Why does it seem like my lung function has gotten worse since i quit smoking? -

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Why does it seem like my lung function has gotten worse since i quit smoking? -

I quit smoking about 2 months ago, and while at times my breathing is easier, a lot of the time i feel like I-m a step away from wheezing, and i have trouble taking in a breath. Anyone have any idea what this could be or have a similar experience?
It was probably always like that, but you didn-t notice because you were in denial.
And in only 2 months, you-re still hacking up gunk.
well ive never smoked in my life but thats cuz ive researched alot about it......u might thinks its worst because when u stop smoking all the bad things uve inhaled from a ciggarette stop building up and then u start coughing more and more because u want to get rid of all the nasty stuff in your lungs ..thats why people who smoke have black lungs
because smoking dilates the bronchioles in the lungs. Thats why when you smoke, you feel like your breathing ok.

Your lungs have build up plaque and tar, and you have damaged the surfactant holding your aveoli (air sacs in the lungs) open. Your body is in repair mode, and your feeling the negative affects smoking had on your lungs.
some people have really good answers, i just recently quit smoking too and feel that i am in the exact position as you.
i reckon it doesnt neccessarily mean a physical condition but it can also be a psychological situation as in maybe developing hypochondria since you quit smoking being scared that something bad has or is happening. I think i may have the same problem.

and the second thing is that you are probably detoxing after quitting smoking, this is an occurance that happens to people after quitting though not everyone who quits.

so take care wish you all the best.
Hi, I quit three months ago and am doing the same thing you are. I think its nerves myself, this is a very hard habit to quit. I have not coughed up anything to speak of, although I dont cough anymore from irritation, and I do like the extra money and the freedom of quitting. I wish you the best and must say GOOD FOR YOU
Why does it seem like my lung function has gotten worse since i quit smoking? -

How do you quit smoking and not have cravings? -

How do you quit smoking and not have cravings? -

Without Nicotine patches, gum, medicine or any of that ****. I heard drinking tons of O.J. helps. I-m very short and mean to people when I try to quit. I need to quit though. I-m having trouble breathing and I-m tired all the time.
Homeopathic Remedies to Help Quit Smoking :-

To reduce the craving; while discontinuing its use Tabacum 30, 4 hourly

Though addicted to tobacco; but cannot bear the odor of it Lobelia In Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 5 -10 drops

Great desire to smoke; tobacco heart; oppression of breathing as in asthma Caladium S 30, 4 hourly

To produce disgust for tobacco for habitual tobacco chewers Plantago Major 30, 4 hourly

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications That-s the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine

Take Care and God Bless You !
Hi, I would like to try to explain something to you. Nicotine is the opposite molecule of Niacin. Another name for Niacin is Nicotinic Acid. When you smoke, the Niacin in the brain that belongs there is displaced and replaced with the Nicotine that you take in from smoking a cigarette. It begins to cause an addiction to the cigarettes. When the addicted person is not able to have the Nicotine, irritableness, depression or crabbiiness are evident. The individual feels an inability to relax until after procuring -the fix---a cigarette. The relaxation a person feels after having smoked a cigarette is due to the addiction to the Nicotine which has displaced the Niacin in the body. If a person wishing to stop smoking does it -cold turkey-, usually the body will start to put on weight. The reason for this is that the Niacin now needs to displace the Nicotine which is phasing out. Niacin is one of the enrichments in white bread, and this is why many people who stop smoking will start to search out starches which contain Niacin. By administering Niacin and or Niacinamide, the person will not have cravings for starches, so the weight will not be gained if Niacinamide or Niacin is utilized. Another thing smoking does is tar up the lungs. It actually tars the holes in the lungs. The best way to demonstrate this would be to visualize a sponge. The function of a sponge is to absorb liquid, but if the sponge is sprayed with something like nail polish, it will harden and solidify and be unable to absorb liquid. By taring the lungs with cigarette tar, the lungs are not functioning as they should be. Therefore, the blood is not being purified because it is not getting the oxygen that it needs to do so .Smoking burns up Sulfur in the body. Signs of this are a sore throat, which usually means there is also a fat allergy. The antidote to the fat allergy is Sulfur . Sulfur is our beauty mineral, being used to make beautiful skin, hair and nails. Cigarette smoking throws out Sulfur along with L-Methionine and L-Cysteine, the amino acids which make the cells more flexible. Therefore, cigarette smoking can actually be considered an aging device, causing a person to age faster than normally. Things used to stop smoking: 1. Niacin, a vaso-dilator, to displace Nicotine in the brain. 2. Vitamin B-15, to give the body more oxygen so the desire to smoke would be less. 3. Vitamin E, to utilize oxygen in the body more throughly. 4. The herb Golden Seal, to melt the tar from the lungs. The Herb Goldenseal should not be used in the beginning of the program. Since it actually melts tar from the lungs, and acts as an expectorant, it will bring up a lot of green and yellow phlegm from the lungs which might make the person feafful. It should be used after the smoking has stopped and the lungs have begun to reconstruct, as if it is done all at once, the person might suffer a traumatic experience and go back to smoking. A person could also start using a filter on the cigarette to lessen the intake of nicotine and tar from the cigarette making it easier for a person to switch to a lower tar and nicotine cigarette, and eventually stop smoking. This will also allow you to see the trappings of tar that are now not going into the lungs to give you an idea what it looks like. Hope that helps. Andy
The best way to deal with quitting is enlisting the help of your friends. I quit almost four years ago, and my friends were the most important part. They were encouraging, understanding when I needed to let things out, and I didn-t want to let them down once I told them I was quitting. Also, try something else to focus your anger: kickboxing, art, journaling, or some other hobby. Most importantly, make a commitment to yourself. Decide that you will watch your temper, and if you go in thinking your in control, you will be more likely to be in control. Best of luck! If you want it, it-s yours!
All nicotine is out of your system in 72 hours.
After that its your body going through withdrawal - and you hold on tight - I gave it up this weekend, and by sunday I had destroyed a phone, and today I destroyed a printer. So I know what you mean by short tempered. And let me tell you about mental confusion....Kripe, thats bad too....

