How do you quit smoking and not have cravings? -

Thursday, February 27, 2020

How do you quit smoking and not have cravings? -

Without Nicotine patches, gum, medicine or any of that ****. I heard drinking tons of O.J. helps. I-m very short and mean to people when I try to quit. I need to quit though. I-m having trouble breathing and I-m tired all the time.
Homeopathic Remedies to Help Quit Smoking :-

To reduce the craving; while discontinuing its use Tabacum 30, 4 hourly

Though addicted to tobacco; but cannot bear the odor of it Lobelia In Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 5 -10 drops

Great desire to smoke; tobacco heart; oppression of breathing as in asthma Caladium S 30, 4 hourly

To produce disgust for tobacco for habitual tobacco chewers Plantago Major 30, 4 hourly

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications That-s the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine

Take Care and God Bless You !
Hi, I would like to try to explain something to you. Nicotine is the opposite molecule of Niacin. Another name for Niacin is Nicotinic Acid. When you smoke, the Niacin in the brain that belongs there is displaced and replaced with the Nicotine that you take in from smoking a cigarette. It begins to cause an addiction to the cigarettes. When the addicted person is not able to have the Nicotine, irritableness, depression or crabbiiness are evident. The individual feels an inability to relax until after procuring -the fix---a cigarette. The relaxation a person feels after having smoked a cigarette is due to the addiction to the Nicotine which has displaced the Niacin in the body. If a person wishing to stop smoking does it -cold turkey-, usually the body will start to put on weight. The reason for this is that the Niacin now needs to displace the Nicotine which is phasing out. Niacin is one of the enrichments in white bread, and this is why many people who stop smoking will start to search out starches which contain Niacin. By administering Niacin and or Niacinamide, the person will not have cravings for starches, so the weight will not be gained if Niacinamide or Niacin is utilized. Another thing smoking does is tar up the lungs. It actually tars the holes in the lungs. The best way to demonstrate this would be to visualize a sponge. The function of a sponge is to absorb liquid, but if the sponge is sprayed with something like nail polish, it will harden and solidify and be unable to absorb liquid. By taring the lungs with cigarette tar, the lungs are not functioning as they should be. Therefore, the blood is not being purified because it is not getting the oxygen that it needs to do so .Smoking burns up Sulfur in the body. Signs of this are a sore throat, which usually means there is also a fat allergy. The antidote to the fat allergy is Sulfur . Sulfur is our beauty mineral, being used to make beautiful skin, hair and nails. Cigarette smoking throws out Sulfur along with L-Methionine and L-Cysteine, the amino acids which make the cells more flexible. Therefore, cigarette smoking can actually be considered an aging device, causing a person to age faster than normally. Things used to stop smoking: 1. Niacin, a vaso-dilator, to displace Nicotine in the brain. 2. Vitamin B-15, to give the body more oxygen so the desire to smoke would be less. 3. Vitamin E, to utilize oxygen in the body more throughly. 4. The herb Golden Seal, to melt the tar from the lungs. The Herb Goldenseal should not be used in the beginning of the program. Since it actually melts tar from the lungs, and acts as an expectorant, it will bring up a lot of green and yellow phlegm from the lungs which might make the person feafful. It should be used after the smoking has stopped and the lungs have begun to reconstruct, as if it is done all at once, the person might suffer a traumatic experience and go back to smoking. A person could also start using a filter on the cigarette to lessen the intake of nicotine and tar from the cigarette making it easier for a person to switch to a lower tar and nicotine cigarette, and eventually stop smoking. This will also allow you to see the trappings of tar that are now not going into the lungs to give you an idea what it looks like. Hope that helps. Andy
The best way to deal with quitting is enlisting the help of your friends. I quit almost four years ago, and my friends were the most important part. They were encouraging, understanding when I needed to let things out, and I didn-t want to let them down once I told them I was quitting. Also, try something else to focus your anger: kickboxing, art, journaling, or some other hobby. Most importantly, make a commitment to yourself. Decide that you will watch your temper, and if you go in thinking your in control, you will be more likely to be in control. Best of luck! If you want it, it-s yours!
All nicotine is out of your system in 72 hours.
After that its your body going through withdrawal - and you hold on tight - I gave it up this weekend, and by sunday I had destroyed a phone, and today I destroyed a printer. So I know what you mean by short tempered. And let me tell you about mental confusion....Kripe, thats bad too....

One thing I have found that helps is staying away from people as much as possible, letting the people who know me well know that I-m feeling like a rabid pitbull on steroids because I just quit, trying to avoid anything intellectually challenging (there are moments when I freakin- can-t speak ENGLISH!!!) and trying to hold onto the -just one day at a time- - well, I had to break that down to -Just this ten minutes- - which has helped so I said, its only been since saterday....

Good Luck
I suggest NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming). NLP is a form of psychotherapy which is applied to help people like you, to stop smoking. The recordings that are created, has the very latest revolutionary techniques which has helped myself and my friend to completely stop smoking. We are also not experiencing any cravings to light up.
You only need to spend around 40 minutes listening to the recording, just download the file onto your MP3 player or CD and you-ll be on your way to a smoke free future.
YOU can Kick The Habit For Good In Just 38 Minutes - 13 Seconds with success rate of 97.2%
I and my friend used the below mentioned resource.
Wish you all the success in quitting the Cancer sticks.
That-s why it-s called and addiction. The further out you get, the less the cravings. It-s not easy, but it can be and is done all the time. Will power. Do you have it? Or does -it- have you?
smoke pot it will make you looser and cooler to be around.
How do you quit smoking and not have cravings? -