I have quit smoking from last 1 week without using any medicine, what is good alternative to desist smoking? -

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I have quit smoking from last 1 week without using any medicine, what is good alternative to desist smoking? -

Congrats! When I quit I ate red hots. Anything with Cinnamon seemed to help. Also, keep busy. Join a support group, there are many online. It-s very hard, but it gets easier. For every week I didn-t smoke I -rewarded- myself with something. For me it-s books. Good luck!
None. Only strong will-power. Remember the day you quit smoking and count the days you are without smoke. Use this as your inspiration to remain a non-smoker. If once you take to some alternative, you-ll again succumb to a new weakness. Use your will-power. You can!!
Hard Candy whenever you start craving. Keep some in the car!!!

There is this new gum out that helps you quit and you could chew it instead of smoke!
The patches help.But if you don-t want to used free based nicotine to quit smoking, try salted sunflower seeds - sex.Yup! the seeds give you the hand to mouth habit, - the sex tickles the same part of the brain,so you-re not jonesing for a smoke
Different strokes for different folks but a few of my relatives and friends did the following:

1) Chewed gum whenever the urge to smoke struck
2) sucked on a straw - cutting the straw cigarette length
3)used the patch
4)chewed nicorette (ick)
5) Hypnosis - works on a few
6) there is now some kind of shot you can get that helps take away the urge.
Chewing gum, and a hobby to keep your hands busy.

Go to smokingstopshere.com
The best way to go is -Cold Turkey-...I smoked over 40 years and tried everything to quit....I tried the gum, the patch, and -Zyban-...Nothing worked...Finally, I started to cut back..I went from a pack a day...to a pack a week...I finally ran out and didn-t buy anymore...I lost both of my parents to lung cancer and I still didn-t quit until -Peter Jennings- died ...It is going on two years and I have cravings once in a while but they pass pretty quick...I just hope I quit in time for my lungs to heal themselves...If I can do it, I know you can too!....Good luck!
Chewing gum or exercises
1st. dnt think about it the more you do the more u will have the caraving to smoke

2nd.try nicorete gum patchs you can bye from your localk supermarket or chemist

3rd. just try nd have fun without smokin!
I have quit smoking from last 1 week without using any medicine, what is good alternative to desist smoking? -