Seriouslly, whats the easiest way to quit smoking? -

Monday, July 17, 2017

Seriouslly, whats the easiest way to quit smoking? -

I-ve tried countless techniques to quit and am still smoking. Only answer this question if you have quit smoking yourself. Tell me what works and what works the best. I want to quit!

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements
A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.” Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins
I used patches and got away from everything I normaly did. Helps if is no one else is around with smokes. Really, really got to want to quit. Ended up needing only 4 patches and its been 13 years. I smoked 2 packs a day.
I-m sorry to tell you this: THERE-S NO EASY WAY TO STOP SMOKING. Nicotine is very addictive. I stopped cold turkey. It has been 2 years. It was not easy at all. Even now, I sometimes feel the urge to smoke although not as often as when I first stopped smoking.

Remember that you have to deal with the physiological as well as with the psychological effects of smoking. The physiological part doesn-t last as long as the psychological part. Nicotine leaves the body approximately 3 days after you stop smoking. But if you always smoke when you are on the phone, for instance, it might take a little longer to get used to talking on the phone without a cigarette to keep you company.

If you are still smoking after countless techniques to quit, I believe you really don-t want to stop.

I cannot tell you what works and what works the best. That depends entirely on each person.

However, I can tell you to go to or any other search engine, enter -smoking cessation.-. You will find millions of websites that might have the answer you are looking for.

I am 100% sure that quitting smoking will be one of the best things you will ever do for yourself. Think about some of the benefits: you will save a lot of money, you-ll be healthier, no bad breath, you will be healthier, no smelly clothes, you will be healthier.

Did I mention that you will be healthier?
You-ve got a lot of answers, let me add this: in health one size does not fit all. This means that pharmacotherapy is individualized, said in simple words, what is suitable for you could not be perfectly suitable for me, as well.
If you want my opinion, browse the previous answers in order to get informed on what is going on at this field and then ask a specialist about it.
I think that a live discourse with a specialist who will evaluate your case - at the moment that you are well informed - is the best solution in your case.
If you feel that you want to refer here the methods that you have tried and why they have failed to you, be sure that I will answer, in the limit of my abilities.
You see, the case history is indinspensable, in order to do good work!
And I think that this is a very interesting topic and you will receive also other answers.

I smoked for 33 years and have been quit 15 months. I had tried many times to quit and always failed. I finally talked to my doctor and told him I -needed- help. He prescribed Welbuterin. I took it for one month before I tried to quit, then I set a date and quit. No panic attacks, no jitters, no ill moods. I took the prescription for another month then quit that. I had tried EVERYTHING else.
You need to find the proper motivation. That-s the key. You-ll never quit if you don-t REALLY want to. I suggest cold turkey. Start on a weekend (a weeks vacation is better). Chain smoke as much as you can stand the night before your quit date. It-s gonna suck and it-s gonna be hard, but it can be done. Don-t set yourself up to have a scapegoat for failure other than yourself (the patch just didn-t work... that hypnotist was a scam... etc).
No doubt, the patch is the thing. I only needed 7 of them. But be warned....take them OFF at night. I had hellacious nightmares from them....and that-s when I got to sleep. Truth told, they were a little like speed for me. First day I stayed awake 23 hours, slept 4, stayed awake 26 hours, slept on and so on. (Wound up dropping 7 lbs that week alone from having so much energy and getting so much done.) Take them off 1/2 hour before bed and you should be in the clear for nightmares. They were not unique to me either, LOTS of people experience sleep disturbances but! If 7 measly patches helped me kick a 20 yr pack a day habit, worth a few boogeymen, right?
Use the patch. You can get it at any drug store and it really works.

It-s well worth the money and can aid in your addiction by slowly weening yourself off nicotine.
I quit for 11 months so far.
I was able to quit through exercise. I ran for 6 mins within a 1/2 hour of time. run for 1 min walk for 4 mins. after a week or two increase your run for 1.5 mins walk for 3.5. when you feel comfortable continue adding time to your run and decrease time for walking. It was very difficult at first but then it got easier once i tossed the cigarettes.
Within a few months I was running 3 miles after work on weekends up to 8. I also signed up at a health club and began swimming. just like the running slow and steady with little increases. I-m up to swimming a mile. I also use the stairmasters/treadmills/bikes etc. for variety
I rode a bike to work instead of driving and this was 16 miles round trip. Somedays if able i would run, swim and ride a bike.
I feel so good and naturally high from those activities that I have trouble believing i smoked. i put the cigarette money into the health club/Workout clothes. As a reward to myself i plan on going back to hike a mountain in colorado that kicked my *** when i smoked.
Happy I quit.

Good luck
It comes from you only. You first have to decide that you want to quit smoking - not need to, but this time you really want to. Then it-s easier with some help, and it is proven that programs or counselling help the most, and one of the best programs is at
along with lots of free information to help you stay smoke-free.
Tell all your friends you are quitting and make them nag you bully you and shun you if you start again! Worked for my mum.
seriously to quit smoking is up to each individual,me personally i started to quit with the patch,it was going great but not enough, so i started using smokeless tobacco,i dont smoke but now i like to dip lol,i can breathe but my wife dont like the spit lol.....ummm will power thats all i can say and if you have a home gym try it.if you want a cig go lift weights or work in the yard keep your hands and mind busy
Check into the laser therapy. I tried different techiniques also and none worked. You still need to have your mind set to quit but I wouldn-t have been able to without the laser therapy. 1 month, 7 days tomorrow.

Good Luck
Seriouslly, whats the easiest way to quit smoking? -