How did you quit smoking? -

Friday, August 5, 2005

How did you quit smoking? -

I need some motivation. I-m super grouchy and I need some help!
by always haning hard sugar free candies in ny wallet. everytime i feel the urge to smoke, i will chew one candy
and it helps, really
Allen Carr-s book: -The Easy Way to Quit Smoking-. I-m off them 5 years now. I quit overnight, no cold turkey, no withdrawl symtoms, just like that. I strongly recommend it. I know 8 other people who quit after reading it, and none have gone back on them.

He also set up clinics to help people too. you should maybe check out one of them.

You can do it! It isn-t anywhere near as hard as you think it is and the benefits, well, you know all about them, don-t you?
The shortest and least stressful way to cover any withdrawals is to get some powerful help.
Get yourself a -buddy-,- a friend, or family - to be there when you need them for encouragement and diversion.
Keep healthy snacks on hand and lots of fruit juice and water for the first week or so. Exercise and occupying your time with a new hobby or skill should replace your old smoking time.
In fact there are 100s of effective strategies for quitting smoking, but remember, don-t just try - do it, and don-t think you will suffer - turn your mind to the reasons you are quitting, the benefits, and how good you-ll feel when you-re smoke-free.
The physical addiction to nicotine is gone in 2-3 days, so the rest is habitual, and psychological. There-s lots of tips, info and free help at
plus a great guaranteed course you can do to make the whole process easier on yourself. This course powerfully guides you to re-program the desire to smoke right out of your life. Check out:

I have not quit yet, it-s really very hard to do such. If you find a good answer, please share it with me. Thanks and good luck.
You can find another hobby or you can chew on a straw that-s what my friends dad did
I was able to stop smoking by taking chewable tablets, like CigArrest tablets This helped me to overcome the urge to smoke whenever and where ever I feel like smoking.
It is hard. But you have to stay focused and commit. Avoid the urger. Get up and take a walk. have a glass of water. Just continue to stay away from the cigs. It is hardest for the first few hours and days. Avoid coffee and alcholoic beverages.
I was prescribed Chantix to help me quit but it gave me terrible nausea. In searching the web to find another stop smoking med, I found Zyban, and in reading it I realized it had the same components as my anti depressant, Wellbutrin. I stopped smoking that minute and didn-t even feel any craving. On June 8 it will have been 8 months and not even a desire to puff.

Bottom line: Zyban worked for me!

I-ve never actually smoked before but, you should probably chew a lot of gum, excercize, drink lots of water, and go to your doctor, and then your dentist, because he or she can tell you about all those gum desieses.
I know it-s hard. Because my best friend had to go through quitting smoking. So, we both made up a plan for her. For two week she would have to do it. She would drink coffee in the morning, instead of having her usual cigarrette. Her kids hung up NO SMOKING sign all around the house, and everytime they caught her smoking or smelt the smoke, they-d give her the guilt trip. And she-d have to start over [we marked each day she didn-t smoke].
Chew gum everytime you have an urge to smoke. I don-t remember much from it, so sorry. But I hope what I got helps you.
If you have a friend who also wants to quit, you should do it with them.
How did you quit smoking? -