One thing I have found that helps is staying away from people as much as possible, letting the people who know me well know that I-m feeling like a rabid pitbull on steroids because I just quit, trying to avoid anything intellectually challenging (there are moments when I freakin- can-t speak ENGLISH!!!) and trying to hold onto the -just one day at a time- - well, I had to break that down to -Just this ten minutes- - which has helped so far....like I said, its only been since saterday....

Good Luck
I suggest NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming). NLP is a form of psychotherapy which is applied to help people like you, to stop smoking. The recordings that are created, has the very latest revolutionary techniques which has helped myself and my friend to completely stop smoking. We are also not experiencing any cravings to light up.
You only need to spend around 40 minutes listening to the recording, just download the file onto your MP3 player or CD and you-ll be on your way to a smoke free future.
YOU can Kick The Habit For Good In Just 38 Minutes - 13 Seconds with success rate of 97.2%
I and my friend used the below mentioned resource.
Wish you all the success in quitting the Cancer sticks.
That-s why it-s called and addiction. The further out you get, the less the cravings. It-s not easy, but it can be and is done all the time. Will power. Do you have it? Or does -it- have you?
smoke pot it will make you looser and cooler to be around.
How do you quit smoking and not have cravings? -

Is it harder to quit smoking when when someone is bugging you to do so? -

Is it harder to quit smoking when when someone is bugging you to do so? -

I have a friend who is bugging me to quit and it-s driving me nuts, it makes me want to smoke more.I understand she just cares about me, but i need to quit for ME.
YES! Great question! It is harder to quit smoking if anything is bugging you especially while you are already trying.
I quit nine days ago. Dang...! Nine days ago! By far, this has been the easiest time so far. Nobody bugged me this time. In previous times, everyone hounded me to stop and it never worked. I decided this time for myself. I think Yahoo answers has helped because it has given me something to do away from my usual -smoking- place. Also, I-ve used the gum which has been a LIFESAVER. When YOU want to quit you will. You-ll define the reasons. No one else can do that for you. I always had a natural rebellion against everyone who tried to make me stop...until I wanted to, that rebellion stopped me from being successful. Good Luck To You!
exactly ! the only way you-ll successfully quit is when YOU are ready and YOU have made the decision. your friends well intentions are leading them on the road to hell (for you).
Is it harder to quit smoking when when someone is bugging you to do so? -

Trying to quit smoking? -

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Trying to quit smoking? -

I know all the reasons to quit of course. But I have been smoking for a very long time. Tips on not starting again? Been 3 days for me now. YEAH!!!! I am very proud right now...but I know I wil be tested again soon....please give me some stories, tips, thoughts to keep me motivated. I need help.
Try to find as much positive support as I did. Try to stop as long as it takes like I did. And try to be grateful for every moment you are tempted to smoke, but don-t. I am happy to tell you my story but it is more important that you get the help and support you need to stay off the rag weed. I-ll try to inspire you. Try to find some good books, people and support. Many people fail because it is too hard to do alone. And many people fail because of peer pressure to stop. Don-t listen to people who think they know what is best. You need to make your own decisions. Try to just work out this craving and don-t worry about the previous or next one. Remember to break the habit it takes about 21 days. But the most important thing is stick with what is working for you. Sometimes it is better to try and suffer on time off for the first week. I really appreciate your interest in stopping, but you deserve all the credit and I thank all your support like family and friends. Best wishes and keep trying if you slip.
Failure is a stone that will drag you down time and time again. Each failure just sets up the next one and makes it easier to fail.
Quitting is hard to do and I-m sure you know that by now. Truthfully, cold turkey is the only way to it, in my opinion. Try to do other things like chewing gum, tic-tacs, etc. Once you make it one year, you-ll feel much better and you-ll not want one. One thing I did was take all the money that I would use to buy smokes and save it in an account. At the end of the year, you-ll be surprised at how much money you-ve saved. Take that money and go on a nice vacation or buy something to reward yourself.

If you backslide, don-t beat yourself up. Put them down again. Most people fail at LEAST a few times before it sticks.

The biggest thing is you have to want to quit for you. If you really don-t want to quit, you-ll smoke out of spite. I know its corny, but it is true. There are a lot of reasons to quit (health problems, smell, etc.), but if you don-t want to, you-ll never be able to do it forever. At lease that-s how it was for me. I wanted to smoke, so I smoked, then I wanted to quit and I did. It really is mind over matter. Nothing more, nothing less.

Good luck, its a habit you will not miss at all in time. I actually can-t stand to be around smoke now and its been a little over a year since I put out my last cigarette.
I can only talk from self experience. I quit cold turkey - I was a pack a day, everyday for 27 years smoker. I set Bastille Day as my day to quit - and that was back in in 1990.

My husband that night took me to a bar where everyone was smoking - and I wasn-t.

I lived on orange Tic-Tacs. They were a god send. I realized all the times I would reach for a cigarette (before a meal, after a meal, during a phonecall) and reach for the Tic Tac instead.

For three months I watched my personality become nasty -- and then, the old me emerged, sense of humor and all.

And I haven-t had a cigarette since - and I have the weight to prove it.

Good luck to you. Just don-t think about it -- keep busy with stuff that is good for you.
Trying to quit smoking? -

Tips on how to quit smoking? -

Tips on how to quit smoking? -

ive been smoking for about 10 years now and ive decided to quit because me and my boyfriend want to start trying for a baby and also for financial reasons..i have tried to quit many times before using patches but have failed so this time i want to quit and stay quit ..so any tips would be really appriciated
If you want to quit smoking visit http://www.stopsmoking4good.org or e-mail me at StopSmoking4Good@yahoo.com
Ask your doctor if there are any local smoking ceasation groups in your area. Group support is always good. If your Boyfriend smokes, he needs to quit, too!

