Can you quit smoking successfully by just reducing? -

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Can you quit smoking successfully by just reducing? -

the amount you smoke daily until you are down to no cigarettes or is cold turkey a better route?
Cold turkey is best for me too... but it completely depends on what kind of person you are. How many are you smoking? maybe combine the two methods. Decrease to a small amount, then go cold turkey. Otherwise you might try to justify sneaking a cigarette by telling yourself, -Oh, it-s been a couple days since I last had one. I need to take this slow.-

It only takes eight days for your body to be completely free of nicotine, so after that it-s just the habit that makes you want a cig.

Best of luck to you!
Not everything works the same for everyone.
I quit in 1982 after smoking for 15 years.

I worked myself down from strong cigarettes to the low tar brands in about a month. Then, I went from 3 packs a day to 2 to one, to 10 cigs, to 5 to one then I quit.

No, was still hard but I made up my mind I was going to quit and that was that. I asked myself: -Am i am man or a wimp? Is this little stick of tobacco going to win or am I?-

Well, I won! Good thing too for 5 years later I became a severe asthmatic. I can-t even stand to be around smoke now.

Hey, good luck. If I can quit ANYONE can!
Oh and by the way, cigs were 35 cents a pack when I quit in 82. You have to be rich to smoke nowdays. sheesh!
Cold turkey is best...that is what I did.
You started smoking only a few a day and wound up smoking a pack a day. If you cut down 1 cigarette per week, you-ll be smokefree in 20 weeks.
Can you quit smoking successfully by just reducing? -