Quitting smoking: what helped you most during the first few weeks? -

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Quitting smoking: what helped you most during the first few weeks? -

I-m in the middle of family members quitting. What helped you to quit and what was really helpful from others when trying to quit?
I smoked two packs a day and quit a little over year ago...

It will be different for each person but it was important for me for those around me to understand and tolerate my complete and utter cruelty. Please keep in mind that when they lose their patience, their nerve, etc it is likely that you have done NOTHING to trigger the emotion but they may take it out on you. I-m not saying its ok but it you fight back it only makes it worse. I-m only sharing this as it sounds like you want to be as supportive as you can and this is one way.

Also the first few days my husband (a non smoker) and I went places where there is no smoking (museums etc) so that it wasn-t an option and I didn-t see/smell it around me.

Good luck and thanks for supporting a soon to be non smoker!
I chewed nicotine gum. The first day is the hardest. If you can go one day, you can do two and then three. Take one day at a time. Try to keep yourself busy and deviate from your routine.
My dad chewed on wintergreen lifesavers.

Of course, the biggest help would be not having any cigarettes around. Throw -em all out.

I never smoked before and I never will. but i heard that chewing gum
helps to quit smoking.
I quit two months ago for health reasons. My suggestions would be Nicorette and blowing bubbles.
Quitting smoking: what helped you most during the first few weeks? -