You can try meds, as other-s have suggested. Think about your own motivations, also. Maybe you can find a big jar and label it -cute maternity clothes-. Every week put the money you would have spent on smokes into the jar so you can see how close you-re getting to your goal. Keep a baby name book in your handbag instead of your pack of cigs. Every time you pick through your handbag, you-ll be reminded of WHY you need to quit. You get the idea..

The most important thing it KEEP AT IT! Good luck!
I just past three months with out a cigarette. I went the Chantix route. It took me 5 months, but eventually it just wore me down so I didn-t buy any more. It-s not cheap. $127/month, but if you smoke a pack a day it-s about the same price. I also had a phone lifestyle coach provided through work and she offered good encouragement. Some people say chantix works in less than a month, but not for me. It took a while. It was worth it though. Also, I never had the nausia side-effect, but I sure had the weird dreams!
The only thing good about this way is that it works-you decide that you are gonna take the pain, make the choice, and that you are not even gonna talk to that little voice that screams for a cigarrete, it-s gonna whine and cry and use all forms of manipulation, it is a little beast that cares nothing for you or what you love, a little quadriplegic beast that can-t move so it has to get you to use your hand to lift the cigarette, it wants a cigarrete...too bad.
Try the site below, there′s different tips and tricks on how to stop.
Tips on how to quit smoking? -

Why is it hard to quit smoking? :what do you think it depends most on psychological or physical? why? -

Why is it hard to quit smoking? :what do you think it depends most on psychological or physical? why? -

Primarily physical, if you are talking about cigarette smoking.

Cigarette companies use ammonia in their process, so that cigarettes essentially -free base- the nicotine into your system. This is why cigarettes are so much more addicting than cigars or chewing tobacco. Even though tobacco has the potential to be habit-forming, cigarettes have been specially designed to be addictive, with over 50 years of research into how to hook smokers effectively.
2 reasons, smoking is a habit. after a meal, talking on the phone, after sex.. etc.. this is the hardest part of quitting to overcome. Second is the craving for nicotine. It is the hardest addiction to conquer.
Why is it hard to quit smoking? :what do you think it depends most on psychological or physical? why? -

Need help and advice on how to quit smoking! ? -

Need help and advice on how to quit smoking! ? -

Need help and advice on how to quit smoking! I quit for over 5 years and stupidly started again last May while going through a separation... I know I need to quit for good, but it is so hard to do - any success stories or good advice on how I can make this much needed change?
POSTIVE OUTLOOK - don-t look at quitting smoking as a negative thing

GREAT SUPPORT - ask your friends or family (whomever) to help you and have fun with it. tell them to tell you how bad you smell :) or when you want to go have a cigarette tell them before you go out and maybe they can come up with something creative.

REMEMBER how good it felt when you quit. Even just to be able to say, -I-m a non-smoker.-

ADJUST your lifestyle. If you have a cig in the morning with coffee, that-s a good place to start! wake up and go for a walk or do something else you enjoy. Maybe have juice in the a.m. if coffee is a trigger - wait until you get to work to have your coffee.

realize it is not easy - very difficult. Slips aren-t failure. Even cutting back is a GREAT way to try. It feels good accomplishing for a week that you-ve only x number of cigarettes. It becomes addicting*

BECOME ADDICTED TO SOMETHING ELSE - something better for you of course. Without trying to sound cheesy - it-s a HUGE mental leap from worrying about quitting smoking to becoming addicted to exercising or something else. It will soon replace your desire to have a cigarette. Do you have a beautiful icon you absolutely adore? I started a little book of things that motivated me. Sounds goofy but everyday was different and I needed different motivation everyday, even at different times of the day.

~Good luck! Plus, there are WAY cooler ways to die! :)

If you are considering smoking cessation, set your target date now. Then, two weeks before your target date, switch to a brand of cigarettes that you don-t like, and keep changing your brand every few days. Completely finish smoking the pack you have, before you purchase a new pack. Throw away your lighter, and don-t ask to use someone else-s. When you do light your cigarette, light it while standing in front of a mirror so you can see yourself lighting your cigarette. And never empty the ashtrays.

The day before you quit, try to smoke 4 whole packs of cigarettes. Save every single cigarette butt and put them in a quart size container filled with water. Be sure to tell your family and friends that you are quitting.

The day you quit, throw away all the lighters, matches, cigarettes, and ashtrays. Keep very busy and make a list of all the things you will buy with the money you can save from not smoking anymore. Have a dentist clean your teeth. Go to a movie, eat in the non-smoking section of a restaurant, take long walks.

On the first few days after you quit smoking, spend as much time as possible in places where smoking is prohibited. Drink lots of liquids, but not alcohol or coffee if you associate them with smoking. You may find it helpful to keep a plastic straw, pen or pencil in your hand. Try chewing sugarless gum or mints. After each meal, brush your teeth immediatly. Temporarily avoid situations that may trigger your urge to smoke. If you cannot avoid such situations, stay close proximity to nonsmokers. Do whatever it takes to make smoking as difficult as possible, even impossible and unnecessary. Excercise regularly and get busy with activities that make it difficult to smoke. Get plenty of rest and pay particular attention to your appearance. Don-t let anyone smoke in your home. Take one day at a time.

If you get the -crazies- chew on things such as sunflower seeds, apples, carrots, celery, pickles, sugarless gum, take a shower or bath. Learn to relax quickly and deeply. Light incense or a candle instead of a cigarette. Never allow yourself to think, -one won-t hurt- because it will. From time to time, write down the reasons you are glad that you quit smoking. Reward yourself for not smoking.

Many smokers are afraid to quit smoking because they worry they will gain weight. The fact is, most people who quit, do not gain weight and it is an unrealistic concern for most smokers. If there is weight gain, it is relatively small in most cases. Remember, to reach the same health risk as smoking one pack of cigarettes per day, the average smoker would have to be roughly 125 pounds overweight!
I quit smoking 3 years ago and lemme tell ya, its tough! Imo, the roughest time is the first 3 days. Determination and support from friends and family helps. There are also some quit smoking aids that you can get a prescription for from your family doctor. When you get cravings, go out and do something. Try to get your mind off having a cigarette.

