I want to quit smoking but smoking keeps my weight down, what do I do? -

Thursday, May 19, 2005

I want to quit smoking but smoking keeps my weight down, what do I do? -

I want to quit smoking and resort to the nicotine inhaler but I-m afraid I-m going to be fat again, this is one of my worst fears. I have been smoking for 2 years. What do you have to say...?
-Chantix- You can get a script from your doctor. To keep off the weight eat healthy foods and get moderate exercise.
Find other things to do with your hands.
Also when the craving starts, drink a large glass of water. It will curb the craving.
It takes willpower and the desire to really quit. Stop telling yourself cigarettes keep the weight off. YOU can keep the weight off!
Have confidence in yourself!
EXERCISE! I quit 6 months ago after 30 years of smoking and exercised another 20 pounds off afterwards. I-m not selling anything - go to my blog to see how I did it: www.bazookajeff.com

The exercising made me want to quit so I could breath, I then added in a six meal a day diet of healthy food which removed the binging which is where I always bulked up with every other failed attempt to quit.

Good luck!
trade nicotine for caffeine, it easier to get off of and will still keep your metabolism high. just be careful and good luck, you can do it. exercise helps too (curbs your appetite).
Why would you get fat? Just eat healthy and get plenty of moderate exercise. But think about it. Smoking is not only keeping your weight down, but your health too. Theirs nothing wrong with a little meat on your bones. :/
Drink lots of water,keep low calorie snacks on hand,ie: celery,carrots,un buttered popcorn. Do your best to pick up your activity level.
chewing gum
don-t buy cigarette
don-t look at somebody while they smoke
just keep something in your mouth for around 3 months

Lung cancer sure will make you lose a lot of weight.
Stop now.
I want to quit smoking but smoking keeps my weight down, what do I do? -