Is it normal to develop a cough 2 months after quitting smoking? -

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Is it normal to develop a cough 2 months after quitting smoking? -

Granted I did not cough at all up until now. When I first quit, I did wonder how my body was getting rid of stuff w/out coughing. Now 2 months later, I am coughing up some stuff from my lungs. Is it normal to develop a cough 2 months after quitting smoking? Why so late?
It takes a while for your lungs- cilia to rejuvenate once you quit smoking. Cilia are like little -brooms- that move crap out of your lungs. It is not unusual to cough as part of the process of bringing that stuff out. When you smoke these cilia are destroyed and the cough reflex suppressed.

Look at the cough as a good thing. It means your lungs are cleaning themselves up. But if the cough doesn-t go away after awhile, then check with your doctor...just to be on the safe side.
what stuff... when i quit i was spitting brown saliva every morning which i thought it was blood .. but i heard its the bad stuff you inhailed for so long.. but always see a doc to make sure..on the safe for me it stopped after 4-5 month..
i didnt cough thou....
Yes , the damage has been done, stopping smoking does not reverse years of polluting your lungs.
Yes, it-s perfectly normal. Your body is busy cleaning out the crud from your lungs. If you-re prone to drool while asleep at night, you may even notice a brownish stain on your pillow in the mornings. Same gunk getting purged from your lungs.
It took me about 2 moths to start coughing and another 2 months to stop.
Yes, it-s normal. It is your lungs cleaning up all the gunk. If you-re worried you should see your Doctor.
It-s not late at all! Smokers put alot of things in their lungs. Remember that your lungs need time. 2 months to them is like 1 week at a new house. They just need time to adjust! To stop your cough, try to keep your house smelling like something nice, like cake! Try not to eat a lot of heavy things. For at least a month, try a no-meat eat. Fruit is tasty and good for you. It also heals things faster than other things.
after quitting smoking I think it is okay for you to have some couhging after about 2 months but I ain-t sure. if it bothers u so much go see ur doctor about it
yes,Your body is getting rid of all the mucus it does take time.You could cough for months.Congratulations for quitting tough to do.You will eventually stop coughing.
Its not normal to have cough for 2 months, smoking or not smoking.
I would recommend you should get a thorough checkup by a doctor. Although there may be only a minor cause behind it but depending on how long you have been smoking, the cause may be very serious. Earlier you get checked up, better it is. So don-t delay and don-t take it easily.
Yes it is normal. I quit smoking about six months ago, and the hardest time form me was after the first month. The cravings got worse after the first two weeks and lasted about a month after that, then after you start coughing and bringing up that junk, you start to feel better.
May be it is not due to your quitting smoking, any way try these remedies. A cough is the body-s response to inflammation or irritation in the throat, larynx, bronchial tubes or lungs.Some coughs are dry, while others are considered productive.Here are a few simple home remedies that will help to overcome cough. Have honey in a hot drink before bed time.To relieve fits of coughing due to dryness in the throat, suck a few pepper corns. More remedies at
Is it normal to develop a cough 2 months after quitting smoking? -