What are some tips for my mom to quit smoking? -

Saturday, June 27, 2020

What are some tips for my mom to quit smoking? -

i-m gettin reallly depressed it makes me want o kill myself when she dies
and i-m 13
Tell her to drink more coffee. Caffeine acts on the same pleasure centers in your brain as nicotine. It should be a good substitute.
There is a new drug on the market called Chantix. It works. Some prescription companies are starting to cover it. If she really wants to quit it will work! It is kinda expenseive at first but its well worth it in the end.
NO SUBSTITUTES! just get her a book. best $15 you-ll ever spend. worked on me, and i didn-t even want to quit! lol


Try a Yahoo search for -how to quit smoking-.
What are some tips for my mom to quit smoking? -