When you quit smoking, did your consumption of alcohol go up? -

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

When you quit smoking, did your consumption of alcohol go up? -

Apparently this is very common, with people who drink alcohol as some have been known to drink more, whilst going through the cravings, for a ciggarete, therefore, replacing one -minor- habit, with one -major- habit.
Not me...I drank less, as everytime I drank I wanted to smoke!
No, it didn-t.
No, but the reason I quit smoking was because I was pregnant, so I couldn-t start drinking, either.
My consumption of tootsie roll pops went up for a while. :)
But at least now I don-t smoke any more. And if I can get through it, anyone could.
No, it didn-t. It went down. In fact, I have no interest in alcohol anymore since I quit. I have the occasional drink or 2 when I-m out with my husband, but that-s it.
No but my consumption of food did.
What about the smokers who don-t drink alcohol? They never took up drinking while they trying to quit. Alcohol and smokes are not always correlated. They just ate more lollies and they reach for any other -addictive- substances to stop the cravings :)
Not for me. I replaced smoking with deep breathing exercises. I used the gum to get off of the habit. I live on the 3rd floor so I would go downstairs and come back up when I needed to replace smoking with something active. Then a glass of water.
In my own opinion...no. My husband smoke and drank,
when he gave up smoking...he drank alcohol the same.
I do not know who gave you this information.
It is up to the individual
I know, that some people that do not smoke alot, will
smoke when they have a cocktail....
Me, I smoke tooooo much when I am here on Yahoo..
It burns out, before I get another puff.
To your answer, no it is the person....
When you quit smoking, did your consumption of alcohol go up? -

How do i get to quit smoking? -

How do i get to quit smoking? -

well, i haven-t tried this personally but a bunch of people have told me that it really works. they have hypnotherapists now who supposedly can hypnotize you into quitting smoking. i-ll admit that i-m skeptical, but again, lots of people have told me they tried it and have been able to quit cold turkey.
Cold Turkey....Give them all away, throw out your ashtrays,
forbid smoking in your house and in your car.
Lose your mind for about 4 days, go through extreme stomach discomfort and problems with nerves for 2 days....it all will pass, just grit your teeth.
I smoked for almost 30 years. Quit almost 2 years ago.
Good luck!!!!
I read somewhere that a craving lasts about 10 seconds - in that crucial time, find something else to do.
It is not easy. Look carefully into your mind what were your thoughts before you reached for that cigarette? Boredom? Tension? Frustration? Knowing that is the key. Then attack the cause positively. If your bored, find something to do that you are interested in doing, like play a video game.
Try Nicoderm CQ. Helped me quit after 2 1/2 pax daily for years.
This method works for me and is the only money back guaranteed.
I quite smoking 2 years ago

Get the Facts
Easyway, founded by Allen Carr in 1983, has the highest independently verified 12-month success rate (75.8% for a smoker completing the program) of any quit smoking technique and a 90% satisfaction rating.

Compare Easyway to other methods and see for yourself why Easyway is called “The Cadillac of quit smoking methods.”

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements

A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.”
Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins

keep trying!
Every time when you want to smoke tell I can`t do that.
I know that is hard but... Try!
How do i get to quit smoking? -

How to quit smoking if you smoke 20 cigarrates a day? -

Monday, April 25, 2016

How to quit smoking if you smoke 20 cigarrates a day? -

I am smoker having at least 20 cigarettes a day. Can anybody suggest an easy remedy to get rid off?
1. Daily,mentally take oath that i will not smoke for to day.
2. Leave it for the memory of the person to whom your affection is more.
3. Always keep one to two kabak sugar in mouth.
These are the very simple way to leave that type of bed habbits.
I smoked for 20+ years and tried many times to quit -- the way I did it, and I-ve heard it is not the correct way, but it worked for me. I cut back slowly. I gave up my morning cigarettes and made myself wait until lunch time to have a cigarette. It was difficult, but knowing I could have a cigarette at lunch got me through the morning. Then I gave up afternoon cigarettes and waited until evening. Then, finally gave up those evening cigarettes. This probably took about 6 months to accomplish but I quit 11 years ago and have not gone back to smoking. It was very, very difficult, but you will feel absolutely fantastic once you know you-ve smoked your last cigarette. Good luck to you.
I am not a smoker, but I found this video for people trying to quit.


My Grandfather was a smoker most of his life. His brother got Lung Cancer (also smoked most of his life), and after seeing him one time in the hospital he quit cold turkey. Although he quit, I think the damage was done and he ended up getting Lung Cancer himself a few years later, which took him pretty quick.

Good Luck
I would follow the advise already given. Back off and slow down and ease off them. You didn-t start smoking in a day or even a week, so just turn it around. That is what I am trying to do. Anything that-s good is hard somethings to do. But in the end you will be healthier.

Best of luck to you.
I am praying for you that god help you to quit this bad habit.
Every morning awake up time - evening bed time 10 minutes say that;
Smoking is not good for me.I will quit smoking.Ican do it . Please help me god.
You can get this one thing I heard of for free, or you can even make it at home. It is called willpower and it works wonders, you should try it. It will make you quit if you use it right.
Bet with ur friend that u won-t for a week (or)
Chew a gum (or)
Always have a Chocolate in your mouth.(or)
If u wanna be safe smoking, go for electronic cigars which are now readily available in stores

Always try cold turkey first. It-s cheap (free) and fast. If that doesn-t work, try gradually cutting back. If THAT doesn-t work, then join a support group and buy some niccorette.
read allan carrs easy way to stop smoking, i have stopped 2 months now from reading that book
don-t buy in packs and also don-t carry coins which will tempt u to buy cigars
How to quit smoking if you smoke 20 cigarrates a day? -

What is the most effective way to quit smoking? -

Sunday, April 24, 2016

What is the most effective way to quit smoking? -

Keeping this in mind: -According to one study, 90 percent of -cold turkey- quitters start smoking again within six months.-
I smoked for over 10 years and my husband smoked for about 15 years. We both quit with the Commit Lozenges. They were a wonderful aid and neither of us had really bad cravings. I had already tried the gum, patches, and we even was hypnotized and kept going right back to smoking. My husband and I have not smoked in over 3 years now. Good luck!
I have a friend that smoked 3 packs a day for almost 15 years, and was finally able to quit with commit lozenges.....
I keep that in mind, but I quit cold turkey seven years and one month ago. Besides, that is ONE study.

