How do I quit smoking without using Nicorette Patches Therapy? -

Thursday, June 18, 2020

How do I quit smoking without using Nicorette Patches Therapy? -

put the cigarettes down and just walk away ... just that simple
Is there a reason why you don-t want to use the patch? I-ve heard good things about it. There are prescriptions available to help kick the cheimcal addiction, but that won-t help the physical habit of smoking if you don-t have the willpower. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck. Quitting smoking is an extremely healthy and important thing to do, I really hope you succeed in doing this. Talk to your doctor about all your options.
I don-t know whether this will help, but when I wanted to quit smoking, I picked a date a few months into the future-July 4, fro example. From the time I picked the date, I told everyone and myself repeatedly that was the day I would smoke my last cigarette. I told myself this tons of times. Then, on the date, I smoked a cigarette and said to myself, this is the last cigarette I am ever going to smoke. That-s it. I threw away the rest of the pack and quit right then. That was about 7 years ago, and I have smoked about 3 cigarettes since then, but they tasted disgusting, and I believe I-m really done--even though I do sometimes wish I still smoked...I guess the desire never truly goes away completely. Good luck!
Well, first you gotta go through this whole psychological turmoil of -should i die from smoking- or -should i not die from smoking-. And then, you have to determine, that -will i die slowly with the dreaded E disease (emphysema) or will I have a sudden heart attack and develop congestive heart failure (which could take years to die from while you gain 20 to 30 pounds of water each day which must be drained in a hospital). I am seriously having a hard time deciding for you. YOU DECIDE! IS YOUR LIFE WORTH NOTHING? THEN KEEP SMOKING! And stay away from my pink lungs! (HAHA i quit many years ago! got pregnant and it made me SICK!). Maybe you could get your doctor to induce pregnancy.
How do I quit smoking without using Nicorette Patches Therapy? -