How do you go about quit smoking pot? -

Sunday, January 12, 2020

How do you go about quit smoking pot? -

This person has been smoking pot for 25 years on a regular basis. It has become who they are, it defines their personality. This is their 3rd day pot-free. What are we looking at emotionally and physically?
Is there anything that helps this transition?
We believe in the power of prayer. Other than that what can you do to make this easier?
Marijuana is not chemically addictive, so you are looking at purely psychological and emotional issues here. 25 years of use is a long time. Long term use like that usually leads to clinical depression. So in reality, most of what the person will be experiencing is the clinical depression.

Honestly, in my opinion the person should be seeing a doctor, preferably a mental health professional while going through this. Clinical depression is a real problem that may needs other meds to be corrected. Its even possible that over the years he was already depressed and self medicating with the marijuana (even if the person didnt know that, its possible). However, marijuana only works short term for that, and long term actually causes worse depression. Now that they dont have the marijuana, the depression symptoms may start croping up, if they havent already. Even if the person doesnt need meds, a professional can help them work through this period of time in a healthy way. At the very least they need to join a support group.

need to not hang out with friends who stil have the pot lifestyle. Avoid situations that lead to smoking. It is good to count the days of sobriety. 3 days becomes 4 then 5 then 45 then 545 etc. This means setting and keeping the goal of staying sober.
for me i took a while to get use to it but i just put other stuff in place like working out or doing other stuff so that i wouldn-t have time to do it or alot of sex that will work
How do you go about quit smoking pot? -