How can i help my best friend quit smoking weed?? -

Sunday, August 15, 2010

How can i help my best friend quit smoking weed?? -

im worried and im scared about him he wont quit weed i need help and advice... today he came to school HIGH .. i need help
Don-t. You sound like the typical brainwashed person who just assumes that because they tell you at school that weed is bad, you believe them. Weed is far less dangerous than ciggs or alcohol. Not telling you that you hafta start smoking, but give him his right to smoke. First of all, weed isn-t addictive. I smoke every single day and if for what ever reason i can-t smoke (ex: family vacation, out of weed, at a friends house who doesn-t smoke) i never get withdrawl symptoms. Addiction is a chemical dependance for a substance. Also, it doesn-t cause lung cancer. 99.9% of people who got lung cancer and smoke weed also smoke ciggs. It doesn-t make you irresponsible. When someone is high, they don-t wanna be violent and go rob a store, you just wanna sit and chill, watch a funny movie, or just have a nice conversation with a friend. I-m actually a better driver when I-m stoned. It makes you more alert, and contraryy to popular belief actually increases motor skills. Actually do a little research instead of just assuming pot is bad after hearing only one side of the story. The government pays off schools to tell students that weed is bad. Read this page -…
- it will change your opinion about pot.
you are completely wrong.
weed has 4x the carcinogens as cigs.
so shut up

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just talk to him try and make him realize the harm that the drug does to him. If that doesn-t work try to go to the counsellor at school and ask how to help your friend you are not required to give out his name or anything about him. Don-t give up trying to help
Great another stoner...let him know his future will be nothing more minimum wage jobs. His parents will be so proud
Good luck, without HIM buying into to it than there is not much you can do. Unless you are willing to lose a friend, you could try an intervention with his parents, friends, etc.... It will either work or backfire, one way or another there will be a reaction. It comes down to a personal choice, he has to want to quit in order to quit.
I mean you really cant make him stop, all you can do is talk to him. Eventually he-sgoing to get caught so, you need to let him know that. An maybe you should ask whats more important your friendship or the drugs.
Give him some cocaine.
he needs to want to quit himself. if he doesn-t want to quit he won-t and no one can force him. You can intervene and hope he has enough sense to know he should and want to stop but until he admits he has a problem, he ain-t changing.
Talk to him about it. Tell him how you feel and how it makes you feel.. Get some of his other friends to talk to him about it. Does he do it every day several times a day. He may have some depression issues going on. If he does it once in awhile I wouldn-t really worry about it, but if it is every day you definetly want to talk to him about it.

Don-t worry about telling how it will harm him and all that crap. Focus on it bothering you. He will make excuses for any fact you bring up on it being harmful. I am afraid this is not going to be a one conversation thing either. He won-t just up and quit.
if pot is the worse thing he does then don-t worry....
let him be.. trust me he will eventually grow out of it. it wont kill him or anything... if he doens-t let it go on his own than oh well! its not like its crack or anything...
How can i help my best friend quit smoking weed?? -