How do i quit smoking? -

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How do i quit smoking? -

I started smoking when I was 13 yrs. Now that I-ve been smoking for 7 yrs, I just want to know how can I quit without taking any medicine or medication. I-ve always tried to stop it but my body doesn-t want it. Please help me. thanks.
Educate yourself all the time about nutrition and its effect on the body and performance
Understand that YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT and eat great in order to be great
Understand that NOT ALL CALORIES ARE CREATED EQUAL (same amount of calories from a salmon salad and a pizza will have dramatically different effect on your body
Eat natural organic wholesome foods rich in Micronutrients, such as Minerals, Vitamins and Fiber
The majority of your food should be unprocessed (raw) and fresh
Breakfast and a post-workout meal are the two most important ones and you should never miss them
Every meal, unless it is small snack in between meals should either be well balanced between proteins, carbohydrates and fats or maintain that balance between separate meals.
Avoid extremes in diet approaches, like crash diets or diets that lean excessively in one direction (Atkins)
Make water and fresh-squeezed juices your drinks of choice
Eat your fruits ten to fifteen minutes BEFORE the rest of the meal. Fruits go through the stomach very quickly. That is why because if they are consumed during or after it will sit in your stomach and rotten
You should eat approximately every three hours in order to keep your blood sugar leveled and, therefore, avoid excessive insulin spikes and all the fat on your body that comes with it
Your organic protein choices, such as chicken, fish, lean meats, eggs should be paired up with rich selection of vegetables, including tomatoes, reddish, onion, cucumber, broccoli and others for optimum digestion and absorption
Avoid overly processed foods (fried and deep fried, white bread, bagels, pasta) as they cloak your body and rob it of nutrients instead of providing them
Avoid foods with labels that have too many ingredients (more than a few) and which ingredient list requires a chemistry degree
Avoid products that have sugar as a main ingredient, as it makes you fat, hectic, loosing teeth and bone tissue and to become weak and sick. Enjoy sweet fruits and honey instead
Avoid genetically modified foods
Include Nature’s Super Foods, such as: Radish, Pomegranates, Pumpkin Seeds, Ginger, Coconut Oil, Hemp Seeds, Olive Oil, Papaya, Blue Green Algae, Gogi Berries, Cranberries…
More info at :

Wait a few more years, say five or so. Listen to your body, and enjoy yourself. These are your prime smoking years, and you should enjoy them!

Seriously, though, keep smoking and just cut down gradually until you are completely tired of smoking and don-t need it any more.
i agree with u don-t need to know. Start slow, say your only going to smoke 10 a day and stick with it. Make up a game, reward yourself with one cig for going 6 hours without. Also take B vitamins, eat healthy and exercise, I know it sounds boring and yeah...yeah...yeah... but it does combat the withdrawal symptoms your going to have.
Its all about will-power , but to help they have these new, inhalers what i do is i put a filter in the end of it in hale on the filter just like have a cigarette but its not obv try it go to your GP and they will give you one.
nicotine patch?
or you can try substituting. like for example, whenever you want a cigarette, chew gum or eat sunflower seeds instead.

good luck!
Try chewing on gum or like mints.Never go near someone who smokes it will make you tempted. Stay away and stick to gum and mints.
Take deep breaths, and try to relax. I-ve quit now for 6 months, and it does get day at a time.
Go see a hypnotist.

My dad quit that way. Seems to work really good.
thats what you get for being an idiot
try to slowly smoke less and less
How do i quit smoking? -