I just quit smoking amp; cant loose weight - I run 3mi at lunch and then work out at home, watch what I eat why -

Friday, February 14, 2020

I just quit smoking amp; cant loose weight - I run 3mi at lunch and then work out at home, watch what I eat why -

I need to know how to loose 20 lbs. Although I haven-t gained any because I exercise twice a day I can-t loose the weight I had already gained from previous times of trying to quit smoking. Need to know how to jump start my metabolism.

You also need to detox your body. This is a detox AND weight loss diet. (Whatever toxins your body has taken in, and the liver could not manage to breakdown and filter, is stored in fat, which holds onto it for dear life, as a safety mechanism) Bottom line -your body needs to be washed out clean from the inside. Your urine might have a strong smell (not thaaat strong that others notice) while doing this diet but this is because your body is releasing all the ..... that is/has been stored. A friend of mine told me that it smelled strongly of the medicine she had taken shortly before...well there you go, I was not surprised.

Search the web for -cabbage soup diet-. There are a few variations of the cabbage soup itself so pick the one you think you would prefer (carrots, mushrooms, celery etc) then follow the seven day plan, which is the same for all of them. It works, I know because I use it every now and again. (And have been for many years) Mainly after Christmas. And don-t worry, you don-t ONLY eat cabbage. You lose 5kg+ in one week. (+- 11 lbs) but obviously only if you follow it strictly! (And drink lots of water!) Exercise regularly to increase weight-loss.

Don-t forget that this IS a Diet and not meant to be continued for a lifetime. After you have lost your weight you obviously must evaluate your eating/exercise habits and make consequent changes if you don-t want to gain it back.

You have managed to stop smoking? WOW! You should be very proud of yourself. It is one of the most difficult addictions to get rid of. APPLAUSE! APPLAUSE! APPLAUSE! And standing ovations!

Good luck
Please be patient!Your body is busy detoxifying itself.Even though you quit,the poison is still in your system.When I quit,i used green tea to help cleanse my body.It took me a year to lose 20 pounds but I did it the right way instead of starving or following some other diet gimmick.I figured that I punished my body enough through the years,I wasnt going to do it anymore. Our bodies are amazing in how they bounce back.Please dont make exercise into a punishment.Your body will shape up in time.If you havent had a physical and blood work done in a while,it would probably be a good idea to make sure there arent any problems. Good Luck honey and Hang In There!
Go to weightmelter.net, they have great weight loss programs and products that work remarkably. I was able to lose 30 pounds in 4 months 2 years, I-ve kept it off and feel absolutely wonderful. If you-re looking to lose weight and live more healthy, you should check them out. That company knows what they are doing.
After doing some reading on the net, I am convinced that just keep doing what you are doing. Be patient with your body as it goes through the process of changing. Through, I did read one article that suggest that excess salt in your diet could be an issue.

Drink plenty of water, eat 7 - 12 fruits and veggies a day. Stick with Whole grains and limit your meat to lean meats and watch your portion control. Also watch your carbs. No more the 1 cup of rice/pasta with a meal. This is equilvelent to 1 med sized baked potatoe.


I just quit smoking amp; cant loose weight - I run 3mi at lunch and then work out at home, watch what I eat why -