paced, pressure job and smoked about a pack a day and lived on coffee. I began to experience terrible stomach pains and saw a doctor, after tests showed the beginning of a peptic ulcer, I was advised to slow down, stop the caffine and quit smoking. This was not easy because I worked in an office that was so smokefilled you saw grey! Well, from feeling so bad for so day I just crumpled up my pack of Marlboros and tossed them. No, I-ll do it tomorrow, I just did it. Later, I did occassionally smoke a cigar with a friend, but never cigarettes. Eventually, I even refused cigars for fear it would rekindle my desire. No patches...just sheer will power! Do it for yourself and your family.
How did you quit smoking for good and how long have you been quit. EX_SMOKERS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE? -

Are you weak if you cannot quit smoking? -

Are you weak if you cannot quit smoking? -

I have tried a ciggarette or two during my life and have a cigar once a blue moon. I have never felt an addiction or the need for tobacco. I can say the same for many people I know, but some people I know cannot quit. Is this a weakness or are they just fooling themselves and don-t really want to quit?
Hey, Good questions. I hope I can shed a little light.

-As a smoker, all your emotions are medicated with a nicotine packed cigarette: you relax with nicotine; you laugh with nicotine, weep with nicotine, digest with nicotine. You smoke to pass the time, to ready yourself for a crisis, calm yourself after one, even (ironically) to catch your breath during a difficult task. You began your day by dosing with nicotine, your drug of choice (perhaps one among others), and ended it the same way. No wonder that, suddenly deprived of all that, your mind and body go wonky for a little while.-

It takes about 30 days for something to become habit. Once in a blue moon smokers don-t have the consistency of hourly cigarettes to touch the realm of addiction.

The addiction to Nicotine is often out of the body after 7 days of quitting. Yes the nicotine addiction is VERY strong to a smoker trying to quit, but those effects last about a week. The habit is the crunch. Think of something you do everyday as a routine. It can also be seen as habit.

I smoked for 20 years, I quit just over a year ago. Even to this day when I SEE someone smoking I crave hard. Instantly my mind goes into, -You want one, just imagine how good it will feel- my heart races, I get excited, and start wanting one. Then I walk past the person and get a whiff, and think, Thank goodness I quit. How horrible that smell is, did I smell like that? Am I going to get cancer now for smoking so long?

So if you want to know what it feels like, just for the heck of it...

Take something you consume and absolutely love. Chocolate, coffee, tea, if you do par take in those pleasures, it-s perfect, but again remember this could go with anything. Even wine, do you drink wine?

Pick your drug of choice it could be anything like I said. The point is now pick a day, lets say Monday, and starting Monday, you can NEVER have another drink, taste, lick. Never. Never have a chocolate cookie, or hot chocolate, or a piece of chocolate cake. Ever. See how long you can make it before you break down and have one.

After setting your mind to it, and achieving some sort of goal by quitting your dirty pleasure, you MAY see what it-s like to be addicted to cigarettes. The difference being, you don-t really have to. (Smokers do need to quit sadly..)

The analogy is loose in the sense that wine - chocolate, etc are not -bad- for you. So the fear of health problems are low. So the need to quit having those items would be fruitless, but the point is the psychology behind it. When your brain finally realized after a week or two that never means never. It hits home pretty hard and you start to talk yourself out of it. (Imagine if you took my challenge, and two weeks from now you come across a hershy kiss in the drawer... no one would know that you ate it, but again, never means never. Would you be albe to not eat it??)

It gets scary when your -crutch to almost every part of your day- gets taken away FOREVER.

If you can stop eating chocolate for a year, without sneaking a bite at all, Kudos to you for having strong willpower. Honestly though I doubt many people could take on that challenge and be true to it for the long haul. Thank goodness chocolate isn-t bad for you right.

Now the next time you have a friend trying to quit, and they fall off the band wagon, just think of how hard this really is for them and support them. The mental chaos that goes on in the mind of a smoker that has slipped is something you will -thankfully- never have to experience due to your lack of having a cigarette addition, but remember, just because you don-t understand it, doesn-t mean the people trying are weak, or ignorant to wanting to quit. It simply means you don-t understand what it-s really like to deal with an addiction.

Good luck with the challenge if you choose.

I-m in the throws of my own quit, 2 weeks today, and I always joked how Nicotine was a cruel mistress. After reading this answer I see how right I was. Cigarettes have been there with me through everything, highs and lows. Pretty amazing insight.

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There-s truth on both sides, I-m afraid. Nicotine is more physically addicting than heroin. The body adapts to the poison, and when it-s taken away, the body craves the poison as though a vital body chamical necessary for its survival is missing.

