Should i quit smoking cigarettes? -

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Should i quit smoking cigarettes? -

I have been smoking for about 2 years and i seem to notice women dont like it and i think i should try to quit what do you think?
You should try to quit now. You-ve only been smoking two years, and it doesn-t get any easier. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to stop. It takes 20 years for the tar of one cigarette to completely be cleaned from your lungs. Quit now, and you-re risk of lung cancer and respiratory problems in the next few years will be very very little.
Yes you should quit. The longer you wait, the harder it is to stop and most women are put off by smoking. The smell gets in your clothes and hair. You also need to think about your health. Smoking will age your heart and lungs. When you are young, you don-t think about stuff like that because you are still able to smoke and run around. Your lung capacity will decrease and you will notice problems as you get older. In addition, if you have kids, you will hurt them if you smoke around them. Kids who are exposed to smoke have a greater chance at having respiratory problems. Good luck kicking the habit.
Absolutely not. In fact, you would be making an exceptionally selfish decision if you opted to quit smoking. As a smoker, you daily help to support our world class public education system. Many of the taxes which you pay on each pack of cigarettes directly fund the salaries of your hard working, unionized teachers. Same goes for the lottery. I don-t like to consider those blue-collar line workers as problem gamblers but rather as enthusiastic supporters of education. Their debt is our children-s gain. Hey, if you lose your home because you thought that next ticket was your chance to finally make that move to the bahamas, at least some illegitimate little brat will still have his public funded classroom to take his afternoon nap in. Back to smoking - Lets also not forget about the thousands of lower class families who derive their income from working on the tobacco fields. Don-t be so selfish as to contribute to their plight and kick them out onto the streets over something as ridiculous as you trying to get laid. Finally, also consider the thousands of working Americans who own stock in companies such as Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds. Remember, as our great leader has stated, now is the time for us to do our individual parts to restore trust in the markets. Are you really going to be part and parcel of driving those stock prices down even further in this shaky time of financial uncertainty? Just do the right thing: Light up that cigarette and smoke up for the sake of our nation and our children.
yea, your right not many women like guys that smoke.. not that they dint like them its Just that they see you a little different then if you didn-t... i know you wont believe me when i tell you that when you quit and you tell them you haven-t smoked in like..say 4 months or so they will actually think your a cool guy because not many people can quit easily trust me it helps you more than you know
not unless you enjoy spending lots of money to smell like s*** on a regular basis and end up with; a yellow face, yellow hands, with a voice like House M.D., get knackered everytime you walk up the stairs etc etc.. if that sounds good to you continue puffing away. if not then you should quit. your choice! need help quitting try Alan carr-s easy way to stop smoking - he encourages you to continue smoking as you read the book so tyou don-t have to quit before/as you start reading.
its ok if you smoke now and then, still smoking in excess can be injurious... i wonder how people who never smoke would come up with **** load of smoking advices... as a matter of fact you can quit completely only when you make that decision unconditionally, there are women who smokes and who like smokers...
Dont do it because some one told you to do it. Stop it when you are determined to stop... otherwise you will start again and later develop an impression that -its hard to quit- or -cant quit-

