What are ways to quit smoking and which way is the best? -

Friday, April 11, 2008

What are ways to quit smoking and which way is the best? -

Try putting having that first cigarette off until after you have had a shower. Then put it off until after a cup of coffee. Continue to do this until you realize you have postponed having one for a couple of hours. Justify if you can wait that long you can wait just a while longer, and so on and so forth. When I decided to quit I let other people know I was making this decision it helped me stick to it because I didn-t want to seem weak. I kept an unopened pack on hand just in case but never dug into it. I had to stay away from places where other people were smoking because the temptation was too intense. Other people have used a substitute like the patch, nicorette gum, sunflower seeds, and suckers. My dad and his wife quit together and used each other for moral support. Anyway you do it expect a few weeks of bitterness and stress. When it is all over you will be proud of yourself for sticking to it.
There many ways to quit smoking and some of them are as follows;

# Nicotine replacement Therapy (NRT)

* Nicotine Nasal Sprays
* Nicotine Patches
* Nicotine Gum
* E-Cigarette

# Natural Ways to stop smoking

* Herbs
* Cold turkey
* Hypnosis
* Acupuncture

Which one of those is best depends on each individual. It all depends on you. Factors to consider include side effects of each, your budget, pre-existing conditions e.g heart disease, diabetes, pregnancy and so on. It-s best to discuss with your doctor in the context of your individual circumstances.

The truth of the matter is that everyone who has ever quit smoking has used any one of those methods and they have worked or failed. So someone out there has either a positive or negative experience with each method making it difficult to put your fingers on the best one. It becomes a wild goose chase. Am sure you don-t want that. See your doctor armed with the information above.

my two cents: hope it helps:)

p/s i did some contributory writing to the source below.
Talk to your doctor. My pharmacy prescribes a lot of medications that greatly kill the withdrawal symptoms. Being a smoker myself and slowing having more and more trouble walking the line between addiction and social smoking, Welbutrin and chantix work well. The biggest problem is night terrors. People come back telling me of the horrifying dreams they had on the medication.

One thing that a friend of mind did was smoke marijuana when he wanted a cigarette. He would not get totally stoned off of it but he would catch enough of a buzz that he would not feel the withdrawal symptoms. Eventually he would just seem to smoke up at the times when he would normally have smoked. After that he would find other things to do to fill the gap of where he would be spending time smoking. It is not only about breaking the addiction, but breaking the habit that develops with it.
look up e-cig (not a seller, only a user) and about 1/2 million more are using.
the e-cig is a electronic cigarette that lets you smoke(vapor) flavored nicotene.

get your nicotene, lets you smoke, no stink/smell, no second hand smoke, no tar/carbon/chemicals/ect.

go to this forum and have your eyes opened at the other side, where smoking is good and safe and satisfing.

havent smoked a real cigarette in 2 months and not the slightlest interested in it. And enjoying my new e-cig much better.

this forum has all the info you need. it also has all the info you need to find the e-cig for you(does not promote any one company or product), all user reviews.
I smoked for 15 years and quit 1 year ago. So far, it sucks and I imagine it will always somewhat suck. I finished a pack and haven-t smoked another cigarette since. I quit cold turkey. No gum, no patch, no gadgets, no meds. I figured, if yer gonna quit, you might as well QUIT. To me, all of that crap is just a cop-out used by people who either don-t totally want to quit or don-t think they can on their own.
Image your Dr told you, if you smoke another cigarette then you will die tomorrow. Now every time you feel the urge, just think on that.
the patches!
those helped me..
if you wear one then u cant smoke or else ur likely to get a heart attack..
that just scared me so i wore them for about 2 months
What are ways to quit smoking and which way is the best? -