What makes you gain weight when you quit smoking? -

Thursday, February 7, 2019

What makes you gain weight when you quit smoking? -

I havent quit yet, but i want to. The only thing stopping me is the weight gain. What makes you gain the weight? Do people tend to eat more? Or is it just the quitting itself that makes you gain the weight?
Basically you are replacing one habit with another and when you quit many people tend to eat more. plus smoking makes a lot of cravings go away so that you don-t eat when you smoke, but that isn-t in all people. if you are quitting just make sure that your diet stays healthy and you will be ok
The act of quitting smoking doesn-t cause you to start becoming fat or putting on weight it is actually the individual that will put on the weight through their own behaviour. Basically because smoking is an addiction when you suddenly stop you will be reaching for something else to do to produce that same feeling that smoking gives you - usually a release of endorphins or -happy- chemicals - these are very similiar reactions you get from eating. So basically you are replacing smoking with eating - probably high sugar foods as they produce more of these -happy- chemical reactions. A lot of people feel they need to do something with their hands when they are not smoking so to take their mind of it they will go and eat. Your best bet if you are trying to quit is do it slowly and seek professional help as it is extremely difficult.
Firsty, smoking reduces your appetite. So when you quit you will tend to eat more.
Secondly, smoking also increases you metabolic rate, ie the rate at which you burn calories. So when you stop your metabolism slows down and you aren-t burning calories as quickly as you were before.
If you have a healthy diet and exercise regularly then weight gain shouldn-t be too much of a problem
Your body uses a large amount of energy to get the toxins out of your system.

If they are not used they usually get stored.

Get into a great exercise plan when quitting it will help with the endorphins ( natural feel good hormones ) and keep the metabolism up so you don-t put on any weight.
you wont unless you eat more, its only the people who eat every time they crave that maybe put on weight but overall you will be so much healthier dont let it put u off at all! imagine all the money you save as well. i doubt you will put on weight but if you do then as soon as u are fully used to being without cigarettes you can try to lose any weight you put on :) x
Nicotine suppresses the appetite and also speeds up the metabolism, also many people use food as a replacement for cigarettes, I myself was wolfing down dominos pizza every night and eating 5 or 6 dairy milks per day, I gained 2 stone but lost it soon after, very easily. when you first give up your appetite for food can be hard to control but it can be done
i put on 3 stone when i gave up smoking, i was just so hungry all the time, i was craving cigarettes so much i wanted something to blot it out.
i am starting to loose the weight now, and feel much healthier than i ever have because i am not smoking
Nothing makes you gain weight other than yourself, it-s you putting food in your mouth, no one else. You have to control your cravings, some people turn from their addiction to cigarettes to food/comfort eating.
weight gain happens because you tend to eat more because smoking usually makes you eat less
instead of eating chew gum so then you wont put the weight on
Take Up Sport - Go Out Running, Liquorice - Aniseed Helps The Eating Stage Only Reli Lasts Couple Weeks Not Evan That

You tend to pick food more after giving up if you can control that you will be ok good luck if you try
Urban myth - happened to very few people thats all good luck with quitting
food usually makes you gain weight ..... so keep your mouth shut
What makes you gain weight when you quit smoking? -