Then again, I know people who-ve quit cold-turkey. It can be done.

But it takes a certain type of individual with a lot of determination and discipline and a lot of self-will energy. -Strength vs. weakness- may be oversimplifying.
No, it has nothing to do with weakness. Nicotine is addictive... as addictive as heroin. And heroin addicts get to go to rehab, while smokers have to continue with their daily lives. Not to mention, that cigarettes are available in about every corner shop. People who quit smoking (even with things like the patch, nicotine gum and other aids) often suffer from depression, aches and pains, nightmares, the shakes, severe headaches, barking, hacking cough, difficulty in breathing and so many other symptons, it is no wonder so many people fail to quit.

Good news is that it can be done. If someone can-t quit cold turkey, they can talk to their doctor about other options... there are so many ways to quit these days, that it is easier than it was years ago.
No you are not weak you are addicted
Are you weak if you cannot quit smoking? -

I quit smoking 3 months ago, when will i really start to notice health changes? -

I quit smoking 3 months ago, when will i really start to notice health changes? -

I thought I would have more energy and run around all silly like. what the deal is?
I quit three years ago January - and my sense of taste and smell really started to get better around 6 months. I could taste better, smell better, breath deeper in about that time. I can detect a smoker a mile away, even a used car at the dealership, I could tell it was a smokers car even though they told me it wasn-t - you-ll be amazed.

You really won-t get more energy - I-m not sure I-ve ever heard that. You should be more stable if anything - you won-t be so jittery to have a smoke or going thru a nic-fit. Your mood will be more consistent because you-re body won-t be craving a toxin.

Just keep it up, you-re past the cravings part - now you just need to stick to it. The hardest part is when life gets really stressful, like a death in the family or something bad - your first instinct will be to have a smoke - but just fight it, and get it in your head that you hate the smell and taste. Everything will be so much nicer when you don-t smoke. You-ll smell clean, feel cleaner, not so wound up and your food will be sooooooooo good.
If you read book on smoking this mite help you with you question . And the thing is you not really get more energy its the message that you want you brain to do eg kick a ball . it take more that to send a message to you brain when you were smoking but the thing is it dose not take as long to send the message to you brain that all . And so people feel that the have more energy because the smoked a big bit to much . And the are eating more health food or the message was just take so long to go to there brain . It look like you did not smoke a very extra amount of fags . The only why i know this is because my mum is a psychologist and if you feel that my answer was ok but you need to talk to some psychologist about this . My mum has D.Clin.Psych and BSc in psychology but is has a she has a Doctoral degree is clinical psychology .
i think about 6 mo. is a good time for you to really start to see the changes in your body and good for you that you quit smoking
It really actually begins the first full day you do not smoke.

Between 2 weeks and 3 months:
circulation improves
walking becomes easier
lung function increases

Starting as early as a month after you quit smoking, and continuing for the next several months, you may notice significant improvements in these areas:
sinus congestion
shortness of breath

When you quit smoking, you-ll reap many physical benefits.

Your taste buds come back to life.
Your sense of smell improves.
Your voice may improve as irritation of the voice box (larynx) from cigarette smoke is reduced.
Your hair and breath will no longer smell like smoke.
You can breathe more deeply.
You will have more energy and stamina.
You-ll look younger and healthier.

People who smoke have more wrinkles and other signs of aging.
People who smoke are 4 times more likely to turn gray prematurely. 1
Men who smoke are twice as likely to be bald or balding as people who do not smoke. 1

In the long run, quitting smoking cuts the risk of lung cancer, many other cancers, heart disease, stroke, and other lung or breathing (respiratory) diseases (e.g., bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema). Moreover, ex-smokers have better health than current smokers. For example, ex-smokers have fewer days of illness, fewer health complaints, and less bronchitis and pneumonia than current smokers.
Depends upon how long you have been smoking. You surely didn-t expect that in 3 months time. Takes a long time to rid your lungs of the black tar that has accumulated there. At least 6 months but I would think a year would be better. Congratulations upon trying to improve your health . . and improve it you will. Just be patient . . each day gets you closer.
smokeing is bad for health.
but a regulare smoker quite smoke suddenly may cause the syndrome below:
01 dissyness
02 cauhging
03 noissia
04 bad thinking power.

all this happen because your brain is programmed to have nicotine. but sudden quite of nicotine may cause your brain down as your brain depands on nicotine. but soon you will feel better.
I quit smoking 3 months ago, when will i really start to notice health changes? -