Remind yourself when you get cravings that quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health and your pocketbook! Start a savings jar, put the money you usually use for buying cigarettes and put it in a jar or savings account. After a week/month/year, go out and buy yourself something.

Its a rough journey, but you can do it! I-ve been 3 years without a cigarette and still get the occasional craving. Be persistent and determined and you WILL quit!

Best of luck!
I know there-s all kinds of medications advertised but I don-t know how effective any of them are. I quit over 30 years ago by just going cold turkey. My brother couldn-t do it that way so he went to a hypnotist and that worked for him.
Need help and advice on how to quit smoking! ? -

How did you quit smoking? -

How did you quit smoking? -

I want all the details, tell me your story!
Chantix. I-d recommend it to anyone. I started on Dec 3rd. They say you can continue to smoke the 1st week then try to quit. But if you don-t then just don-t give up. I didn-t quit but the 1st week i was down to around 15 cigarettes a day. I-ve been a pack and a half to two packs a day smoker for around 32 - 33 years. I decided to stay with it and each week i-ve been on it i-ve smoked less - less. The 2nd week i was down to around 10 a day. The 3rd week i was down to around 5 a day. In the 4th week i was down to about 2 a day. In this 5th week i have quit. Haven-t had one since Jan 1st. I-d say i get an -urge- for one a couple times a day but it goes away pretty fast. The biggest thing to help me i think has been getting rid of all the ashtrays. By the 3rd week i could actually smell them and yes, they stink. It hasn-t been that long but i-m noticing changes already. The sense of smell and the biggest one is the smokers cough. I used to go to bed and cough for an hour before going to sleep. Now i go to bed and i go to sleep. Waking up is the same. No coughing. It-s been some work but the pill has been a great help. In the past i tried -cold turkey-, using the patch, using the gum, the wellbutrion pill. All helped somewhat but nothing has compared to the Chantix. They say the odds are that 44% of the people that use it will quit by the end of the 12 week program. I believe it. Even for people that -slip up- and have a smoke or 2 through the 9th week are included in that group. Pretty good odds if you ask me. The only side effect i-ve had is an upset stomach a couple of times but it wasn-t that bad and i think it was probably my own fault. You are supposed to take it after eating and with a full glass of water and i took it before eating. The price has came down considerably from when it 1st came out. It-s still expensive but not really anymore so than the cigarettes. Roughly $100 for a 30 day supply but if you smoke a carton of cigarettes a week that actually cost more. And if you have insurance you can get it for practically nothing. I have actually heard of some people only using it for 3 or 4 weeks and then just quit the pills and the cigarettes and have done just fine. I plan to stay with the 12 weeks and see from there. For some people that have quit they recommend another 12 weeks just to be sure. Good luck to you.
After two years I quit cold turkey for about three months. Just make that commitment and don-t look back. The girlfriend ended up being a cheating whore so I turned to ciggs for comfort as they calm me. I think I-ve been smoking for almost four years, with a spot of a few months.

You could always cut back slowly. I suggest just being cranky and quitting cold turkey.
I did everything and -quit- at least 6 times before it took. I tried cold turkey a long time ago. Then went back to it. i used hypnosis and it failed. I finally made some tough rules for myself. mainly no smoking in the house ( it got hard when it was 10 or lower outside)
My final trial was the cigarettes just plain tasted awful. I was able to smell the smoke on my clothes and hands. It made me sick. I would wash my hands over and over again trying to get rid of the odor.I also hated the taste in my mouth and brushed my teeth all the time. I still wanted something to do with my hands. I carried a pencil and -smoked- it all the time. In other words I had it in my mouth or in my hands and handled it like cigarette.I started chewing a lot of gum. I bought cigarettes that I knew I hated.I finally said when this pack is done i am done. So the cold turkey method worked over all the pills, hypnosis etc. It-s been over 5 years now and I don-t miss it at all.
Cold turkey. Give yourself a date and stop at that very date.
First, I made a conscious decision to quit.

IT IS A CHEMICAL AND BEHAVIORAL ISSUE. I realized I couldn-t change the chemicals, except to cut down as much as possible...but, to change my behavior I decided I was too lazy to smoke!

So, I was too lazy to take my wallet out to pay for smokes.

I was too lazy to pull the cellophane off the pack.

I was too lazy to pull the paper off the top.

I was too lazy to pack the smokes by tapping them, hard.

I was too lazy to pull one from the pack.

I was too lazy to flick my bic.

See how much work, and how many decisions you have to say yes to, before you actually start smoking a cigarette.

Took about a year, but it finally worked for me, just get lazy!
How did you quit smoking? -

What is the best method too help you quit smoking? -

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

What is the best method too help you quit smoking? -

My niece wants to quit smoking. What is the best product to help her?
Without a doubt, the new miracle drug Chantix. It is by prescription only. The cost without insurance is about 115.00 which for me was less than what I spent on cigarettes every month.

The reason I loved it was because IT IS NOT a nicotine replacement drug. I think that-s the reason the other drugs like patches fail. (Because you-re still pumping some form of nicotine into your body so you never detox) The drugs work by blocking the transmitters in your brain that crave nicotine. Just check out the website which I believe is chantix.com The FDA is getting ready to prescribe this drug for alcohol abuse as well because it is the same transmitters in the brain that makes smokers want to smoke.

I smoked for 25 years a pack a day. I took the medicine EXACTLY as prescribed for 8 days and on the 9th day I laid then down and have never touched them again. Never even had withdrawals either even though I understand some people do. Anyway, it-s one of the best things that has ever happened for/to me. PLEASE check it out with your doctor.

Oh and btw, it is a 3 month/12 week prescription. If you feel you still need it after 12 weeks and would like to continue, your doctor can prescribe a 2nd 12 week program.

I hope this helps and good luck!
The best product is the one that works for her.