It bothered me for about three weeks, and then I was fine.

I smoked from 1979 until 1999.

You need to have the WILLPOWER. That-s the tough part. If you can be strong you can do it. Don-t go to the gum; you are just getting nicotine from another source.
Make up your mind to stop and stop. It-s really not that difficult. Sure, you can start up again if you change your mind. You can also make up your mind to stop again. NObody forces you to smoke, so just quit.
Make a habit of not lighting up until after 12pm (noon) everyday, get some gum or jolly ranchers and go from there.
will power is number 1. but i have found that inhalers help alot
dont start..just stop
What is the most effective way to quit smoking? -

Its easy to tell someone to quit smoking..but what about when it comes to telling someone to eat right?? -

Its easy to tell someone to quit smoking..but what about when it comes to telling someone to eat right?? -

i think a lot of smokers no its not healthy to smoke and its very easy to tell them to quit and they wont, but what do you do when you watching people everyday eat nasty food and you can see they are gaining weight??its just as bad isnt it? Is it ok to tell them?
I think it-s ok to let them know if it is someone you are close to. Let them know first off that you don-t want to come across rude but that you really care for their health and well-being. I lost 52 pounds in the last 6 months because in February I went shopping and ran into a friend I hadn-t seen in 5 years and the first thing he said to me was, -Damn, girl! You blew up!- I was crushed but I needed the wake up call. My family and friends kept telling me I was beautiful and -You-re not fat- but all that was doing was harming me...sometimes you need the cold, hard truth.
just take them down to sizzler or any buffet and show them the gargantuan people who frequent those places. show a picture of clogged arteries, heart attack and diabetes victims, and statistics that show fat people live shorter less healthy lives, make less money, and are not taken as serious as thinner people.
i think to tackle the obesity problem there needs to be a concerted effort to market the ills of obesity like was done with smoking.
Go ahead. The problem is that food is more addictive than cigarettes, because you literally cannot live without it, unlike tobacco. But I-m quite sure that unhealthy food habits are responsible for more deaths in the Western world than cigarettes.
Its easy to tell someone to quit smoking..but what about when it comes to telling someone to eat right?? -

Survey: do you know anyone taking the quit smoking drug Chantix? -

Survey: do you know anyone taking the quit smoking drug Chantix? -

if so, has the person-s personality changed considerably? any heart trouble? onset of diabetes?
I know someone .....ME ...and yes my personality has changed considerably and I am going to be tested for diabetes because I have the symptoms.... no heart problems though *knocks on wood*
Survey: do you know anyone taking the quit smoking drug Chantix? -

I quit smoking. I drank at the club and had a few ciggies? -

I quit smoking. I drank at the club and had a few ciggies? -

But I am not smoking now. I quit 4 days ago. How will this effect me? I am on chantix so the cravings are not bad at all.
My mouth tastes like trash now.
Just remember what your mouth tastes like the next time your near a cigarette.
Would you want to kiss an ashtray?
If you only -quit- 4 days ago and you are already -Socially- smoking that means you haven-t quit. Good Luck!
Your body still thinks it is smoking since it has only been 4 days. Even smokers who just smoke recreationally (a few times a month, when coupled with drinking) have a higher risk of cancer. The longer it has been since you have quit, the more intense the craving...this will last about a year (even with an aid). Just suck it up and quit cold turkey and try to avoid the -triggers- like going out to drink...because then you will start smoking again. I promise.
You cant be -quit- unless you do not smoke what-so-ever, so you even smoking one ciggerette would mean you still smoke. Good luck.
I think it is normal for people to have a relapse, but now you have to start all over. You didn-t quit 4 days ago, you quit after you went to the club. Just remind yourself that every time to relapse, you have to start allover.
I quit smoking. I drank at the club and had a few ciggies? -

How much does the new drug cost that helps you quit smoking? -

How much does the new drug cost that helps you quit smoking? -

how much is Chantix , it is a new drug to help quit smoking . Does it work well and how much is it without insurance and how long do you have to take it for?
I used Chantix when I qut. Seven plus months now. Without insurance it is approx 100 dollars for a three month supply. I started a yahoo group when I quit that has extensive files, links, news etc. attached that can answer ANY question you might have regarding smoking and quitting. Acuately. Feel free to have a look and Take Care..................R


First of all don-t take drugs! That is not the answer. You might want to check out www.greensmoke.com/EcoCigarett… It has helped out many of my friends.

Report Abuse

My mom just started it about 5 days ago.
Hers was $150, the doctor says in about 8 days she wont even care about smoking anymore. I think you take it for 3 months.
if you are willing to shell out $$ for some pill that isnt even fda approvec, why dont you just go get hypnotized.
How much does the new drug cost that helps you quit smoking? -

Trying to quit smoking and i just cant do it!? -

Trying to quit smoking and i just cant do it!? -

I do good all weekend but then when I get to work I want one so bad and almost everyone there smokes and are more than happy to help me out. I am killing myself and I can-t stop!
If you-ve had enough of being a smoker and just want to stop, then just do it! You will improve your chances of success if you get help as soon as possible. Ring Quitline on 0800 00 22 00 or email stopsmoking@quit.org.uk to find out what support will suit you best.

If you prefer to plan ahead, then that-s fine too. Set a date not too far ahead and stick to it. You can use the time to find out what help is available and what should suit you by calling Quitline 0800 00 22 00 or email stopsmoking@quit.org.uk

The most important thing is that you are committed to your new life as a non smoker!

Step 2
Only 3% of smokers succeed by willpower alone
Both Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and Zyban have been proven to double a smoker-s chance of quitting successfully. If you take NRT or Zyban AND get support from a local stop smoking group you increase your chances by up to 4 times!

Cigarettes deliver nicotine very quickly, which contributes to their addictive nature. However the nicotine in NRT is supplied in a slower and more controlled way. This is because NRT is designed to help you quit smoking and so reduces your need for nicotine, until you don-t need it anymore.

There are a wide range of NRT products available. If you are having trouble deciding which product to use, give a QUIT counsellor a ring on 0800 00 22 00 and they will give you independent advice to suit your lfiestyle.

