How do I quit smoking for good? -

Thursday, April 14, 2016

How do I quit smoking for good? -

I-ve been smoking for 2 years. I should have listened to the very addictive part of the equation. I tried the patch and it gave me horrible realistic nightmares. (one of the side effects) I tried will that lasted two months before I got stressed out enough to go back. I-ve tried tappering off but the night finds me puffing like chimney! My husband hates my smoking. Got any other ideas? The gum is not an option.
Hi Nesha...

first of all congrats on your decision to quit.. its a biggie!!!! in reality there is no wrong way to quit.. all methods work for some.. i smoked a lot longer than you did and tried a number of times to quit, as well as used most of the methods out there..

to date i have been tobacco free for over 5 years now.. the difference this time ,is that i quit trying to do it alone, and joined a support group.. i attend nicotine anonymous meetings both locally and on line.. on line voice meetings are as close as your computer, and your welcome at meetings while still smoking..

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
I recommend cold turkey..... Do a google search for quitting smoking. I found that the -fits- only last for about 3 minutes for the average person and if you can just remember that they will end soon.... you will be ok.... I am on week 3 myself and I-m really not thinking about cigarettes that often now. After 3 or 4 days it was bearable. Also remember that you can never have another cig. Don-t drink and think -Just 1 will be ok-
I quit cold turkey 3 weeks ago, but it was a little easier because I was real sick. I-m still having some urges, but nothing that I cannot deal with. I-m trying to avoid things that I associated with smoking. When all else fails, try googling smokers lungs, or something like that, and look at the pictures.
I have been using green smoke for a while now and i can tell u its 100% a healthier alternative than smoking! no carcinogens carbon monoxide or tar, just nicotine and u can use it to ween yourself off if u like....... but the best part is it looks and feels like u are really smoking but its just water vapour!! check out the website and read up on the benefits I-m sure u will be as impressed as i was!!! u can also use this code disc10-7097 to get 10% off the price should u decide to join us green smokers lol hope this helps…

-Start another habit/addiction, like chewing gum or something.
-Watch some horror video clips of damaged or destroyed black lungs to scare yourself.
-Resist buying them (Easier said then done, I know.. but it-s really all it takes to help stop.)

It-s all in the mind. Just be strong.
you just have to decide enough is enough..I smoked for 2 yrs and quit just like that while smoking I did feel the need for a cig but after I decided no more I would just fight the urge. now I hate it when people smoke near me.
For you to quit smoking your really must want to there is no magic pill you can take. But if you want to read a good blog and ask questions take a look at this
Hi if you really want to quit smoking fast watch this video and make it favorite.

It-s not mine, but it is really good, and helpful.
Step it up *****
Is called having the will to stop sorry but is the only way no patch no pills will help you.
Pretend that smoking thing is bad luck.Or start a habbait.(or habbat)
why the **** did you start in the first place
give me all your money and you will have no choice lol

but good luck !
How do I quit smoking for good? -