Check out Quit Assist,
which has information about the various smoking cessation aids. Then have your niece see her doctor to see which one would be best for her.
I would second that opinion about chantix. Supposed to be very effective in helping reduce the urge.
The best product to help her is herself!..If she has the willingness and the desire to stop, she will succeed. She can spend a small fortune in money on -products- or she can try the old method of drinking at least three litres of water a day to help flush the nicotine out of her system......for approx one week!! She needs to keep active for the first week or two, particularly when the craving starts...just focus on something else for the 60 seconds or so until the craving stops!
In the Search for questions slot type in -how to quit smoking- and you will get at least 141 hits.
What is the best method too help you quit smoking? -

HOW can i help my boyfriend to quit smoking marijuana? -

HOW can i help my boyfriend to quit smoking marijuana? -

Tell him you will leave him and mean it. You will be one of the few things he looses in his life due to drugs. You stay and have a life with him you will be poor. Marijuana is not cheap, the longer you smoke the harder it is to stop.
Simple really,get rid of him until he does.It-s called tough love and it is really a start to make him think differently about pot or any other drug for himself not for anyone but himself, just using your presence as an enabler and he is not listening. Might start if he cares enough for his own well being and then yours.
Go for the G spot
Tell him you-ll leave him if he doesn-t quit. If he still doesn-t, than maybe he has problems beyond what you can help. You can probably do better.
You have to just let him quit on his own. There will come a time he will be denied a job or it will make him forget something very important or something really dumb and he will realize that it-s not worth it. Especially when he can no longer afford it. It-s too good of a feeling.
He has to want to quit in order to do so. Without the desire, there is no drive
Just like any other addiction, the person has to want to stop. You can-t do anything to help him or make him stop. If he enjoys it and would rather do that than be with you - then that is a choice only he can make.
HOW can i help my boyfriend to quit smoking marijuana? -

For those of you you have SUCCESSFULLY quit smoking.......?? -

For those of you you have SUCCESSFULLY quit smoking.......?? -

..... ..... Or if you are going to quit any time soo..... how did you or how will you quit smoking?

I-m looking for the best possible solution, yeah I know cold turkey could work but I don-t want to gain weight and don-t want to accidentally kill someone!

I quit smoking 3 months 1 week 3 hours and 20 minutes ago. (No, I-m not that bent out of shape about it, silkquit has a program that keeps track for you.)

I ordered a book called -The easy way to quit smoking-. It was right after I read a newspaper article about this guy Allen Carr who had just died from lung cancer. The interesting thing was he quit 20 years ago after being a FIVE PACK A DAY smoker. Then he wrote these books and had all these seminars that helped millions of people. It was so sad that something he did 20 years ago, killed him now.

Anyway, after being inspired by the newspaper article, I ordered his book. And then, I found out I was pregnant the day the book arrived. So I read the book in one day and it really seemed to help me quit. Give the book a shot. What do you have to lose?
Oh, believe me.....if you kill someone while quitting smoking....it won-t be an ACCIDENT!

I smoked for 18 years. I quit for good 15 years ago. I-m not going to fool you. It was The hardest Thing I ever did.

I -quit- many times times. The one thing that made each attempt unsuccessful was that I fooled myself into thinking that I could have just ONE. That was my downfall every time.

When I quit for good 15 years ago I finally realized that I could not have ONE. NOT EVEN ONE DRAG. I-ve been smoke free for 15 years (Not even one drag!).

I bought peppermint candies by the 5lb sack. Every morning I filled my pockets with candy. Whenever I needed a smoke, I had a peppermint instead. It worked and let me tell you ... quiting peppermints is a hell of a lot easier than quitting smoking. At first, i celebrated every smoke free day...then every smoke free week...smoke free month...Now I remember every Jan 9th... because my last drag was 8:30am Jan9th 1992.

Of course, you don-t need to use peppermint candies. I-m just telling you what I used. Use anything that will help (... within reason...having a beer instead of a cigarette is probably not a good idea). To help avoid gaining weight, drink lots of ice cold water. Your body has to heat the water to body temperature, so that burns calories.

Buy yourself rewards as you save the money. and remember.... You only have to stay away from ONE.

All the best....
first of all you have to quit smoking for yourself, doing it for anyone else wont give you the motivation. reward yourself with the money you-ve saved on cigarettes, buy yourself something nice. there is no easy way to do it, you will very likely lose weight as cigarettes are an appetite suppressant. another reason? around 440,000 people die from smoking each year. you could be one of them
Im also trying to quit. I have tried the patch (it gave me weird dreams), tried cold turkey (that didnt work) tried smoke away ( made me throw up), so now I am taking the advice of a doc and slowly cutting back. Plus she said that if I take the money I usually spend on smokes and put it up for 1 year I will have some motovation to keep from smoking b/c after that year I should take the money and spend it on something for myself. Good Luck, this is a hard thing to go through.
The patch is the way to go.
I carried a small film cannister of baking soda with me and when I just had to have a smoke, I first put a small pinch of baking soda under my tongue. I smoked as many as I wanted and didn-t try to stop myself, but I was rigid in doing the baking soda every single time. I took me about 2.5 weeks of this before I started changing my mind just as soon as I thought I might want one. Within a month I had just stopped altogether. That was in 1984 and I-m still an ex-smoker.
Here-s a good tips.
Set a date line when you want to stop.
Take it slowly. Reduce it day by day.
Tell your friends and family that you wanna quit so they dont offer you cigarette.
Chew mint chewing gum when you feel like smoking.
When you have stop smoking dont ever take onther puff.
i was lucky - i got the flu so bad that when i lit a cigarette, it tasted horrible and made me nauseous.

so - at that point, i threw all the smokes/lighters/ ashtrays out and never smoked again.

i smoked from age 17 - age 34, and quit over 3 years ago.

i honestly think that the one essential thing is that you really, really have to want to quit smoking. you will when you-re ready
For those of you you have SUCCESSFULLY quit smoking.......?? -

My friend took chantix,on the 8th day she quit smoking,then she stopped for a few months? -

My friend took chantix,on the 8th day she quit smoking,then she stopped for a few months? -

and then she started casual smoking a hit here and there,then one a day,then 3 a day,now when she wakes up she has to have a cigarette,she has learned her lesson and wants to quit again will chantix work second time you take it we heard it may not
Yes, if it worked once it will work again. Chantix works by releasing a chemical in the brain that simulates what the nicotine does. Therefore, the nicotine does not give you the little -high- when you smoke. Good for her for quitting for any length. She can do it again!!!
My friend took chantix,on the 8th day she quit smoking,then she stopped for a few months? -

If i Quit smoking at 18 will it make a difference?? -

Friday, February 14, 2020

If i Quit smoking at 18 will it make a difference?? -

If i quit smoking at 18 will it make any difference at all??

