Any easy way to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Any easy way to quit smoking cigarettes? -

I am 23, been smoking since 15 and it is really out of hand. I can go through a pack a day and I am afraid for my future. I want to quit, but after a couple hours without nicotene all I want to do is smoke. I need help... any suggestions from any former smokers?
Well, if you are able to go a couple hours without one, write down the time you finish one, and then again when the urges start. Once you know that time, don-t let yourself smoke before that. Slowly add time between each cigarette, until you are only smoking less than 3 or 4 a day.
If you start feeling the urge, and it isn-t too bad, distract yourself with something for your mouth and hands. Carry around some small snacks (like sunflower seeds) to snack on and extend the time between cigarettes.
When you finally decide to not have one at all, avoid situations and people that you normally associate smoking with for a while. Makes it easier to not be tempted.
Worked for me years ago.

Good luck with it.
Try to organize your smoking habit. For example, have a smoke every 30mins the first week, every 1hr the second week, every 1:30hr the week after, every 2hrs the week after that.....etc

when you get to the week where you smoke once every 4 hours (or more) you can easily quit cold turky (nicotine gum can help at this point).

Give it a try.
I quit smoking 6 yrs ago and never had a craving. Unbelievable I know. I had a doctor ask me if I ever thought about quitting, I said yeah sometimes. He said do you want to quit, I said sure. He wrote me a prescription for Wellbutrin which is an anti-depressant and the side affect is no desire to smoke. Seemed unreal but I tried it anyway. Sure enough I took it for about 2 weeks and then just stopped smoking. Seriously.

The catch is most insurance companies won-t cover the prescription specifically to quit smoking, it has to be written for depression. Otherwise to pay out of pocket was really expensive.
Chewing Nicorette gum may get you to quit the habit of smoking, by reduce your cravings of nicotine.
My dad was a really bad smoker... atleast 2 packs a day. He quit cold turkey and replaced it with eating many meals a day to keep him occupied and was always chewing on a toothpick. Also during the day he wouldn-t let himself just sit around, he was always doing something like riding his bike, going for walks, playing pool, working outside, or whatever. It also helps to tell your friends to help you or do it with someone. You can watch and support eachother. Try to be with friends a lot while you trying not to smoke, so when you try to buy another pack they will be there. Of course demolish all of your lighters and cigerettes or give them away. Don-t keep money in your wallet. Only keep like a credit card for emergencys. Hope this helped! You can do it! It-s not impossible!!!
dont put the cigarette in your mouth and light it.
I smoked from the age of 13 til 26 the whole time thinking I-d be able to stop when I WANTED to. Then that time came and no matter how much I told myself not to smoke I kept going back.

One day at work, my boss asked me if I wanted to quit smoking and my response was -who doesn-t?- That day was to change my life... forever.

I am now nearly 33 and haven-t had a cigarette since 2 weeks after my boss asked me that question. How? I read a book, it was that simple... it-s by Allen Carr and if you WANT to quit check out his website below.

Quitting smoking was the easiest (yes easiest) and most empowering thing I-ve ever done. I couldn-t have done it without the book.
I dont know of any easy way to quit smoking. The only way I can think of would be to cut back slowly until you quit. But I would probably do it over a longer period of time so you can get used to smoking less cigs a day. Give yourself a certain amount of time to do it in like 3 or 4 months or something that way you dont have to quit cold turkey. People who try to just quit are usually the ones who fail because they want the nicotine so bad.
omg from 15! thats is out of hand. how did ur parents let u smoke from 15? wow! well maybe try that one treatment when they put a bunch of needles in your face that helps u stop smoking. nicotene gum works too. always chew it if u use it. go to the doctor and see what ur doctor says.
I-m not a smoker, but a friend of mine did this:

1. He switched to natural cigarettes (American Sprit?) with no extra chemicals, bleach, added nicotine, etc. It-s the chemicals that amp up the addictive qualities.

2. After smoking those for a month or so -- which allowed him to feel like he wasn-t depriving himself of his habit but allowed some time for the chemicals to leave his system -- he started to wean off once less cigarette per week.

3. Everytime he felt like a cigarette, he would slow down and really try to think what it was he really wanted. Was he bored? If so, he-d get up and do something to get his mind off of it. Was it a nicotine craving? He-d try some coffee. Was it a nervous habit? He-d chew gum.

4. He posted a picture of a diseased lung above his computer at work. Looking at that and associating it with his cravings started to make the cigarettes feel really dirty to him.

5. Start running. Train for a race. When you get in tune with your lungs, you will be less likely to want to damage them.

Go a little slower than simply cold turkey. A lot of people who go cold turkey relapse and it-s too much for their body to adjust to all at once. If you go slow your long-term chances of success might be better.
i never smoked, but just ask for help from someone close to you to keep you motivated, and make sure you dont smoke! try a patch.... they might work. good luckk!!!
A Yahoo search for -how to quit smoking- will give you a wealth of useful information and tips.
a way to ween off of it is to not buy them anymore (maybe don-t carry around extra money so you can-t afford them) and only take one when a friend offers you one. then if you can actually stick with that just eventually start saying no when people offer them to you.
Any easy way to quit smoking cigarettes? -