Good luck...
You should ABSOLUTELY try to quit. Please keep in mind that this will be hard! Quitting cold turkey will NOT help the issue. Do it for somebody you care for. Maybe a family member who has stopped smoking. You-re doing this for your own good. Nowadays, they have patches you can wear, and nicorette gum that can increase your chances of quitting. Try getting more active. Go for a jog now and then. When you-re busy, you won-t have time to smoke. Start a healthy hobby. I will be praying for you. Don-t stop.
Yes! Smoking is disgusting. It-s a sign of weakness and that-s what any woman worth while is going to think, too. It makes you and any innocent bystanders SUFFER, even if you don-t realize it. Do you want that? Try Nicorette or the patches if you have problems. There are many different resources to help you quit. A lot of people will be proud of you for quitting, more than you think. Smoking is getting more and more unpopular everyday. It-s so 90s ;) You will feel SO much better. You have no idea! Try it, and BREATHE again!
Yes, definitely quit! You shouldn-t have started in the first place. If you only smoked for two years, it should be a lot easier for you than if you-ve smoked for 10, 20 years or longer. Good luck. By thinking about quiting, you took the first important step. Besides, cigarettes are expensive and they-re only going to get more expensive as time goes on. And they-re not healthy to begin with.
Yes you should quit. Don-t you know the effects when you smoke? You can get very sick, an addict, you can get cancer and etc. By being specific, you can get lung cancer. It gets harder to breathe. You start coughing because your body is trying to get rid of the chemicals. Your teeth gets stained, if you whiten them and continue to smoke it gets stained again. It slows down blood flow and you feel cold. It affects your sense of smell and taste. You also feel dizzy. The website also has help.
i think you should quit immediately, as soon as possible. How will you ever meet a woman if you don-t? And besides, smoking is bad for your health. You could ultimately die because of. You could get lung cancer or throat cancer, or you could end up getting a whole in your throat to help you breathe better, as a result of cancer. Please help yourself
to tell you the truth, im a smoker my self, and i started because i was really stressed out and thats all i coulda done at the time. i know how its feels to light up, im not gonna say quit cause were all gonna die anyways, and if a love one wants you to you can cut back use a nicorette and smoke less. but do what you want to, becuase you started you can qquit on your own time :)
Japan has one of the highest population of smokers in the world, yet they have the longest life expectancy. This goes to show us what a proper diet can do. If you want to be healthy, quitting smoking will have a lot of advantages, but there are better things you can do to improve health. Think about it.
I believe that this is the most ridiculous question of all. Of course you should stop smoking. Nobody likes people who smoke and does who do like it are losers. Smoking is bad for you and should definitely stop. Don-t just think about yourself but also the people around you. My friend, I think you should quit because if you wait to long, it will be too late.
Hell yes! you should quit! smoking is stupid and retarted and it is like paying money to kill yourself and you are also harming other people, and did u know that smoking makes your breath stink, and causes a bigger chance that you will have a heart attack and also increases the risk for dying so if i were you i would get a life and quit smoking
Duh! Of course women don-t like it. It makes you smell, it makes your woman smell, and it-s bad for you. Did you know cigarettes can make very fine hair grow on your tongue! You should really quit. Not only will you save money but you will be healthier and a lot less single.
Hope I helped.
From a womans point of view YES i had to make my husband quit smoking i hated cigarettes. In plus they are much more dangerous to others around you than they are to you. Also they are expensive so women look at it as you aren-t going to have as much spending money because you smoke.
Obviously, no s h i t. Guess you just need some motivation. Well hey, my aunt passed away before i Was born at age 31 because she smoke like a chimney. hear she was an awesome person and a huge sports fan, wish i saw her. and no girls dig the smoking unless the girl is a smoker herself which you obviously shouldn-t like

get a fake cigg maybe
im sure people tell you all the time, but yes, you should quit. my grand father just passed away from lung cancer from smoking a pipe for only a few years of his life. it had a major impact on me and the rest of my family and the same could happen to you and sadden your family. dont just do it for yourself, do it for others.
Heck yes! You should try a patch or medicine! Sweetie I know its hard! But you have to try and NEVER GIVE UP! Smoking kills...NOT TO MENTION ITS GROSS! I know you might have made some bad choices to start but its never too late! They say smoking takes away 20 years of your life! Think of what you could do in that lose of time!
YES......if you keep smoking...
doctors are doing to put a hole in your neck
women wont like you
youll be addicted for life
your bottom jaw could fall off (no joke, i saw pics in phys. ed)
and you testicles are going to shrivel up and fall off!!!!!!!!!

im just joking about the last one, but the rest are true
smoking isn-t cool and every cigarette you smoke takes more of you-re life away, even though quiting is hard if you really want to you will quit.But don-t just do it because others don-t like it do it because you want to.That-s the most important thing!!
Somethings got to kill you.
Half the population smoke.. if it was that bad we-d be all dead.
Yeah fair enough it-s not good for you, and in non smokers eyes it might be disgusting.. im a smoker myself.. well not chain smoker. i smoke on and off, but like i said we-d all be dead if it was so horrid
Don-t quit! The world needs smokers, just think of all of the people at tabacco companies who remain employed because of smokers. Even though you are slowly killing yourself, there are many people who benefit from your addiction. As far as women, find one who smokes too.
definitely YES. i don-t know anyone who enjoys being near a smoker. i go out of my way to try and get as far away from them as possible. its disgusting and unattractive and most of all, ITS NOT HEALTHY. if you wanna only live till you-re 50 then go at it.
Yes obviously you should stop, i know a lot of the time people don-t because its a stress reliever but i just used sunflower seeds and girls really don-t like it cause everything you own even if you don-t know smell terrible
well alot of people say smoking kills but not if you dont do it alot it is very hard to quit you can tell yourself but you wont do it my suggestoin is to just do it less like once a week but you should try and quit
I think that smoking is really bad and can cause some serious health issues in the later part of your life. Do you really want to die earlier then you have to? I am not surprised girls don-t like it, major no for woman.
smoking is disgusting. Not many smart healthy and attractive women find it appealing. Get help, quit. Do anything. You are ruining your body. The sooner the better. Best of luck to you.
duh, not only will it drive people away, it will cause some kind of gross disease, or kill you. or kill someone near you........think about it. i-ve been convincing every person i know that smokes to quit. so far so good. :)
Yes, I think it-s a good idea. It gets harder to quit the longer you-ve smoked, and it can have a negative effect on your appearance. Plus, there are the negative health effects. I wish I had quit years ago.
Should i quit smoking cigarettes? -