Does anyone have good ideas to help quit smoking? -

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Does anyone have good ideas to help quit smoking? -

I have about 4 or 5 cigarettes left, and do not want to buy another pack. Does anyone have any ideas? Help, it-s getting expensive!
I have a briliant idea, but promise you will follow.....

Buy a fresh packet of cigerette.

Then take out all the cigerrettes from and choose one stick

Insert it in you asshole completely.

Schuffle all of them and put them back in packet.

Carry the box in your pocket.

Just remind what you have done before taking a smoke.

Do not buy any packet before it is empty.

HAPPY smoking................................
Aggh, I knew there would be some smartass comment on this.
I hate smoking, so kudos to you for actually asking how to stop and looking for a reasonable answer. If this person hates smoking so much, they should be glad that you-re asking how to stop.
I hope you manage to get there : )

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Chantix. It can only be prescribe by a doctor. It-s expensive, but TRUST me it is worth it. I smoked for five years. I know it-s not long, but I i tried patches and the gum with no success. Although Chantix can be dangerous for some people, for many it is not. See the Chantix website for more research. Only thing that worked for me within three days after it was prescribed. Hope that helped a little.
I recommend cutting down gradually until your quit date. I did this. I cut down to half a pack. I did this for three months. I smoked by the puff, not by the cigarette. I took only the amount of nicotine that was necessary to satisfy my urge to smoke and put the rest of the cigarette out.

After doing this for three months I quit cold turkey.

Now I-m eating more candy to distract me but its been 4 months. I have urges but they don-t last more than a second or two. If they-re lasting more than that then you-re concentrating on the cigarette. Don-t do it. Concentrate on something else.
Hi geri..

grab ahold of a support group, that will help you more than anything.. there are a number of voice meetings on the internet daily!!!

Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
Yep, chew gum or use toothpicks. Every time you want a cigarette put a piece of a pencil in your mouth to imitate a cigarette. Here-s a site with a list of sites for people trying to quit. It may help. ----…

No easy way to it, smoking addiction, unlike a heroin addiction is purely a mind thing, not a physical addiction. As stupid as it may sound you just have to use mind over matter
The nicorette active stop programme is really good. Provides a lot of help and support, and you can either chew gum or use will power. I bought some gum and found that I didn-t even need it!
Count down to 4 cigs per week then gradually count down the numbers,
but its all upto your mind if you make yourself strong you can stop..
A human mind is powerfull enough do anythin...
And ofcourse -Smoking Is Injurious To Health-..
this might help:

try clicking on the -ready to quit?- tab on the right :)

good luck! it should really extend your life expectancy :)
nicoret nicoret you can beat the cigarette
try here

Just think on the damage you-re doing to yourself
google some lungs after smoking and i-m sure you-re gonna quit it!
Read Allan Carr-s book on stopping smoking. Price around $10.00 you won-t need any cigarettes again.
try 8oz orange juice
1 t cream of tarter

drink right before bed

if you don;t believe me, google orange juice + cream of tarter
Tried to reduce smoking firsthand. Use of cigarettes and those remaining from time to time
nicotine gum
Try rolling your own. Much cheaper.
roll your own cigarettes. its way cheaper.
or do heroin
chew gum
use a patch to stop smoking
u can buy em from walgreens!
I-ve seen, here
Does anyone have good ideas to help quit smoking? -