How to quit smoking? -

Saturday, June 27, 2020

How to quit smoking? -

I have been smoking for 18 years now and I do want quit, but it is so hard to give up the habit. I have tried cold turkey, medicine, (which worked for cutting back) and nicotine patches and gum. What can I do to quit for good?
Take the pill Chantix.You only have to take two a day and they work.Also,go to
i dont smoke but those around me that did when they quit they did it cold turkey.

my granny started chew bubble gum
my aunt saw my baby sister put a crayon in to imatate her

scare tactets seem to work
slowly cut down say forinstance you smoke 20 a day do 1 or 2 weeks of 18 then one or two weeks of 16 and go down and down by 2

hope this helps:)
Nicotine takes 48 hours to leave your system despite what the major money makers would have you believe. I used one tube of the Committ lozenges to quit the nicotine addiction. After that it-s in your head. I put one bead (a favorite one of mine) and tied to an elastic on my wrist. Every time I got a craving I snapped it against my wrist bone. Takes your mind off the craving. I had quit for about two weeks and then used hypnosis to reinforce myself.
Best of luck.
Eat lots of onion. It has two benefits , 1: you will quit smoking as well as you blood will get purified.

Its a home remidy

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How to quit smoking? -