How can I convince my father to quit smoking ? -

Monday, May 14, 2018

How can I convince my father to quit smoking ? -

He is smoking over two packs a day!
make a packet up of pictures of what smoking can do to him and tell him u want him to be around for a long time because u luv him! i worked for me! good luck!
My mother is the same way. She just was in the hospital because of smoking, and yet she bought a pack as soon as she got out....Simply ask him, if he wants to live to see you get married, or if he wants grandchildren one day, or all the money he would save not smoking and not having doctors appointments in the future. Google the pro-s of quitting. I personally suggest trying the Commit lozenges.
ask him if he likes you and if he will say yes then ask him if he doesnt want to stop smoking for you! if he wants to live long, and tell him how much money he could save if he would stop smoking! maybe it would help! good luck!
ive been trying for years now and it hasn-t worked!
How can I convince my father to quit smoking ? -