You could also try www.Click2Quit.com for a free personalised quit plan to help guide you through your quit attempt and a discussion board to talk to others who are quitting too.

All NRT products are available on prescription and can also be bought over the counter at pharmacies and large supermarkets. It-s important to complete the full course of NRT as this increases your chances of quitting successfully. Some NRT formats may also help reduce weight gain associated with quitting smoking. Here-s a brief description of the range of products available, to help you decide if NRT is right for you. Refer to individual packs for further details.

(NicAssist? - only available at Boots, Nicorette?, NiQuitin CQ?)
Patches are most helpful to people who like to feel protected from cravings throughout the day. They are easy to use and should be applied to dry non-hairy skin such as the upper arm, thigh or chest. The patches offer a continous supply of nicotine throughout the day to help relieve the withdrawal symptoms and physical cravings you-ll experience. You may still get urges to smoke but these will not be as strong.

A patch lasts either 16 or 24 hours, each of which will come in three strengths delivering different amounts of nicotine, which is absorbed slowly through the skin. You are recommended to use them for up to three months depending on the brand you choose, starting off with the most appropriate strength for you. Always follow manufacturers- instructions. Some people experience a slight itching or redness of the skin and this can be lessened by varying the position of the patch when you apply a new one.

(NicAssist?, Nicorette?, Nicotinell?, NiQuitin CQ?)
Nicotine gum helps you to control your cravings whenever you feel the urge to smoke. It is different from ordinary chewing gum and can have a bitter taste, especially to begin with, so you may have to persevere in using it. It is important to use it properly to get the full benefit. Theh gum comes in two strengths, regular (2mg) and maximum (4mg) and in a choice of flavours. The brand you select will determine which strength you use. The gum should be chewed slowly and then rested between your gum and the side of your mouth, repeatedly, for about 30 minutes. You should gradually reduce the number of gums you chew after a period of about three months.

Maximum strength NRT gum can also help reduce weight gain associated with quitting smoking. The nicotine is slowly absorbed through the lining of the mouth. The main side effect is irritation of the mouth and throat, but this lessens with use. The gum is difficult to use if you wear dentures and can make stomach ulcers worse.

(Nicotinell?, NiQuitin CQ?)
The lozenge is an effective alternative to the gum and is available in a variety of strengths. The brand you select will determine which strength you use. You take one lozenge every hour or two for the first few weeks and then gradually reduce the number you take each day over the next few weeks until you don-t need the lozenges anymore. Like the gum, the nicotine is absorbed through the lining of the mouth. Research has shown that the 4mg NRT lozenge can also helo reduce weight gain assocaited with quitting smoking.

The Microtab is a small while tablet containing nicotine that dissolves under your tongue. Don-t suck, chew or swallow it, as this will reduce the amount of nicotine that is absorbed through the lining of the mouth.

The nicotine nasal spray is good for people who get severe withdrawal symptoms or who smoke heavily. The nicotine nasal spray comes in a bottle with a nozzle that delivers a dose of nicotine via a fine spray squirted into each nostril. It should be used 10-15 times per day. The nicotine is quickly absorbed through the lining of the nose. It mimics cigarettes more closely by giving a relatively fast effect. The spray may irritate your nose and throat, especially at first. However if you persevere this lessens. NRT nasal spray can help reduce weight gain associated with smoking.

(NicAssist?, Nicorette?)
The inhalator is helpful when your body craves the nicotine and your hands miss a cigarette. The inhalator looks like a cigarette holder, inside which you place a cartridge containing nicotine. You simply suck on the inhalator when you get a craving. Nicotine is taken into the mouth and the back of the throat but not into the lungs.

If you feel you can-t stop abruptly then you can use some forms of NRT to help you cut down the number of cigarettes then stop. You need to cut out at least half of your cigarettes with the help of NRT then after a while you can stop completely. Call the Quitline on 0800 00 22 00 or ask your GP or pharmacist for advice on this method.

Your GP will be able to advise if Zyban is suitable for you depending on your medical history. It is only available on prescription. Zyban is an effective treatment, which has helped many smokers to quit. In is a non nicotine tablet. A course of Zyban tablets lasts two months. You start taking Zyban while you are still smoking and set a date for quitting during the second week of treatment. It is not suitable for people who have had a history of blackouts, fits, head injury or brain tumour but your GP will advise you further. The most common side effects are difficulty sleeping, dry mouth and headache.

Every patient who is prescribed Zyban is offered motivational support from the Right Time Programme, which is a personalised programme designed to encourage and support patients throughout their quit attempt.

There is now some preliminary evidence that glucose tablets reduce cravings and may help people to stop smoking.

Specialist smokers- clinics, which recommend using nicotine replacement therapy, can improve your chances of stopping by up to four times.

Groups can help you to feel less alone in your attempt to quit. Being with other people who are also stopping can provide that all-important mutual support and a sense of being understood. They are usually run over a period of weeks and guide you through the different stages of quitting.

There are a growing number of both specialist clinics and support groups. Ring Quitline 0800 00 22 00 or email stopsmoking@quit.org.uk and a QUIT Counsellor will be able to tell you the location of your nearest group or clinic.

Some people claim to be helped by alternative therapies. However, the results of research are not clear, so overall their effectiveness reamins unproven. The two most popular forms are hypnotherapy and acupuncture. If you decide to try alternative therapy, it is important to find a registered practitioner. The Institute of Complementary Medicine, PO Box 194, London SE16 7QZ or The British Complementary Medicine Association, UK Training College, St Chalres Hospital, Exmoor St, London W10 6DZ can both supply further information on the services available and details of local practitioners.

Step 3
Make sure you don-t replace cigarettes with fattening foods! If you feel you need to lose weight it-s best to cope with stopping smoking first. If you try to do both at once you are more likely to fail. Quitting smoking is the most important thing a person can do to improve their health. If you put on weight while trying to quit resolve to do something about it as soon as you feel you are able to cope without cigarettes. In the meantime increase your exercise routine and eat healthily. For QUIT-s free booklet about how to control your weight while quitting, ring Quitline 0800 00 22 00 or email stopsmoking@quit.org.uk

Step 4
Research shows that undertaking exercise while stopping smoking can increase your chance of being successful. QUIT in conjunction with fitness experts have designed an exercise programme specifically for smokers to help you with your quit attempt. The step-by-step programme focuses on the areas most likely to be affected by smoking; lung capacity and cardiovascular health. -Keep QUIT- has 4 levels of intensity designed to cater for a wide range of fitness and ability. It can be downloaded by visiting www.quit.org.uk. Alternatively choose any physical activity you enjoy and fit it into your quitting plan at least 3-4 times a week. Exercise will help your body cope with withdrawal symptoms and boost your self -confidence and well-being.


