Do your lungs heal if you quit smoking? -

Friday, February 26, 2016

Do your lungs heal if you quit smoking? -

Well, Ive been smoking for over a 2 years now now, and i quit yesterday, i heard ur lungs dont heal they remain the same, is this true or what? Thanks (BTW im 16)
If you keep smoking, they-ll get worse and worse. The damage will never get completely healed, but it won-t be noticable. In about a year you won-t feel anything, but they might be internally damaged slightly. They will improve though. And major props for quitting.
As soon as you put down that last ciggie you body begins to heal itself. You are still very young, your body is very resilient and will heal completely over time.

It is very important that you quit right now. The longer you leave it the harder it will be to quit. Also the older you are and the longer you smoke the less chance your body will have of healing itself.

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Good Luck and Good Quitting
Yes, they heal.

In fact, here in Australia they-ve flipped the advertising from fear-based (-every cigarette is doing you damage-) to the more positive -every day without cigarettes is doing you good-. Your risk factors eventually fall to basically the same levels as everyone else.

My understanding is that you-ll feel worse for a while before you feel better, but you WILL feel better.
Yes - I quit for 8 months after having smoked a pack or more per day for 6 years, and by the end of the 8 months my lung function seemed perfectly normal and I was no longer getting winded etc. I noticed major lung improvement, probably 3 or 4 months into my quitting (unfortunately I started up again...don-t make the mistake of -I can have just one for good times sake.) GOOD LUCK!
Holy smokes you started at 14!!!! All the body organs can slowly regenerate, but you have to stay away from cigarettes and smokers and work out. If you commit to quitting, your lungs won-t have a difference from someone who never smoked, 10 years from now.
yes, they heal. it takes a long time though. two years will not do TOO much damage. my boyfriend had been smoking for 3 years before he quit. he has been smoke-free for 2 years and has had no problems. :) i-m glad you quit! stay strong! chew nicorette or something! good luck
They heal. After a person stops smoking it takes about 12-15 years for the organs and tissue that have been affected by the effects of nicotine to get back to pretty much the condition they were before a person started smoking.
no they heal... the cillia -hair like structures in your lungs- begin to sweep out all the toxins in your lungs, thats why you cough.

But for long time smokers it can be too late. Damage could be done. And it depends how much you smoked.
The permanent damage is done, but your cardiovascular health should improve. By smoking two years at your age the permanent damage should not be that horrible.
well its more like you cant really -reverse- any damage you caused. but 2 years is not that long unlike people who smoke for 20+ so as long as you quit now, i really wouldnt worry about having any illnesses from it
I-m pretty sure your lungs will heal. Just don-t start smoking again. And you are not suppose to smoke at 16 its illegal and very unhealthy. BTW good luck on quiting.
i smoked for 33 years and its been 6 years since i stopped and its gotten better but still not like it was when i was say 17.
yeah, they heal, but they-ll never be as healthy as they were before you smoked.
Go talk to your GP about it.

Congratulations on quitting!
im pretty sure they remain the same, but if you continue to smoke they will only get worse
they do heal up but it takes a little while...just don-t hang around people who smoke
i-m sure if you complete quit forever, you will be fine
Do your lungs heal if you quit smoking? -