How Can I Help One Million People Quit Smoking ? -

Saturday, February 9, 2019

How Can I Help One Million People Quit Smoking ? -

After the death of Allen Carr I have finally decided to spend some of my free time to help other people BASH THE WEED. I have made a real commitment for the new year to help other people give up as I have.

Due to smoking in 2006 we lost two dear friends and also two of my close family have died of cancer related illnesses in the past. To lose Allen Carr this year was a horrible loss as he has done so much for the cause, he was a titan in the war against the horrible habit.

Also new laws in 2007 will stop smoking in public places in the UK so gives people a real reason to stop. All profits of the website will be used to fund charities and further the products and development of the website.

My goal is to help as many people stop smoking as I can.

So how do you think I could do it?

That is very nice of you wanting to help people stop smoking. I am a smoker and frankly i wish people would put more effort into banning all the adverts on tv showing what fun it is drinking.In all honesty i believe more people get attacked, killed, drunk drivers and aggressiveness are caused by drinking. I have never felt aggro or wanting to beat my hubby to a pulp when i smoke. But go for it. I wish you well, but try doing something about getting the alcohol adverts banned as well. :)))
Well fug me Julia finally says something that makes sense...who is Allen Carr?
i want to stop smoking in the new year. I will need all the help i can get, but i don-t see how you can help me besides handcuffing my hands behind my back. smokers all know it is bad for their health, but constant nagging and adverts on the tv do not help. for me they just seem patronising and childish.
We know its bad, but it is an addiction that needs treatment.
I-m a smoker. I visited your website. With the greatest respect, you need to think again about your approach. Smokers aren-t stupid and ignorant. We know smoking causes cancer, strokes and everything else you mention but clearly, it doesn-t make us stop. Allen Carr, as you rightly say was a titan in the war, but you are no Allen Carr. The fact that you call smoking a -habit- proves you don-t know anything. Allen Carr really knew his stuff. He concentrated on the psychological aspects of addiction.His book was loaded full of theories and thoughts that really do make smokers think. All you-ve done is listed a load of diseases that will stress out smokers. And what do smokers do when they feel stressed?? That-s right. They smoke.
i honestly think that you could not stop a person smoking. they can only do it themselfs once they face up to the true cost to there lifes and fanancialy.
Unfortunatley we all have free will right? No, im sorry my friend but we are not forced to smoke, it is a choice. i personally hate smokers. it is gross, my father quit and it was for the best. unfortunatley cigarettes are like any other addiction people start, only they have the ability to stop. good looking out though. i know what it feels like to loose someone close to you becuase of something so iewyuck!!!
Most young people start smoking because they feel it improves their image. I-d build a campaign that portrays smoking as the most nerdish and naff thing a kid could do. The danger is that marketing in this space can be terribly unpredictable and you can sometimes create an opposite effect to the one intended.

Good luck though!!
shoot them
If you can afford to hand out free nicotine alternatives to people you target, that-ll help them on their way.
Those things are so expensive, it-s no wonder lots of people are put off... They cost more than the cigarettes themselves!
That is a great endeavour, well done you, and good luck!
You can-t.
But tell them this, my story;

I stopped smoking two weeks ago, it-s the best thing i-ve ever done. I feel so much healthier, so much happier, I regret wasting 6 years of my life inhaling that filthy, putrid smoke. I-ll never smoke again, ever.
So long as it is intended as help, with their willing cooperation, that-s a great idea. But the instant it turns to coercen it becomes tyranny. Just like anything else, noone has the right to force another to conform to their beliefs, no matter how well meaning your actions may be.

Try something different, try earning their cooperation through education. You-ll get a lot further than if you try to force them to do what you want and you will not be walking down the path of dictatorship.
You could join other charites and offer your work volunterially, you could set up your own web site, and you could write a little nte to that prime minister of ours, do some marching outside no 10. I will back you up! good on ya mate x
I think the problem is people can only properly quit if they really want to or have a reason close to their heart. I can-t see how anyone can help others give up unless they wish to do so, the only thing you could do is offer support, and arrange for other people quitting to be able to talk to each other and offer tips and advice.....the rest is down to the individual.
Why bother? Every smoker is aware of the risks that he or she takes.
Smoking generates tax revenue and materially shortens lives mainly at a time when the smoker has given up or is about to give up work. Health costs are very low compared to revenue generated and pension saved.
If people wish to pay over the odds for a shorted life of smoking why should anyone interfere?
IM TOTALLY WITH YOU- IVE RECENTLY PUT A QUESTION IN MYSELF BOUT THIS.... we should start a massssive campaign... look how unhealthy we all are. xx
How Can I Help One Million People Quit Smoking ? -