How can I get my sister to quit smoking? -

Friday, December 28, 2018

How can I get my sister to quit smoking? -

She hates the patch, and I can-t think of anything else
A person has to really want to quit in order to succeed.
I tried several times, but the thing that made me really want to quit was the big price hikes.
I quit while on vacation from work (less stress)
I began months earlier by cutting down on the amount I smoked. When I started my vacation I was down to about 1/2 to 3/4 of a pack a day.
I finished my last pack on my first day of vacation. The next few days were rough. I searched the ashtrays at home for partially smoked ones and took a few hits during the day (pathetic, isn-t it?) After about 3 days of this (really nasty tasting compared to a fresh cigarettes) I was able to fight off the need to smoke.
Give her as much support as you can, but don-t be pushy.
I would ignore people who tried to make me quit, I had to decide to do it on my own.
there-s this program that pays u to stop smoking and they test u if you-ve been smoking even o times. They pay u like $50..
Nutrition is a simple way of giving up smoking and healthy. My best friend gave up his addiction smoking each evening for relaxation, I used a cascading antioxidant and an aloe vera concentrate drink, both made him feel fantastic and reduced the severity of pollution in his body for the smoking by detoxing and cleansing his body whilst activating his metabolism the way the nicotine hit did. I sell these products and they are available from me in 63 countries, let me know how you go? Phil Caine Sydney Australia.
You can-t !....SHE has to want to....To quit -anything- I believe it has to be a personal choice and even then it-s hard!!!
My brother and my Dad did quit (my brother smoked 3+ packs a day!) through a procedure where they use a laser on the bridge of their noses.....I don-t know all of the details of the procedure it sounds stange but it does work :) It was done in northern california. I know it was expensive too, but then again over the years smoking costs add up!
help her find something healthy to do instead. my uncle started chewing sunflower seeds to help him wuit smoking and it acdtually worked but now hes addicted to those lol but at least those are better then cigerettes
Patches and gum are types of nicotine replacement products. Other nicotine replacement products include lozenges, inhalers and tablets (microtab).

Where to find them
Nicotine replacement products are sold at pharmacies without prescription.

They work
Research shows that people who use nicotine replacement products are almost twice as likely to quit and stayed stopped.

How to know if they might help you
Nicotine replacement products work best for people who smoke at least 15 cigarettes per day and who want to quit.

How they help you to quit
They are intended to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms while you focus on breaking your smoking habits and learn to live without cigarettes.

Safer than cigarettes
Nicotine products are much safer than cigarettes, as they do not contain cancer-causing substances, carbon monoxide or other dangerous chemicals found in tobacco smoke. Nicotine products are designed to be less addictive than cigarettes: you absorb less nicotine, at a slower rate than smoking. The level of nicotine in your blood will peak after four hours with the patch, and after 30 minutes with the gum, inhaler, lozenge and tablet.

Follow the instructions that come with the product
It is important to carefully follow the instructions on how to use these products to gain the most benefit from them. The nicotine gum, inhaler, lozenge and tablet work best when taken every one to two hours throughout the day.

Talk to your pharmacist or doctor
If you have any medical conditions, are taking any medicines (including non-prescription ones), or are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should talk to your pharmacist or doctor before using these products. You can discuss with your pharmacist or doctor which product would best suit you.

Nicotine chewing gum
Nicotine gum is available as 2 mg and 4 mg pellets. After chewing the gum to get a peppery taste, you rest it in the side of your mouth. You absorb nicotine from the gum through the lining of your mouth. You may -chew and rest- the gum several times before discarding it. The stronger pellets are more useful for people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day.

Nicotine patches
Sets of nicotine patches come in three sizes, and you usually start with the largest patch (either a 15mg 16 hour patch or a 21mg 24 hour patch). The patch is worn on the skin, and you absorb nicotine from it continuously. Some people may find patches easier to use than other nicotine products.

Nicotine inhalers
Nicotine inhalers consist of a plastic tube with a plug loaded with nicotine, which is inserted into a mouthpiece. Nicotine is vapourised and absorbed in your mouth when you draw air through the inhaler.

Nicotine lozenges
Nicotine lozenges are tablets which dissolve in your mouth. They slowly release nicotine, which is absorbed through the lining of your mouth over a period of about 30 minutes. They come in two strengths: 4 mg for people who normally smoke within 30 minutes of waking and 2 mg for people who normally smoke more than 30 minutes after waking.

Nicotine sublingual tablets
Nicotine tablets (sold under the brand name Microtab) are small tablets, which dissolve under your tongue. They come in the 2mg strength only. Most people use between eight to 12 tablets per day. However, people who usually smoke within 30 minutes of waking and smoke over 20 cigarettes per day can increase their dose by taking two tablets at once or by taking one tablet more often.
I hope that she can, but She has to decide that she-s going to!

I smoked for over twenty years going from Marlboros to Newports at about two packs per day!

I never wanted to hear anybody about it! I lost my Mother-in-law to it and Still did it after vowing to stop! She was a three (yes three) pack per day smoker!

I finally decided to stop and used the patch. It worked during the week, but crashed if I had beer!

It finally took MY decision of being tired of spending thirty bucks on patched to do it!

I-m headed for Seven months now!!!

Tell her with a LOT of help from Family/friends and prayer that she can do this, Really!!!
Since I quit, I-m constanly now being asked by friends, -How Do I Stop Smoking?-
I really empathise with you, I quit my 20 a day habit in a pain-free way!
No stress, no cravings, no weight gain, no pills, patches or gums.
(I-d tried everything else, like you)
The program I followed was recommended by a friend and now boasts a 90% success rate and is 100% fully guaranteed - can-t say fairer than that.

If you really intend on quitting this is it.

All the best..
You can-t. She is the only one who can stop herself.

Don-t keep nagging her about it as she is probably going to jut say F-n forget it.

Keep the
Your sister has to be determined to stop for herself and you can-t do it for her dear heart. You can however help her by being supportive and understanding to her. I succeeded on my second try because I was determined enough not to touch another one ever after I had an attack of epilepsy ( nothing to do with smoking) but I thought I could-ve set the place on fire and burned to death. After that I have nover smoked ( no patches or pills and did not throw the pack away either. After 6 months, it was Christmas and I made a gift to myself. I threw it away for good. This could be a nice Christmas story, wouldn-t it ? Such a relief and satisfaction to have conquered the habit! I put weight but that-s all right! I look at myself in the mirror and pet my belly like Santa when I get out of the shower! And I giggle like him too!.

Good luck to your sister and make her laugh. It does miracles!
How can I get my sister to quit smoking? -