Q. What are withdrawal symptoms?
A. Symptoms include irritability, restlessness, depression, difficulty concentrating, sleep disruption, increased appetite and craving for tobacco. The good news is that it means your body is recovering and all the symptoms are temporary and none of them are life threatening, unlike smoking !

Q. Does smoking reduce stress?
A. No, it-s a temporary feeling, the effects of nicotine soon wear off and this withdrawal makes you feel tense.

Q. Can I cut up a patch to receive less nicotine?
A. No. All NRT patches provide a controlled amount of nicotine to help protect you from cravings and withdrawal symptoms when you stop smoking. If you feel you need less nicotine, step down a strength.

Q. Should I give up and go on a diet at the same time?
A. Evidence suggests that it is better to tackle smoking as your first priority and then tackle the issue of weight gain if you need to.

Q. Does nicotine cause cancer?
A. No. When you light up, nicotine gives you the hit, the rest of the smoke does the damage. There are over 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke including formaldehyde (used to preserve dead bodies); ammonia (used in strong cleaning liquids) and cadmium (A highly poisonous metal used in batteries). Nicotine is not one of the cancer causing agents, it-s simply the reason you crave a cigarette. Nicotine in NRT can actually help you to quit smoking.

Step 5

20 minutes: Your blood pressure and pulse rate should return to normal.
8 hours: Oxygen levels in your blood should return to normal.
24 hours: Carbon Monoxide has been eliminated from your body. Your lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.
48 hours: There is no nicotine left in your body. Your ability to taste and smell may be greatly improved.
72 hours: Breathing becomes easier. Your bronchial tubes begin to relax and your energy levels increase.
2-12 weeks: Circulation improves throughout the body.
3-9 months: Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems get better as your lung function is increased by up to 10%
1 year: Risk of a heart attack drops to about half that of a smoker
10 years: Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker
15 years: Risk of heart attack falls to same as someone who has never smoked

Work out how much money you spend on cigarettes in a day, a week and a year then start planning all the treats you can have with the money.


Robert West, Professor of Health Psychology and Director of Tobacco Studies at the Cancer Research UK Health Behavious Unit, University College London; Gay Sutherland, Research Psychologist at the Tobacco Research Unit, King-s College London University and Hon. Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust Smoking Cessation Clinic and Dr Dawn Milner for their help in producing this booklet.

If you have a specific question contact a QUIT counsellor on 0800 00 22 00 or at stopsmoking@quit.org.uk

The NEW QUIT GUIDE is proudly sponsored by NiQuitin CQ and Click2Quit.com

Quit has editorial control over all copy.

This sounds stupid, but put handsanitizer on you-re cigeretts and when you wanna smoke you will see it and remember, plus eat lots of carrots and apples instead of using the cigs. Oh and play a game instead of smoking (ie: minesweeper, pinball, tick-tack-toe) It worked for others! GOOD LUCK!
Goodluck, when you figure it out, let me know your secret.
You have to find something worth suffering for. Without an immediate motivation, it-s much harder to quit.
I suggest praying about it. Go and visit the lung cancer patients in the hospital for first hand inspiration.
Here-s a surefire cure :
Whenever u feel like lighting-up, opt only for one of those giant-sized and -strong- cigars - and FORCE urself to keep on puffing at it.
You-ll feel so very nauseous, that very soon you-ll lose all ur craving !
That is when u shud QUIT ! For keeps.
Cheers !
You just have to get the mind-set that you CAN do it. That is the best way to be able to quit. Also, stop-smoking aids such as gums and patches can help get rid of the cravings. Good luck and you can do it if you try!
I quit 3 months ago, I was just so determined, I said I-d not spend my $ and time wasted like that, and damaging my health and my child-s. You just have to decide when and how. But I do not believe in patches, gums, tablets or any nicotine product, I just quit, but we are all different. I heard recently, try to break the routine of activities that involved you in smoking, or change the places where you felt comfortable smoking, for new ones, and don-t hang out or do the same activities in the old places. Like you smoked in the living room on your favorite couch, drinking a cup of coffee at 10, then sit at the dining room, drink a tea, and read something after or before 10, to put an example. Also, at the office, take a walk out, but not to smoke.
1st things 1st. Think POSITIVE. Have something in your hand... Pen, straw, sunflower seeds...Write all the reasons down why you want to quit smoking. When you want a cig. feel temptation read what you wrote, keep your hands and mouth busy. The craving goes away after 5 min. The longer the time has been since you have smoked the more you have to be proud of, and the less nicotine in your system. The thing with cigarettes is that you crave more. Ever seen someone light a smoke with one in the ashtray (or the other hand). The longer it takes you to quit the harder it will be. half of the addiction is the motion of hand to mouth. With a strong will you can overcome that. The hard part is putting it together with the craving for nicotine to be in your system. Good luck...
Well i got a script for welbutrin, the antidepressant, to quit smoking, i didnt think i could do it, im one of those people who thought i would never be able to quit. When i got it i set a date to quit, then for those couple of weeks i had it in my head i was going to quit on that day, its not just take it today and stop today pill. But as the week went on i was taking it regularly and still smoking, but i noticed i was smoking just from habit, not the craving, what i mean is when i would light up i notinced i dindt -need- it just -wanted- it. but come my quit day i did just that, i havent smoked since march of last year.i had been smoking for 7 years. Now it wasnt easy, first off it helped i was moving into a new place, it helped alot, but i still had and have cravings, its just a mind and will power thing. I smell it some times and say just 1 but i know it wont be just one. i came to far to start back up. One other thing with the welbutrin i was takin it for 2 weeks and suddenly got some kind of hives or something on my arms and had to go to the doc for it and i had to quit the welbutrin and go on something for the hives, but i was only on it for 2 weeks though and havent smoked since. hope this helps, plus i think i was lucky to quit the first time out it does take some people longer, and using diffrent methods.
You really have to want to first...takes a strong will. lots of people just cant put them down...its a prosses. Trust me i know.
When you quit.. it normally takes people a couple tries to do it. Just remember what you went through before, and *why* you decided to give in. Engrain that in your memory to never fall for again.
it-s as easy as ABC.let me give you an idea.each time when u feel like u wanna smoke,don do it instead u get some chewing gums as substitution.By doing this,there are no rooms for u to smoke as your chewing gums have occupied the space of your mouth.Just give it a try. i hope it helps u to avoid smoking.
So I think if u want to quit smoking just try not to think about it! Also just start drinking lots of water it may stop yor habbit!
Trying to quit smoking and i just cant do it!? -

