I have lupus, how can I get my mother to quit smoking? -

Thursday, November 10, 2016

I have lupus, how can I get my mother to quit smoking? -

Since I have lupus, breathing in secondhand smoke is a double whammy! It angers me to see my mother smoke... I don-t understand why an otherwise healthy person would even start this horrible addiction... How can I get her to quit?
Smoking is a strong addiction. It is harder to quit cigarettes than heroin, so I have heard. You might have to calmly sit with her and kindly speak to her, tell her that her second hand smoke is very dangerous for you and that you are worried about her health and future as well, then research which quitting alternatives you might want to try, with you supporting and helping her. There are lozenges, gum, etc. with nicotine in them to help curb the nicotine addiction, along with things like hypnosis or acupuncture or many other methods that people try. Best of luck to you!
Maybe some of these facts can convince your mother to quit:
1. Touching your child or simply being in the same room as your child can still be detrimental to their health because the smoke clinging to you is emitting harmful chemicals into the air.
2. The toxins that clinging smoke emit into the air are known as environmental tobacco smoke or ETS. They can be re-suspended and can be in vapor-phase components, which in turns causes the smoke to be inhaled repeatedly.
3. Children’s bodies are most susceptible to the affects of ETS. ETS has also been linked to SIDS, ADHD, poor cognitive performance in school, mental retardation, behavioral disorders.
I think you should just have her switch to e.cigarette. First, it doesn-t have full bueqet of all other additives harmfull to health and only delivers nicotine needed to smoker.
Name of the company is Cigana
I have lupus, how can I get my mother to quit smoking? -