Can hookah help you quit smoking? -

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Can hookah help you quit smoking? -

someone told me that hookah smoke has no nicotine and if you want to quit smoking you should smoke hookah for a while, and if this true, is hookah smoke harmful for you?
It kills your brain cells.

So, I guess that would be a yes it is harmful!
I know several people that once they started smoking hookah, they never picked it up cigarettes again, including myself!

They went form 1-2 packs a day to 4-6 bowls a week. The equivalent to half a pack of cigarettes as far as nicotine content and none of those disgusting chemicals.

Hookah teaches you to slow down and be patient. It helps remove the stress reaction that people have and the need to use cigarettes to off set it.

For more info on the dangers of hookah check out…

It-s a newer study than the Mayo Clinic-s study and more objective, obviously. (Mayo is has a big anti-smoking supporter)

smoke is smoke.. hookah is not as harmful as cigarette smoke though.
Its true I have heard that hookah can help you smoke but you can carry around Hookah everywhere you go... I-m pretty sure your gonna want to smoke after dinner somewhere and where is your hookah gonna be at?

best way to quit smoking... Cold Turkey you will feel Sh**ty for a while but you-ll get it dont.. keep reminding yourself that you dont need it.. Keep a pack with only one in there... just look at it smell it just so u get a bit of a feel of it.. but COLD TURKEY try it.. or just go get the patch
LOL.... sorry but no... smoke contains harmful substances so either way it can kill ya. I-m taking Chantix and it working. I am down from a pack or more a day to 2 smokes a day. I-m no longer addicted it-s just a habit now and soon these 2 will be history. It-s hard... good luck!
I don-t know if hookah smoke contains nicotine or not, but all you would be doing is replacing one oral fixation for another. That-s why many smokers use something to take the oral fixation away, such as gum or hard candies when they are trying to quit smoking.
A hookah is just another name for a water pipe. When you draw on the mouthpiece the smoke goes from the bowl through a water bowl which is supposed to render the smoke less harsh. The smoke will still have the nicotine in it.
Can hookah help you quit smoking? -