How can I quit smoking and not gain weight? -

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

How can I quit smoking and not gain weight? -

Some years ago I hadn-t smoked for about 8 months, but I gained about 10 Kg. I want to quit again, hopefully for good, but I-m afraid I-ll have the same problem. Could you give some good tips for quitting,too? Thanks!
i asked the same exact question two days ago and they told me only one third gain, one third lose , and one third stay the same. eat less calories, like you are on a diet for about three weeks. drink a ton of water and exercise. dont replace cigarettes with food. I know, I am scared of that too and I am going to try the suggestions. go to this website. American Cancer or ACS. com I forgot. for tips. Your metabolism does slow down, but not so drastically you should gain weight. well, best wishes!
just quit your better off
You can-t
if you figure that one out let me know I would greatly appreciate the info. As far as quitting goes I-ve tried three times and when I start to gain weight I freak and start again. Sorry I know I-m no help.
How can I quit smoking and not gain weight? -