How to quit smoking and get thourgh the withdrawls.? -

Thursday, January 13, 2005

How to quit smoking and get thourgh the withdrawls.? -

i have only had 3 cigs but i do still go thourgh withdrawl with nausia headaches swating i get these only at night around 9 to 10 how do i get thourgh these withdrawls to quit smoking
I was a light smoker (5 a day) for more than 10 years. I did quit 15 days ago and it hasn-t been easy, trust me, but everyday is less hard. I-ve used niquitin patches. they work amazingly. and trust me again, if I could quit, ANYONE can cause I was very much addicted to it.

Wear a large rubber band around your wrist. When you get the urge, or feel the urge coming on reach down and snap the rubber band against your wrist and I swear to you it will take the urge away. BTW: My answer is serious your attention will focus on the little sting on your wrist and away from the urge.

Your body can recover from a little sting a lot easier than it can from emphysema or COPD.
dont inhale
You can-t, believe me. I quit smoking after 20 years by throwing the cigs out the window of my car on my way home from work. The first week was H--- but I purposely had an agenda of things to do each evening which distracted me from thinking about smoking and I was successful.

Good Luck
How to quit smoking and get thourgh the withdrawls.? -