For example will my lungs re-heal them selfs?
Or is it already to late, am i stuck with these black lungs for the rest of my life?

Ive been smoking for 4 years..
Ugh......My God... After 4 years you don-t have black lungs.. I could see if it had been 15 years. Smoking for a couple of years is not a death sentence... Smoking for 20 years is not a death sentence! And as for it causing high blood pressure? I smoke and I have LOW blood pressure. Causing lung problems? I breathe fine! I-m sick a lot. But I was even sickly as a baby! Smoking might damage your health if you smoking 3 packs a day for 20 years... But 1 a day for 10 won-t kill you... And smoking for 4 bearly does anything at all. Smoking originally started out as being something that you SHOULD do because it was GOOD for you.
ofcourse !!!! It-s so much better than quiting at 40 and dying at 50! Hope you can quit and stay away from it :D! - Your lungs will not just simply re-heal itself, but for 4 years its not as bad as a lot of other people. You have a lot less risks of getting sick. especially if you take care of yourself and live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life, you-ll for sure get better! good luck ;)
If you quit at 18, at 33 your body will have returned to the quality of life a non-smoker would have. It takes about 15 years.

Here-s a neat post about it:


I have heard that it takes just as many years of not smoking, for your lungs to heal as the time that you were smoking.

Please stop while you can, it only gets harder to stop the longer that you smoke.
Yes quit now before it is too late. My father quit over 30 years ago and still slightly suffers from the effects so I can imagine what his health would be like if he hadn-t. Might be able to breathe a lil better at his ripe age of 89 today.
Yes, studies show that over time your lungs will repair themselves. The longer you smoke the more damage is done. So, quitting now would be a good move. It will be the best thing you ever do for your health.
I heard it takes 10 years to recover but not sure how true that is. But it is not only about recovering, its about reducing risk and improving quality of live...which stopping smoking will do.
Quitting smoking at any age will make a difference. I stopped when I was 25. I am now 37 and it makes a big difference in my life. btw, I smoked for 8 years.
Of course it will. Stoping smoking at any time makes a diffrence, and since your 18 and decided already it will be a better health choice for you.

Yes, you-ve been smoking for the past 4 years? So you-re 14? What the fck? Stop now you idiot. Smoking doesn-t make you cool.
Dude of course they will heal! You are only 18, and have not been smoking very long, your lungs should be healed up in no time.

Keep up the good work and stay away from the smokes.
yes your lungs will re-heal but if you keep smoking your more likely to die next year most people who smoke everyday or every otherday dies before there 3rd year aso you got lucky
yes of course it will make a difference! it wont make your lungs perfect but it certainly will keep you living longer!
every cig that you smoke you take 5 minutes off your life.
quit now!

dont wait.
any damage youve done now you cant really reverse, but if you keep smoking then you will do more damage!

you should stop smoking now.
smoking is bad so you will probably be okay if you quit smoking
YES IT WILLL. Stop smoking now before you die from emphasmia like my grandma did.
no matter how long u have been smoking ur lounges will be clean in 15 year or less
i think you should stop smoking as soon as possible because it does make you healthier. Good Luck!
they will reheal u definetly should quit
its nice 2 hear that your considering to quit and i think u should it will make a big difference in ur life gud luck
yea it will
If i Quit smoking at 18 will it make a difference?? -

What is a good way to quit smoking? -

What is a good way to quit smoking? -

A good way to quit smoking is the one that works for you.

For some people, that-s cold turkey. For others ,it-s the patch or lozenges or gum, others it-s Chantix.

Check out Quit Assist,
and Nicotine Busters,
Both have a wealth of information on different ways to quit smoking, smoking cessation aids, support, etc.

Good luck to you.
put out he fire
quit cold turkey or join quit program
A good way is to chew gum instead. Remember if you smoke you can get diseases. Like tongue disease where your tongue turns completely black. That if that happens they have to removoe your tongue which will be difficult to eat. Also you will end up damaging you vocal chords, and if that does happen you might have to get a hole put in your throat for oxygen. Also there are about 480+ poisons in a cigarette, and cigars are worse for you by 10%
Get a script for Chantix from your Dr. It works!
Don-t start.
Keep your mind busy, chew gum keep entertained
I also found a great book called -the easy way- really good book about smoking and welll its the easy way to quit smoking
Good luck with that
I-d say it all depends on how much you smoke and how long you-ve been smoking and why you are deciding to quit (health problems, your family, yourself, etc). I-m 22 and I quit almost 4 months ago. I-d been smoking for about 5-6 years, I don-t even remember when I started. My motivation was the cold that I came down with. The smokes didn-t do it for me so I didn-t smoke them. After that, I told myself that if I didn-t give quitting a decent shot, I-d be mad at myself afterwords. I haven-t had one since. It sounds easy but it wasn-t for the first month. But i-ve also heard success stories with the patch and this new pill that came out recently...GOOD LUCK!
Because you are addicted to smoking, you can-t just go cold turkey. I would recommend cleansing yourself. The master cleanse is a good one,[also known as the lemonade diet.] Basically you just drink this lemonade mixture for a min. of 10 days and it clears you out. All your addictions, food, drugs, alcohol, anything you name it, all washed out in your wastes. I have done this cleanse twice and I am currently on it right now. The first time I did it, I went from vegetarian to raw vegan [[only uncooked food - no animal products]] The best part was, you completely lose all unhealthy cravings because its not in your system anymore. If you have been a smoker for along time, you might have to do the cleanse more then once because of how much build up there might be. For more information you should go to there website. Good luck and I hope it works out for you!