Quitting smoking: what helped you most during the first few weeks? -

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Quitting smoking: what helped you most during the first few weeks? -

I-m in the middle of family members quitting. What helped you to quit and what was really helpful from others when trying to quit?
I smoked two packs a day and quit a little over year ago...

It will be different for each person but it was important for me for those around me to understand and tolerate my complete and utter cruelty. Please keep in mind that when they lose their patience, their nerve, etc it is likely that you have done NOTHING to trigger the emotion but they may take it out on you. I-m not saying its ok but it you fight back it only makes it worse. I-m only sharing this as it sounds like you want to be as supportive as you can and this is one way.

Also the first few days my husband (a non smoker) and I went places where there is no smoking (museums etc) so that it wasn-t an option and I didn-t see/smell it around me.

Good luck and thanks for supporting a soon to be non smoker!
I chewed nicotine gum. The first day is the hardest. If you can go one day, you can do two and then three. Take one day at a time. Try to keep yourself busy and deviate from your routine.
My dad chewed on wintergreen lifesavers.

Of course, the biggest help would be not having any cigarettes around. Throw -em all out.

I never smoked before and I never will. but i heard that chewing gum
helps to quit smoking.
I quit two months ago for health reasons. My suggestions would be Nicorette and blowing bubbles.
Quitting smoking: what helped you most during the first few weeks? -

Im trying to kick a nasty habit. How did you quit smoking? -

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Im trying to kick a nasty habit. How did you quit smoking? -

After you get past the first 2 days to a week it should be mostly out of your system, so after that it-s just a mental game. If certain things tempt you to smoke too much, try to avoid them. Remember, smoking becomes a routine part of your life, the trick is to break out of that routine, which can be extremely difficult.
you are very smart that you want to quit. i want my daddy to stop but its hard for him hes trying his best. so wat you should do that my dad did and he was so close of quitting is at the gas station there is a type of cigarette that has less nicotene in it and some how it makes you smoke lesser then lesser ir you can go to this doctor that pokes needles on your face to stop and trust me i heard many that it worked! sorry if i am not very good at describing things about smoking i-m just a kid thx!
I am 9 years smoke free after a 2 pack a day 35 year habit. I used Zyban and attended a mandatory 5 session help clinic. You have to get a physical and permission to take Zyban from your Dr. Unlike some people I did not have any problems taking the prescribed dosage of 1 pill per day for the entire 90 days. I quit 12 days into the program. Still want one now and then but it is easier and easier as time rolls on. Good Luck and best wishes.
Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
Im trying to kick a nasty habit. How did you quit smoking? -

Are there any products to help u quit smoking that actually work and help calm the cravings? -

Friday, April 15, 2016

Are there any products to help u quit smoking that actually work and help calm the cravings? -

I am taking Chantix and it works for me. I have smoked for 25 years and didn-t think it would work but it did. I haven-t smoked in about a month and a half.

You start taking chantix and keep smoking and in about 2 weeks the cravings go away enough so you can quit without too much difficulty. I am wondering what will happen when I stop taking Chantix.
I was a smoker for 25 years and I had quit smoking for over six times ,but never really quit smoking before.Just after I read that quit smoking program, I realized how easy quitting smoking was.I am a non-smoker now! I highly recommend this program to you.It really works.You can check out

Good luck!
Check NicotineBusters,
They have a ot of information on various smoking cessation aids and feedback from people on how ell they worked or didn-t work.

I quit 4 months ago and for me drinking water got rid of the craving; stopped it right in its tracks. Until the next one, of course.
patches. nicotine gum, etc are just advertising, and don-t work too well.
These are really good tips I have heard to stop smoking. Hope they help.

Because a smoker forms the habit of putting something in their mouth, and it-s like always a cigarette. you will need something else to put into your mouth, like lollipops.

Have a peppermint each time you crave a cigarette, the craving will go away somehow.

Be sure to have lots of water, the nicotine will wash out within 48 - 72 hours. Let-s say, the same amount as some scientist discovered. 6 - 8 glasses a day.

Make sure you get a lot of fresh air and exercise, it will help your brain recover

Have faith. Thinking you can-t do it over and over won-t help.
There is a medication, fairly new, called Chantix created by Pfizer. I haven-t quit myself and I realize that I-m my own worst enemy, but when making an attempt to quit, Chantix helped me go two hours without a cigarette, so my cravings were well controlled.
Just stop cold turkey! Its just a mind thing its just like fat people wanting to lose weight.
Hi , I have tried everything and found nothing. I do remember telling my mother, when I was very ill, that I wanted to quit but it was like a drug..The good Lord heard my prayer and later in the day he spoke to me in my spirit by name, and said to me - Nancy do you want to live to see tomorrow?- I said yes back in my mind, -yes-, then He said to me: -Then stop smoking!!. I never picked up another cigarette to this day. and have never wanted one.

I later had an Xray taken and the doctor said I can tell that u have never smoked before. I said how can u tell that? He said your lungs are very pink.
So the Lord not only healed me from smoking...he healed my lungs.
You might not beleive that way, but I can tell u i can still hear him saying that.
I hope this helps you.
Are there any products to help u quit smoking that actually work and help calm the cravings? -

How do I quit smoking for good? -

Thursday, April 14, 2016

How do I quit smoking for good? -

I-ve been smoking for 2 years. I should have listened to the very addictive part of the equation. I tried the patch and it gave me horrible realistic nightmares. (one of the side effects) I tried will that lasted two months before I got stressed out enough to go back. I-ve tried tappering off but the night finds me puffing like chimney! My husband hates my smoking. Got any other ideas? The gum is not an option.
Hi Nesha...

first of all congrats on your decision to quit.. its a biggie!!!! in reality there is no wrong way to quit.. all methods work for some.. i smoked a lot longer than you did and tried a number of times to quit, as well as used most of the methods out there..

to date i have been tobacco free for over 5 years now.. the difference this time ,is that i quit trying to do it alone, and joined a support group.. i attend nicotine anonymous meetings both locally and on line.. on line voice meetings are as close as your computer, and your welcome at meetings while still smoking..

