Has anyone out there successfully quit smoking and will never go back again? How long? -

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Has anyone out there successfully quit smoking and will never go back again? How long? -

What was your technique for quitting?
I did....11 years...COLD Turkey...take a week off, volunteer in a hospital-s cancer ward during that week and watch lung cancer patient as they are dying...if that is not motivation enough....post your question again!
I did successfully quit for over a year through hypnosis. If you-re wary go to the session without participating to see what it entails. Usually smoking is attributed to some trauma or need, so you have to battle that first or you may never quit -FOR GOOD-. What hypnosis helps you do is find and reprogram that initial connection and actually takes away 100% of the craving, the smell, the habit. You can always go cold turkey, but I found myself inhaling ashtrays for that missed odor, or sneaking, -just a puff- from friends. Good luck to you. It truly is worth the battle. Rely on your family or friends, or seek out God to get you through this.
k My dad quit smorking in a snap. Just dont do it and if you have the erg to then hurt your self....like punch yourself were it hurts.
I quit smoking 30 years ago, from 3 packs day to nothing no patch no nothing just do it
I started smoking crack instead.
Yes, I have, quit early 1997, I smoked 40 a day, but I had a big incentive, I was told unless I stopped smoking I would lose my legs!! yes no doubt you, just like me, didn-t know it affected peoples legs, clogs up the veins in your legs, and no doubt elsewear, never even craved for one since, and saved a heap of money, had to have my veins ballooned, to make my legs work again, I thank my lucky stars, that I can walk again.
There are many companies that charge money for ways that don-t work.

now I am expected to give you advice on free ways that do work.

the sad part is you won-t listen to me and will try all the money scamming ways because the rich or so honest(sarcasim)

there are many articles on www.quitsmoking.com all free.

i read them all and decided to quit cold turkey after trying every other way possible. Patch, gum, pills, cutting down, none of them worked for me.

I had quit cold turkey once before and went for one year and failed when stress came into my life and I relapsed after smoking just one cigarette.

This time I did it, got rid of all my cigarette stuff, like empty packs and ashtrays and then went cold turkey. The first couple of weeks were hell but I stuck with it. I smoked for 15 years.

My motto was and is -never take another puff-

Its been a few years and i have no reason to change even though many fake friends come into my life and make me feel like they won-t be my friends unless i smoke with them. These corupters I leave behind.

All the best and that will be $19.99 please :)
In my case, it took myself getting a pretty bad lung infection to quit smoking. I was coughing up brownish-green phlegm and having to use an inhaler just to feel like I could temporarily get a good breath. I thought to myself -If this is anything like what emphysema or lung cancer feels like, then forget smoking.- Previous to my lung infection, I had quit while I was pregnant with my children but always went back to it due to stress. So basically, you have to decide what-s more important to you...a quick fix or a beginning to a healthy life. Just remember to take it one step at a time...it may take two or three tries before you finally quit but just remember...atleast you-re trying and that-s what counts.

...Should also give credit to my 11 yr. old daughter. She was a big help while I was trying to quit and a big motivator.
yep...i quit in 1999...haven-t smoked since...i quit cold turkey when i found out i was pregnant...
I-ve been nicotine-free for over ten years and don-t intend to go back. I quit cold-turkey, but I don-t recommend that method for everyone because I was miserable (and made just about everyone around me miserable) for about 3 weeks. If you-re thinking about quitting smoking, the big things that helped me were eating better and working out every day. I didn-t give up everything I loved to eat, but I ate a lot more fruits and vegetables and a lot less fast food/junk food. Jogging and other cardiovascular exercises were very tough in the beginning, but it got easier and once the initial 3-week misery wore off I was feeling better than I ever had in my life.
well it was actually pretty easy. you see, i-m dead. i died from smoking. if you don-t want to be just like me, then i suggest you muster up some willpower and just quit. cold turkey is the way to go.
Has anyone out there successfully quit smoking and will never go back again? How long? -