My Q. is, I am a 52 yr. old and have quit smoking after 40 yrs. I would like to know if I will get my health? -

Saturday, June 25, 2016

My Q. is, I am a 52 yr. old and have quit smoking after 40 yrs. I would like to know if I will get my health? -

(cont.) back. My lungs are full of crud and make it hard to breath, or will I get the elasticity back?
First of all, congratulations on quitting! That is a huge first step, and you will be happy to know that there are TONS of health benefits to doing so. Here are some of them (the time indicates what happens this long after quitting!)

20 minuted = Blood pressure drops, temperature normalizes
8 hours =carbon monoxide levels drop to normal
2 weeks= Circulation improves, heart attack risk decreases
3 months = 30% increase in lung function
9 months = Cough, congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath and risk of infections decreases

1 year = Chance of heart attack cut in half
5 years = Stroke and cervical cancer risk almost that of non-smoker

10 years= Lung and larynx cancer risk cut in half
15 years= Heart attack almost that of a non-smoker
20 years= Oral cancer risk that of a never-smoker

As you can see, there are great benefits to quitting, so keep up the good work! I would recommend that you go see your doctor to let them know the progress you have made and see if anything is wrong (why you are having trouble breathing). Also, try to encourage others to go down the same path as you!
not fully but some
My Q. is, I am a 52 yr. old and have quit smoking after 40 yrs. I would like to know if I will get my health? -