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
I recommend cold turkey..... Do a google search for quitting smoking. I found that the -fits- only last for about 3 minutes for the average person and if you can just remember that they will end soon.... you will be ok.... I am on week 3 myself and I-m really not thinking about cigarettes that often now. After 3 or 4 days it was bearable. Also remember that you can never have another cig. Don-t drink and think -Just 1 will be ok-
I quit cold turkey 3 weeks ago, but it was a little easier because I was real sick. I-m still having some urges, but nothing that I cannot deal with. I-m trying to avoid things that I associated with smoking. When all else fails, try googling smokers lungs, or something like that, and look at the pictures.
I have been using green smoke for a while now and i can tell u its 100% a healthier alternative than smoking! no carcinogens carbon monoxide or tar, just nicotine and u can use it to ween yourself off if u like....... but the best part is it looks and feels like u are really smoking but its just water vapour!! check out the website and read up on the benefits I-m sure u will be as impressed as i was!!! u can also use this code disc10-7097 to get 10% off the price should u decide to join us green smokers lol hope this helps


-Start another habit/addiction, like chewing gum or something.
-Watch some horror video clips of damaged or destroyed black lungs to scare yourself.
-Resist buying them (Easier said then done, I know.. but it-s really all it takes to help stop.)

It-s all in the mind. Just be strong.
you just have to decide enough is enough..I smoked for 2 yrs and quit just like that while smoking I did feel the need for a cig but after I decided no more I would just fight the urge. now I hate it when people smoke near me.
For you to quit smoking your really must want to there is no magic pill you can take. But if you want to read a good blog and ask questions take a look at this kickitnow1940.storeblogs.com
Hi if you really want to quit smoking fast watch this video and make it favorite.

It-s not mine, but it is really good, and helpful.

Step it up *****

Is called having the will to stop sorry but is the only way no patch no pills will help you.
Pretend that smoking thing is bad luck.Or start a habbait.(or habbat)
why the **** did you start in the first place
give me all your money and you will have no choice lol

but good luck !
How do I quit smoking for good? -

How can I quit smoking when all my friends do and I like to drink socially on the weekends? -

How can I quit smoking when all my friends do and I like to drink socially on the weekends? -

I am 30 years old and have been a smoker for fifteen years, I actually enjoy it and do not want to give up my friends or drinking, but I know I need to quit Help!
If your thirty you shouldve learned self control, and a little bit of mind over matter. YOU are mentally fixated on the experience so for now your are doomed. YOU need to change your mental view of the habbit and make a decision to quit! for good!

You will not give up your friends........... or they arent real friends, and you can still drink!

weakness leaving the body!
The fact that your peers and drinking buddies and that you drink has NOTHING to do with quitting smoking. That is a cop out. IF you RE ALLY and TRULY want to stop.....stop. Trust me, there is NO easy way to stop smoking. Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs around. It won-t be easy BUT you CAN do it. Good luck. Pops
i know it may be hard but dont smoke in your house and if people come over just tell them that you are trying to quit and ask them to poiltely to smoke outside...if your friends are good friends then they will understand and be behind you all the way...even when you are hanging out on the weekends...they should respect your decision...you might want to lay off the drinking for a little until you get used to not smoking because after drinking you are more prone to not think about it and smoke.
If your smoking right now throw it out. my mom and dad have been smoker for 23 something years my mom has been smoking sense she was 12. i find her cigarettes and crush them all and throw them in the garbage. you should do the same thing just say no.don-t do it i have bad habits that are bad for me but not anymore find good hobbies that you like to do instead of smoking. buy mints they are the same thing as cigarettes but there good for you. i know all this because i looked it all up because i want my parents to quit so badly. just stop simple as that don-t buy them easy as that
How can I quit smoking when all my friends do and I like to drink socially on the weekends? -

Quit smoking therapy? any suggestions? -

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Quit smoking therapy? any suggestions? -

i am trying to quit smoking. i am currently using the patch which really helps with physical withdraws but the mental withdraws are hell especially that first cigarette of the morning. i am down to approximately 3 cigarettes per day. i used to smoke about 2 packs a day (pat on my back lol) but i have to kick those last 3 or i know i won-t quit permanently. any suggestions that might help would be greatly appericiated. thanks
i used the patch as well, and i haven-t smoked in 2 months. the mental part is hell, no question. what worked for me is chewing big red gum, (no other flavor helped, kinda strange), and changing your habits. if you normally wake up and smoke while drinking coffee, take a walk instead and have coffee when you get back. you really have to do something totally different at those times when you would normally be smoking. it-s hard to do, but someone told me that the mental craving of a cigarette only lasts for 7 minutes, so, if you can get past that 7 minutes, it-ll be easier! put the money you are saving into a jar and watch it grow, then buy yourself a nice reward for quitting. good luck to you!
also, think of the dangers of second hand smoke. your children.

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i know some people are different but try to chew gum when u have a craving or eating fruits something healthy or just rack your brain cold turkey I threaten my husband everytime we argued I told him to go have a smoke and finally after 8 yrs of telling him this he finally asked why do you always ask me to go smoke and i told him the smoking will kill him quicker than i would and i-m waiting to cash the insurance policy he forgot and about and i be damned its been 2 mos and he just quite cold turkey sure he sancks alot know but thats waayy better than smoke
Quit smoking therapy? any suggestions? -

I quit smoking after 10 yrs and today is day 7. My question is when am I going to start feeling better? -

Thursday, April 7, 2016

I quit smoking after 10 yrs and today is day 7. My question is when am I going to start feeling better? -

When will my cough go away? When will I stop hacking up junk in the shower? Also about how long does it take for the desire to smoke a cigarette actually go away?
Your cough will go away soon you just have to give your lungs time to recover, which may take years still until they fully recover. The mucus and stuff your hacking up in the shower takes about the same time as the cough.

