Quit smoking amp; now I have a cough. Is that normal? -

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Quit smoking amp; now I have a cough. Is that normal? -

So I decided a week ago that I wanted to quit smoking because it is not in keeping with many of my personal goals.

For the past three days I have had a very itchy feeling in my lungs that occasionally leads to a cough, but when I do cough I cough so much that I almost throw up.

I don-t feel like I am sick.

Somebody told me this could be my lungs trying to cough years of tar out of them. Is that true - if so should I be taking some kind of cough syrup to try - break the tar up or is that a stupid idea?

What you were told is true. Depending on how much and how long you smoked you will have a brisk cough. I smoked for 11 years and quit last November I coughed for about 3 months. However, I am much healthier now and never even get a cold. You will feel much better a coupled weeks after the coughing. Great choice in quitting by the way!!!!
Your body is trying to get used to not having cigs. Don-t worry, it will go away eventually. Try some throat lozenges or hard candy to keep your throat lubricated. Cough syrup is not necessary.
It-s your lungs clearing out. Just drink lots of water and hack it all up. I quit in February and went through the same thing. BTW most cough syrup is a suppressant. So it really wont help get the tar out. Maybe take it a night for sleeping.
quite normal.
Quit smoking amp; now I have a cough. Is that normal? -