In the Search for questions slot type in -quit smoking- and you will get at least 6,725 results.
What is a good way to quit smoking? -

I quit smoking and drinking and now life is different? -

I quit smoking and drinking and now life is different? -

What do I do now?
your doing good. You can smell now and save money you will be ok lol. That-s great
you can find many things to do, things that you enjoy Like singing clubbing, just because you have stopped smoking and drinking does not mean your life has ended.
I quit smoking and drinking and now life is different? -

Has anyone tried Chantix as an aid to quit smoking? -

Has anyone tried Chantix as an aid to quit smoking? -

I need to quit and wondered if anyone out there has used this method. It has been newly released.
A simple answer to your question is -yes-. I-ve been smoke free for a little over a month now. I smoked about 1.5 to 2 ppd for a little over 25 years. Finally, thanks to Chantix, I am nicotine free. It feels great not to have that nagging ***** on my back.

save your life....quit now!
This method works for me and is the only money back guaranteed.
I quit smoking 2 years ago

Get the Facts
Easyway, founded by Allen Carr in 1983, has the highest independently verified 12-month success rate (75.8% for a smoker completing the program) of any quit smoking technique and a 90% satisfaction rating.

Compare Easyway to other methods and see for yourself why Easyway is called “The Cadillac of quit smoking methods.”

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements

A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.”
Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins

Has anyone tried Chantix as an aid to quit smoking? -

How can I beat sugar cravings? I have them everyday! It was easier to quit smoking(for me) then give up sugar! -

How can I beat sugar cravings? I have them everyday! It was easier to quit smoking(for me) then give up sugar! -

I know this sounds weird but eating cucumber slices will take away your craving for sugar. I actually tried this after reading about this in Prevention magazine. It worked for me. If you like cucumber it might be worthwhile giving this a try.
aymen, mee too.
give up sugar no matter how hard it is.

don-t give in to your mind,

break your desires!
How can I beat sugar cravings? I have them everyday! It was easier to quit smoking(for me) then give up sugar! -

I just quit smoking amp; cant loose weight - I run 3mi at lunch and then work out at home, watch what I eat why -

I just quit smoking amp; cant loose weight - I run 3mi at lunch and then work out at home, watch what I eat why -

I need to know how to loose 20 lbs. Although I haven-t gained any because I exercise twice a day I can-t loose the weight I had already gained from previous times of trying to quit smoking. Need to know how to jump start my metabolism.

You also need to detox your body. This is a detox AND weight loss diet. (Whatever toxins your body has taken in, and the liver could not manage to breakdown and filter, is stored in fat, which holds onto it for dear life, as a safety mechanism) Bottom line -your body needs to be washed out clean from the inside. Your urine might have a strong smell (not thaaat strong that others notice) while doing this diet but this is because your body is releasing all the ..... that is/has been stored. A friend of mine told me that it smelled strongly of the medicine she had taken shortly before...well there you go, I was not surprised.

Search the web for -cabbage soup diet-. There are a few variations of the cabbage soup itself so pick the one you think you would prefer (carrots, mushrooms, celery etc) then follow the seven day plan, which is the same for all of them. It works, I know because I use it every now and again. (And have been for many years) Mainly after Christmas. And don-t worry, you don-t ONLY eat cabbage. You lose 5kg+ in one week. (+- 11 lbs) but obviously only if you follow it strictly! (And drink lots of water!) Exercise regularly to increase weight-loss.

Don-t forget that this IS a Diet and not meant to be continued for a lifetime. After you have lost your weight you obviously must evaluate your eating/exercise habits and make consequent changes if you don-t want to gain it back.

You have managed to stop smoking? WOW! You should be very proud of yourself. It is one of the most difficult addictions to get rid of. APPLAUSE! APPLAUSE! APPLAUSE! And standing ovations!

Good luck
Please be patient!Your body is busy detoxifying itself.Even though you quit,the poison is still in your system.When I quit,i used green tea to help cleanse my body.It took me a year to lose 20 pounds but I did it the right way instead of starving or following some other diet gimmick.I figured that I punished my body enough through the years,I wasnt going to do it anymore. Our bodies are amazing in how they bounce back.Please dont make exercise into a punishment.Your body will shape up in time.If you havent had a physical and blood work done in a while,it would probably be a good idea to make sure there arent any problems. Good Luck honey and Hang In There!
Go to weightmelter.net, they have great weight loss programs and products that work remarkably. I was able to lose 30 pounds in 4 months 2 years, I-ve kept it off and feel absolutely wonderful. If you-re looking to lose weight and live more healthy, you should check them out. That company knows what they are doing.
After doing some reading on the net, I am convinced that just keep doing what you are doing. Be patient with your body as it goes through the process of changing. Through, I did read one article that suggest that excess salt in your diet could be an issue.

Drink plenty of water, eat 7 - 12 fruits and veggies a day. Stick with Whole grains and limit your meat to lean meats and watch your portion control. Also watch your carbs. No more the 1 cup of rice/pasta with a meal. This is equilvelent to 1 med sized baked potatoe.


I just quit smoking amp; cant loose weight - I run 3mi at lunch and then work out at home, watch what I eat why -

Why is it ok to use tablets and patches to quit smoking, yet us fatties are frowned? -

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Why is it ok to use tablets and patches to quit smoking, yet us fatties are frowned? -

upon as soon as we mention taking a pill to help us drop a few pounds? For instance those Alli pills got a real rocketing when they went on sale here, and anyone i know is taking them secretly to help lose weight. Meanwhile my pal is quitting a heavy smoking habit and getting goverment help and assistance, telling everyone and getting all the support she needs. Some difference? eh?
oh my goodness...i had never thought about that before? that is sooo true! both are addictions and as deadly as each other. hmmm very interesting!
The problem is that NRT has been clearly demonstrated to increase the success rates for smoking cessation. Statistically whichever so called diet pill you use 2 in 3 pill dieters tend to end up heavier in the long term. You only have to give up smoking once, you need to get your diet/exercise balance right every day for the rest of your life.
Why is it ok to use tablets and patches to quit smoking, yet us fatties are frowned? -