That desire though, that may never go away. I quit over a year ago, it is hard i know but it gets easier. You see someone smoking and you want to do it so bad but the longer you keep yourself from doing it the easier it gets. More and more everyday it will move further from your mind.

I don-t know what method you are using, but if you don-t manage to do it this time do not give up! Every time you try to quit you get closer to your goal! I strongly suggest trying the patch it really worked for me.

Also, learn your triggers. What makes you want to smoke, when do you smoke, and where do you smoke? Learning the answers to these questions can help you avoid cravings or develop new routines. Replacing your addiction with something more positive really helps. Since you are taking the time to quit smoking, consider getting your whole body healthy. Replace the endorphines you used to release with cigarettes by exercising!

If you really want to quit smoking, take a look at


It-s a new approach designed for everyone who seriously wants to stop smoking for free without drugs, patches, nor gaining weight.

This site tackles smoking from an addiction perspective; It doesn’t matter if you are a five a day teenager, or a one hundred a day pensioner, male or female, or if this is your first or fiftieth attempt at stopping, if you follow all instructions, you-ll certainly become a non-smoker, and here you-ll find explanation to your question.

Good luck and happy quitting!
You should stop craving after a few weeks, but its those testing times like when you-re having a social drink or after eating (or times when you always used to have a cigarette) that are the toughies.

As for stopping coughing etc, i would imagine that it shouldn-t be long, however they say it takes 5 years before your body totally sorts itself out - by this time though you-re body is as good as new and shows no traces that you used to be a smoker.

Really try to build yourself up over the next few weeks and you-ll reap the benefits even sooner and you-ll be like a new person. I know it tastes foul, but drinking green tea always makes me feel better when i-m feeling a bit below par.

Anyway, well done for giving up!
Hi Brian,

First of all, congrats on 7 days going strong! I can only imagine its a friggin hard thing to do. In response to your health:

After 10 years your body has become used to your daily routine of ciggarettes, its like me coming along and taking your car away saying you have to walk to work, you will not like it one bit... nor does your body - it got used to smoking (not that its good for you). You-re body is now getting rid of the toxins left in your body... Coughing is actually like starting a lawnmower - every time you cough its like you-re pulling the ignition on a lawnmower over and over to get it going... thats all your body is doing. When your body senses something is wrong it will cough to try and shudder everything back into place (this is why a lot of people cough whilst vomiting).

hacking up junk in the shower is because you-re body is in a relaxed warm state, its releasing these toxins.

I-m not going to say hey all of this will go away in one month because its different for different people but it will happen mate.

desire to smoke a cigarette will never go away. However the power to say no or ignore those desires should grow stronger! Think of the money you are going to save and the years you will add to your life.

Good luck on your journey I-m sure you will get there and get better mate.
That-s really the million dollar question isn-t it.

Fortunately I think you-re about done with the hacking up nasty junk stage. But you-ll want a cigarette... for... as long as you want one.

It gets to the point of where you actually, dreadfully miss smoking. For me in particular, it-s every time I bump into rush hour traffic. My first instinct has always been, -Light up a smoke.-

If you stay strong, and don-t give in. You-ll eventually find yourself grossed out by them. If you smell them on a friend who smokes or get into a car that-s been smoked in. The smell and even the feel may even be nauseating. I guess that-s when you aren-t going to want one any more.

As far as feeling better... Technically your body does feel better; it-s just your mindset that makes it seem the opposite.
Smoking is like kicking herione..... the want will always be with you. Eventually it gets worse before better. The steam in the shower is loosening nasty stuff built up. I have totally quite after twenty something years of smoking abuse. It has been a few years an soon your body might start to reject smoking like mine has. The desire is still there when I take a drag nowa days I get sicker than chit. Replace your cravings with healthy eatting and exercise. Spend the money that you would have spent on smokes on something other than smokes. I would say a gym but that is a commitment some cannot make. Put the money toward healthy alternatives. Open a bank account, savings account if you don-t already have one because that extra cash on hand makes it easy to buy a pack of smokes. If you just have an ATM card instead of a card you can use in a store. Makes obtaining smokes that much more difficult. Drink more fruit juices, rather than coffee, I choose coffee an soon had a caffine problem; I stopped smoking an drank two 8cup pots of coffee a day. Sunflower seeds are not good, messy an the salt creates health problems. Chewing gum gets tie-er-ing fast. Always remember that the stress will pass an that each moment without that smoke prolongs your life- maybe. Dn-t worry about the weight gain concentraite on smoke loss an if you fail.... try again as soon as possible to quite. I followed these steps an cold turkey worked best for me. Drink plenty of water too.... tea is good.
I hate to tell you this but it took me almost 3 months to feel better... as far as the with draw part was concerned. Now as far as my body, I felt better within a few weeks but unfortunately the desire to smoke I still deal with everyday and I quit in November of 07. There are times I would love to pick up a pack, especially when hanging out with others that smoke. I even have times I cant hang out with them because the temptation is too much for me to handle. I dont have the cough as much now but it took about 6 months for that to go away. But then again I smoked a pack a day for over 15 years. I-m sorry I dont have a happier answer for you but this is how my experience with it has been but now that I know I can do it I-m never gong back. Stay strong, you can quit too.
Hang in there. I smoked 2 pax/day, for 22 years. After three months- you won-t even think about a cigarette, only if you find a HEALTHY diversion by then. I took up cycling. A serious cyclist will never want to smoke, ever again. Cycling also prevented me from gaining any weight-in fact, I lost more weight than I would ever imagine.....60lbs!

The hacking cough and lung chunks will go away, after about nine months. Even almost three years after quitting- I still spit-out loogies, but not as nasty as before. Congrats on quitting. Take 2000mg of vitamin C every day, to heal lung tissue. You just upped your life expectancy, by 10 more years....just by quitting!!!
It takes time, things don-t just happen overnight. There will be times where you would feel like you wan-t to smoke, but if you use patches and stay away from cigarettes you-ll be fine. If you don-t get the urge of smoking than you-re not addicted which would be a good thing. It really depends on your body whether you-re addicted or not. If you are it-s going to hard.
I-m not sure when your cough will go away but hang in there. I-m always quitting smoking but relapsed due to illness. I find that as long as I wash my hands frequently, drink lots of water, and have healthy snacks on-hand, my cravings aren-t so bad. I would suggest altering your routine a bit and stay away from smokers. I think the important step is deciding that you want to quit, so way to go! Also, do some online research. There are lots of support groups and tips all over the net.

