Whats a good way to quit smoking cigarettes without going crazy? -

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Whats a good way to quit smoking cigarettes without going crazy? -

I smoke Newports 100-s if that helps your answer.
I smoked Marb lights for 13 years - so did my husband
We just got so fed up we just quit
No drugs or anything
It was hell, but worth it
It-s been 1.5 years and we still don-t smoke
I had a lot of help from this website

As an RN, I know that medically and statistically speaking, the most effective method to quit smoking and stay smoke-free is to quit cold turkey. No nicotine patches or gum or any of that garbage! If you truly make up your mind to quit, you will. You can either -try- to quit or -do- quit. If all you do is -try-, you leave yourself open for failure. You are a doer! Your mind is more powerful than you know. Label yourself as a non-smoker and move forward with your life! Leaving ANY addiction will cause stress in your life. It is up to you how much you allow that stress to control your life. YOU are in control of your emotions!
Start by slowing down and not quitting all together. Day by day just decrease the amount, even if it-s only by one cig. Set small goals that you know you can achieve and stick to them. The feeling of accomplishment makes you want to keep going. Also reward yourself with something else that you enjoy when you have met a goal. I bought myself a new pair of shoes or something if I stuck to my plan a week at a time. Also gum chewing helped me... Happy trails and good luck!
The only way is to go cold turkey. No more excuses to just have one. Some people who smoke have an oral fixation so you may need to keep your mouth busy- suck on lollipops, chew gum, or even eat sunflower seeds. Try to stay away from others who smoke and be proud of yourself for everyday you go without the cancer stick! Good luck on your journey!
Cut back slowly. Quitting cold turkey could make you go crazy and want one right away, and then you-re hooked again. Cutting back, you just cut back a little each week until there is no more.
Put chewing gu in the place where you use to put your ciggsy. Then everytime you go to have a cigeratte yo can have gum instead.
Visit http://www.stopsmoking4good.org or e-mail ContactOwner@stopsmoking4good.org Its a great product!
every time you want to smoke electrocute yourself
chew gum....alot of gum....or suck on candy...try to have something in yopur mouth all the time....but no cigarettes
I was a smoker for 10 years. I just recently quit. (today marks two weeks and 1 day since my last cig!). It has been very difficult. I actually did use the patches, but found that they were most beneficial during the first few days, when the cravings were at the worst. They really helped control those and keep me sane. After the first three days once the chemical dependency was kinda over, the habit part of smoking came in. I felt sooo weird. Like I was missing something, or forgetting something all the time. I was going absolutely nuts. I ended up cutting a straw the same length of a cig, and I just sucked on that and held it as if it were a cig, and that helped. Also - I got some dumdum lollipops. =) Those were great for times when I was in public or around people where having a -cigarette straw- would appear silly. lol I had -tried- to quit before, and failed. But this time I KNOW I will stay quit. It is very mental also - you have to have your mindset that you ARE going to quit. Let your friends and family know that you want to quit also - you-d be surprised at how much support and encouragement they will provide. =) Good luck!!!
Whats a good way to quit smoking cigarettes without going crazy? -