How did you quit smoking? -

How did you quit smoking? -

For those of you who have successfully quit smoking, how did you do it? Gum? Patch? Hypnotism? Cold Turkey? etc etc etc. My boy is finally serious about trying to quit, so I want to help him as much as possible, all input is welcome!
I used Chantix and it was great. My quit date is 10/08/07. I tried quiting with the patch, gum, cold turkey... just about everything. This was by FAR the easiest. The only side effects I had from it was dry mouth and very vivid dreams. A co-worker of mine had extreme nausia.
I never smoke and think it-s disguisting. I don-t date girls who smoke either, and that-s how I get a lot of them to quit.
to tell the truth the best way is unfortunatley just to stop smoking all together as patches( or other nicotine things) just mean you are still dependent on nicotine.
Try to get more information regarding some ways to stop smoking at my profile.
Its not gonna be easy. I have been trying to quit for 3 years! Cold turkey is the only way possible. I have tried everything else and nothing works. The whole 1 a day thing doesnt work, because then its two a day and youll never quit. tell him if he wants to quit, throw the smokes out the window and buy a good pack of gum. let me know how it works. :)
I watched my Mom(best friend) go from a vibrant, full of life woman to a no hair, 90lb lifeless shell. She was diagnosed in April of 98 and died Feb 99. She was only 51. My Mom and I quit a few months before she found out she had cancer. Go figure, huh? I dont recommend getting cancer to help you quit, but my brother used the gum and it has worked for him. And my Mom and I had quit cold turkey. I havent had a smoke in over 10 years now!!
I quit about two weeks ago cold turkey after reading this book: -Allen Carr-s Easy Way To Stop Smoking-. The book explains how to effectively deal with the psychological side of the addiction, making the physical withdrawal much more manageable. I highly recommend it.
How did you quit smoking? -

Whats your best tip to help quit smoking? -

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Whats your best tip to help quit smoking? -

I haven-t tried yet because I don-t want to fail at it. I wonder if I can do this.
I-ve seen a number of studies that suggest that one of the most effective ways to quit is using nicotine replacement therapies, like the patch or inhaler. Those devices can help you quit in stages instead of all at once, because you not only need to get off the nicotine, but you also need to break the physical habit of smoking as well (lighting and holding the cigarette, which in and of itself can be sort of an addictive thing to do). So, the patch gives you a steady flow of nicotine, which allows you to focus on breaking the habit of actually SMOKING. And then you-ll go down in dosage on the patch to ween yourself off the nicotine itself. The hope would be that after the therapy is over, you are pretty well broken of the habit (though most people still have to fight cravings for a long time down the line, so get ready for a battle -- it-s one you CAN win, though!).

You can buy nicotine patches at most drug stores these days, and that-s where I-d recommend you start. If you give that a try and still can-t seem to quit, definitely make an appointment to see your doctor, though. There are some prescription drugs you can take to help you quit now (bupropion, e.g.), and you can also try things like acupuncture, meditation, and stress-reduction therapies to help you quit as well. Stress reduction techniques are going to really help you stay OFF the cigs once you-ve -quit,- and so will getting plenty of exercise and focusing on eating a healthy diet and living a healthy lifestyle.

Good for you for wanting to give it a try! I wish you tons of luck with it!
you havent tried so you wont fail? okkk...will power
This worked like a miracle for me:

Give yourself 2 days of smoking cigarettes deliberately when you don-t actually want them or are not in the mood. What that did for me was to put me in charge instead of the cigarettes.

It was still daylight the 2nd day when I was so anxious to throw them out that I did it and went to bed early.

After that, remember that any time you crave a cigarette, that craving only lasts about 60 seconds and then it passes. Take deep breaths.

Whenever you-re ready, whenever you take that step -- GOOD LUCK!!!
If yo don-t take that first one and put it off a few hours, (set a deadline before you can have it) then your morning craving will subside. Do this for each cigarette you plan to have, and next thing you know you-ve cut back for the day, That encourages you to do the same the next day and the next, etc. Good luck.
I quit cold turkey. It was awful. But the thing that made it work for me was the certainty that I HAD quit, not the uncertainty that I was trying to quit. The mental part is the most important.
I quit a year ago... 10 year smoker. The easiest thing for me was, I had a partner, I stayed away from other smokers/ the bar. I didnt really drink either during that time. It was hard and some times I would slip up and smoke a cig. Dont be too hard on yourself, if you find yourself smoking a cigarette try not too finish it, butt it out as so as you get relief. And continue to try and quit... evenually you will wean yourself off the cigs and the cravings wont be as bad... also go to the Bodies exhibit if your close to NYC or Vegas.. and see what smokers lungs really look like... guaranteed the image will haunt you.
Hi! Recently my mom and dad JUST quit!! My mom hasn-t smoked in three months, and she-s been smoking for over 20 years. There-s a pill called chantax, or something like that. If you ask your doctor, he-ll give you more information, of course. But i mean my parents have tried everything: free-will, hypnotise, gum, patch... and this works, honestly. With they-re health insurance, she got 100 dollars off, so she ended up paying about 50 bucks for a prescrip. I hope this helps, but one thing is...to quit you must really want to! You can-t do it for your friends or family, you must really want to quit! So good luck on kicking your bad habit! And please talk to your doctor, incase you might not be able to take it due to any issues. But GOOD LUCK!!
Understanding why you need to quit smoking helps in giving you the will power to persist in your efforts. Read this article here

There are many suggestions put forth by various people. You can view some of the possible suggestions here on how to quit smoking

Personally, I think it depends on how much you desire having a smoke free life. No amount of acupuncture or nicotine patches, etc will help if you are not determined. These treatments are just tools to help you achieve your goals and to help you reduce withdrawal symptoms.
You will find many good tips in a Yahoo search for -how to quit smoking-.
tell yourself to stop. or patches for arms best way is mentally tell urself you just dont need? gl :D
Whats your best tip to help quit smoking? -