If you don-t smoke you don-t know what its like. Your nasty comments don-t help
First of all GOOD JOB! I-m proud of you!

It may take a while (a few months) you-ve got a lot of junk to get out of your lungs and it doesn-t happen overnight. As far as the desire to smoke...you-ll probably get to the point that you don-t want to consider going back on your promise to yourself and will enjoy knowing that you-re getting healthier each day.

Give yourself some time...you smoked for 10 years give your body some time to heal and you will feel so good.

I quit 2 years ago and it took me about 1 month to stop carving ciggs. Gum really really helped me and candy. I gained like 20 lbs but it was worth it. I only smoked for about 4 years so I don-t currently have health problems just yet. But you may have some permanatent damage to your lungs try to get to the dr.
2 weeks. That was when I stopped wanting a cigarette every time I got into my car. Seems like 2 weeks was the point at which wanting to smoke wasn-t dominating my thoughts anymore and I fully settled into a non-smoking routine. It-s been 4 years and I still have an occasional craving. But they-re pretty rare and don-t last long.

It took a month for my lungs to clear completely. It-s amazing how much better you feel when you finally get all the gunk out of there.

Good luck!
Good for you. I quit 5 years ago after a 20 year habit. I won-t lie to you, it took a while for the cravings to go away, but they did. I think I started to feel better after about a month. Keep it up - it does get better. I started walking everyday to keep my mind of it and as a bonus, I didn-t gain any weight.
I smoked a pack or more of camel no filter cigs from age 16 to about 35. I reckon that it took me about 2 months to feel an appreciable difference. After about a month, I had no urge to smoke again.

Good luck with this. It is not easy, but you cannot imagine how much healthier I feel. For your own peace of mind, go get a check up from your doctor in about 6 months.
I heard it takes 7 years for it to clear out of your system..ya know like ur lungs completely clear. Also they say the 1st couple days are the hardest..then the 1st couple weeks...but if uve gone that long you should be able to keep it up. Although when u see someone smoking thats what really makes u want one..some people always still have the desire to smoke and it never goes away for a while u just gotta fight it. My mom has been done over 20 yrs and she still smokes occasionally-not a lot tho
Wow. Well my mother in law quit 19 years ago when my daughter was born. She told me just the other day that she still gets intense cravings and she still has the cough and asthma. She no longer coughs -junk- up unless she-s sick. Keep it up you-re doing great and good luck.
for cravings to go away, it depends on how much you smoked,,, i only smoked about 3 or 4 cigs a day and the cravings went away after two weeks,, completely. it was a hard two weeks, but of course well worth it,,, as far as coughing stuff up,,you might be better off asking a dr, i really am not sure sorry.


Here is a timeline that tells you what you can expect to be better by certain time periods. (It-ll take a month - a year before you should expect your cough to completely subside)
its about a month for me now (one day at a time) and the junk that comes up has sorta been slowing down now for a couple of days. my Rabbi told me that it took him ten years of no smoking for him to have no craving.
all i can say is -good luck to us-!
a month after quitting you will stop coughing and start breathing deeper. you will probably always want to smoke, most people do. however i have no desire to after one year.
Hey man you want to speed up the repair of your lungs, go running, or play basketball, if will force you lungs to get rid of all the tar building up that inhibits the proper elasticity. Take vitimans also and drink alot of water
my da smoked for 36 yrs and u get sick right after u stop but with in a month i kno its long but ur vision will improve ull feel all around bttr and ull smell better! haha i hope u stop its the best thing u could do for u and ur fam
You should feel a bit better already - soon your lungs will clear, you won-t become winded walking up a flight of stairs, your sense of smell and your sense of taste will return, etc. You already don-t stink anymore!! Good luck!!
my dad smoked for 30 years and quit cold turkey about 4 years ago. it took him a few years to adjust, and he still gets cravings. keep it up though, you-re doing great!
probably a month
stay strong though
I say eat butterscotch candies or something everytime you have a craving. then you will start wanting those instead
Congrats!!! I have heard people say that it gets easier and better as days go by... I am not a smoker but I know that you can do it, just hang in there!
It will get better soon...
well it depends on the person id suggest chewing gum or eating popsicles that helped my father in law so much.

good luck and congrats :)
i heard it takes 21 days to start a habit... maybe it takes 21 days to quit :)

Good luck ive been there b4
its not something that comes all of a sudden. just keep trying to not smoke and sooner or later you-ll see it has finally paid off!
Youu Shouldent even Smoke in the First Place
I quit smoking after 10 yrs and today is day 7. My question is when am I going to start feeling better? -

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

What is the best way to quit smoking? -

Cold turkey. Unfortunately, the only way you can quit is when YOU really want to. If others want you to or you-re just thinking about it, it-ll never happen no matter what method you use. Just make it up in your mind that this is what you really want to do and you WILL be able to do it. Best wishes.
Never start.
ok what you do is the patch or the gum or if you really wanna quit then put every sigerete on some stairs and stump your very hardest thats how my daddy should of stopped but he just took the gum!!!
There-a book by Allan Carr that will make you quit cold turkey. A book you say..that won-t work. Trust me it will

Good luck !
One of the hospitals in your area may offer a Stop Smoking program. That-s how I quit over 18 years ago. Cold turkey, no problem. Please check into it.


Good luck
cold turkey is by far the best way. but it takes self control, don-t allow yourself to smoke under any circumstances, not even if you-ve had a few drinks. tell your friends to smack you if they see you smoking. the second and third weeks are usually the worst, but if you can go a month then you-re most of the way to being free! take it one day at a time... your typical craving will last no more than 5 minutes, so once one hits, do something. play some music, call somebody, dance, punch the wall, kick a baby, anything!

lollipops, sunflower seeds, baby carrots also work for the whole hand to mouth desire that is developed by smoking. good luck!
What is the best way to quit smoking? -