I only smoke when I drink. I have no desire to smoke any other time. How do I quit smoking? -

Monday, May 14, 2018

I only smoke when I drink. I have no desire to smoke any other time. How do I quit smoking? -

The obvious answer would be to quit drinking. I-m young and I-m Irish, so fat chance of that happening. Can any of you give some good advice on this? I know of a lot of people like myself who only smoke when they-re out drinking, and have no desire whatsoever to light one up at any other time. Patches and nicorette gum, etc., therefore, I think really wouldn-t apply to people like us, because we don-t desire a cigarette any other time except when we are out on night on the town. So how can people like us resist the urge to smoke once we get a few drinks in us?
First of all, the only way to fight it is to put a little drill sergeant in your head and yell at yourself whenever you get the urge to smoke when you-re drinking. I-m young and Irish too, and I smoke. But I quit for 3 months once and the whole time that-s what I had to do. You hafto push yourself or you won-t be able to do it. And second of all, you shouldn-t have a problem quitting since you-re not an addict. If you only smoke when you drink I would only worry about it when you get cravings and you-re sober. Yes, you-ll still be doing damage to your lungs, but nothing serious enough to worry about. Just make sure that you don-t keep this up for too long, because someday you WILL get addicted, and take it from a girl who smokes almost a pack of cigs a day...it will RUIN your life!
you have partially answer you own question, don-t drink or use gum patch etc....well all that is really left is, plan plan plan..you know you-ll want to smoke right! and you don-t want to right? then the plan , you are aware of you problem, first and most important, don-t take cigarettes with you, keep the lighters at home too. write your self a note and put it in you purse....don-t smoke that cigarette tonight..I-m here to socialize so get up a move around to keep your mind off the cigs!! when you get tipsy, is when you-ll have your biggest challenge. this is the time to go home...do this a couple of outings and you will break that drink smoke cycle..after a few times stay longer and longer....good success to you, anita
You know the answer and choose not to follow through, so you will probably continue to smoke. When you decide to quit, you will.
You-re right...don-t drink would be the obvious answer. Is there a smoking ban in your area or is smoking allowed at all pubs/bars, etc.? I think smoking bans help people like you (and I wish it would have come sooner to help people like me, unfortunately, I-ve slipped back to a nearly full time smoker). What you can do (and I-ve done this before) is when I-ve gone out, not bring my own smokes, but rather bum them off of others. That-s a sure fire way to piss people off so they won-t give them to you.
Dunk a patch in your drink - gin,tonic,ice,lemon and a patch - it-s crazy enough to catch on.
dont drink
don-t drink?
Honestly smoking when you drink really isnt that big a deal, clearly you enjoy smoking when you drink so I would continue to smoke, as long as you are drinking. If not than go to places or hang out with other people that dont smoke. Alot of bars arent letting you smoke inside anymore so that can help alot, it helped me to quit.
Find something else to do while you drink... eg chew gum, play a game etc.....
I-m not sure exactly, though if I were going to be humorous, I-d say that whenever you get the urge to smoke, have a drink instead.

However, maybe if you got in the habit of sticking something else in your mouth when you want to smoke (and I mean that in a clean way); like a peanut or something.

The obvious answer is gum, but it doesn-t really mix well with drinking, but think in that vein.
Try to not drink so much (if at all possible) don-t buy cigarettes so that you have them on you for when you want to help, all your mates join together and try to stop, or go to a doctor!
I was always the same way, and even tried to smoke sober and couldn-t handle it without hacking my lungs out.
Now I quit drinking and don-t smoke!
I have the same problem except mine-s not when I drink (even tho it is a problem with me. It-s actually when I-m under a lot of pressure or lots of stress about a situation or my bills.

I-m not sure that any advice from me would be good. I just know what works for me is to try my best to eliminate the stress so I-m not tempted. But it-s hard. I-ve tried sitting downwind of ciggy smoke so I can get the smell but not actually have the cig in hand. That helps more than you know but it-s still not a good solution.

The best I can offer you is determination. Keep your healthy goals in mind for yourself and do whatever it takes to work this problem out. I can drink now at home and it-s not so bad because I don-t want to smoke. Now, when I actually go to a bar, I smoke like a train. So, I don-t go to bars as much anymore. I-ve found other things to keep my mind occupied so I don-t miss going to a bar at all now.

Good luck and hope I-ve helped!
well, depending on where you live, you may not have that option soon. Here in Houston they are about to pass a law that will not allow smoking inside of bars or night clubs.
I only smoke when I drink. I have no desire to smoke any other time. How do I quit smoking? -