How much weight will I gain after quitting smoking? -

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

How much weight will I gain after quitting smoking? -

I quit smoking over 24 hours ago. I am female. 5-6- about 135lbs. I have never been overweight a day in my life. I only gained 22 lbs when i was pregnant and lost it all after the baby. I know excersize and eat right, but if i do these things now matter what am I going to gain weight after quiting smoking?
I quit 5 years ago and I didn-t gain any weight - but I did start exercising and eating better when I quit. I think sometimes people replace smoking with food and blame quitting smoking on thier weight gain. Keep up the good work - it will be worth it.
people normally gain weight after they quit smoking because they replace cigarettes with food.
i quit once, but i was pregnant, so i dont really know how much weight gain was just from not smoking.
lets just say i gain 50+ lbs when i was pregnant. 10lbs within the 1st month (which i blame on quitting) But i started back up after my son was 3 months old. (hes almost 4 now, and i am still smoking)
a lady in my office quit a few months ago, and i would say she has probably gained about 10-15lbs from what she has talked about.
if you can fight replacing smoking for food, stay on your diet and keep exercising then you should be okay.

good luck!
I didn-t gain any weight.. but that is because I am taking Chantix. It stops that craving sensation you get from withdrawals. This also is why you eat so much when you quit you are trying to replace it. The Chantix does make me a bit tired but it gets better. And do not take it on an empty stomach! It has been the only way i-ve been able to quit smoking.
It depends a lot on your body makeup. Yours sounds ok to me. When I stopped 7 years ago I gained very little but everyday life and work got rid of it. Good luck and keep the willpower up.
if you eat to get away from smoking, well you know what the out come will be
sorry.. i dont get your question.
How much weight will I gain after quitting smoking? -