Quit smoking now my lungs hurt? -

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Quit smoking now my lungs hurt? -

I quit smoking about 2 weeks ago, I had a hard time breathing so I quit. It seems now since I quit I still breath the same, but my lungs hurt worse than they ever have. Is that normal when you quit smoking
I-ve never smoked, but numerous friends of mine who smoked for years and finally quit all went through exactly what you describe. It-s perfectly normal. Your lungs are clearing themselves out of all the gunk that-s been building up in them, and it may take them a while to adjust. For the friends I speak of, this phase varied from a few weeks to a few months from person to person. But not one of them regretted it once they got past that stage. They were all amazed at how much better they felt in the end. Stay with it, don-t give up.
1.Your lungs need time to clear up. They will never be 100% clear but they will hopefully get better with time.
2.You may have developed asthma.
See a doctor
Your lungs are used to the tar and the smoke that you inhaled everyday. Now that you have quit, they are pretty upset that you don-t smoke anymore...
I made your lungs sound like they have a mind of their own...sorry!
i think you should consult your doctor about this, but well done for quitting, dont give up giving up
I am a smoker and i quit before so i went thought same thing you did. I experienced chronic coughing and chest pains and i was goin nutz all along. That is part of a processes when you clearing your system from this particular drug. Cigarettes is like a drug that have a lot of bad stuff and because you go through certain uncomfortable conditions at this moment shouldnt be an excuse to start back up. You doing good. Good luck!
yes u may even cough up a lil blood after u quit as well its all the tar coming out of u from the cigs
Not normal. Maybe your lungs are expanding more than they are used to. Regardless go to the Dr right now and hopefully they will order xrays and pulmonary function studies to make sure you are ok. Good luck!
Yes, the damage has been done...
you see i know this guy who quit smoking for about 2 weeks, then he had a smoke, he said that ppl on yahoo answers said that the burning would go away if he had a smoke. I beg to differ. It might have something to do with your car, but again, i-m not an expert, its just my opinion.
It is perfectly normal. Your lungs are now purging all of the crap that you breathed in for how ever long you smoked.

You may have coughing fits as they work to push out all of the pollutants.
Don-t be alarmed at the amount of stuff you cough up. Once this passes, you-ll be glad you did it.
call your doctor.and good you quit,as long as you put your mind to it you can do anything.*
Looks like some sort of withdrawl. If you smoke again, then lungs hurting will eventually become cancer or emphasyma. Are there any patches or tobacco gun available? That should help with the cravings.
you may have done some kind of damage to your lungs. go to the doc
Talk to a doctor and have your chest x-rayed
yup,,start up it will fix it............geezzz!
Whenever I quit smoking (I used to smoke for years, and I-d take a break here and there for months at a time) it would hurt much worse at first. My cough would get worse and I would just feel terrible. But it passes and then you wake up feeling amazing, and fresh! So keep it up and don-t ever start it up again! Bravo to you! :)
it because you us to smoke
No. Go to the doctor.
Your body needs to get used to that you have quit smoking. Your lungs maybe are damaged already, you should go to the doctor and he will performed some test to check everything. Remember that your lungs are responsible to exhale the CO2 gas and they are our air purifiers.
I-m not sure about the pain, but if your lungs were huting before, it makes sense that they still might be. I also quit smoking recently, and it seemed that for the 1st 4 weeks, I felt like I had a worsening cough. Basically, it was just my body trying to get rid of all the guck that-s in there. During the 1st few months, you-ll notice slight changes...but better ones also. Taste, smell, etc. Here-s a link that might shed some light.:


If your still worried about it though, I-d go see a health professional. You never can be too careful with your health, especialy with all the problems attributed to smoking. Good Luck, and Congratulations!
Please do not start smoking again. Your difficulty will go away in another week . Drink plenty of water and try relaxing.
It is just a passing face. great that you decided to quit smoking. Never Give Up!!!!!!Good luk ,Keep going firm,regards
i would start smoking again!!
i was watcing this show the other day and this lady was like 90 years old and started smoking when she was 20 !=]
Quit smoking now my lungs hurt? -