How can someone quit smoking pot after 10 years of everyday use? -

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How can someone quit smoking pot after 10 years of everyday use? -

What is the key to breaking the habit?
Great idea to quit smoking !

It-s mental toughness you need ! (it will be back after a few days w/o smoking weed)

Good luck !
I-ve never had to quit smoking anything. I don-t smoke.
Some people say...
Cold Turkey
mj is only psychologically addictive you just have to want to quit...
You gotta want to quit. That may be hard when it-s so widely glamourized. Your body is a temple - you should treat it as such. Your friends will make it difficuly as well. Remember users are losers - just say no. No one ever died without marijuana - therefore it-s not necessary. Think of all the money you will save. Find a new hobby that interests you. Hope this helps - good luck! You don-t need pot for a crutch.
I-ve never smoked anything, but it seems that probably you-ll need some help in this. You might try Narcotics Anonymous (NA). Their big sister, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), has helped several of my friends quit drinking, and I hear good things about NA as well.

You need to motivate yourself. Promise yourself a real (but legal and healthy!) treat each month (or other interval), paid for by some of the money you save. Travel or a computer could be paid for that way. Anything you REALLY want.

I-ve always heard that the way to break a bad habit is to substitute a good habit. Instead of smoking, take up step aerobics or biking or volunteer work at a local school - something positive to do. It helps to have something that fits in the time slot when you were smoking, so if you turned on every night at 7:30, make a firm committment to some other activity every night at that time. Get a drug-free buddy to participate with you, and tell him/her to CALL you at 7:15 to remind you of your upcoming other activity or pick you up or something so you can-t just not do it some night and lose your momentum.

You may have to be ruthless about cutting yourself off from any friends who are users. Make new friends at your chosen substitute activity if possible - or anywhere else you can find drugfree people. Your old friends can make it impossible to change, but there are lots of good people out there waiting to be found. But not at bars. You don-t want to substitute another drug, even a legal one like booze, for the pot. You need to get clean AND sober!

There are lots of good people out there willing to help by being your friends. Go out and find them. Good luck!
yes you can quit just take it one day at a time and find something else to take it-s place like running or reading good luck
In my younger days i smoked a joint in the morning and did 5-6 bong rips for lunch and smoked a big blunt for dinner every single day. One day you just realize that it is messing up your life and you make a choice to quit. I had a girlfriend and children, that is what made me quit cold turkey. Pot is hard to kick, but other drugs like speed and heroin are even more so. Just be strong in your mind and change the kind of people you hang out with as well, so you will not be tempted to use.
How can someone quit smoking pot after 10 years of everyday use? -